Friday, December 27, 2019
“Writing to Learn†in a Math Classroom Essay - 889 Words
Theory of â€Å"Write to Learn†Reading and writing are the basis of the original meaning of literacy. This definition, however, changed over time and culture. The term has expanded to include computer literacy, digital literacy, information literacy, health literacy, etc. (Vacca, Vacca, Mraz, 2011). Nevertheless, the most important change to the term literacy is expanding the use of reading and writing. Literacy is defined as understanding, thinking and practicing the use of language in different cultural/social settings through the use of all types of media which allows people to communicate and make meanings (Vacca et al., 2011). To support this new meaning of literacy, specifically in the classroom, a new method or strategy has emerged†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, it allows students to investigate and make sense of their learning through writing. Lastly, â€Å"write to learn†activities allow all students, specifically English Learners, practice Engli sh writing skills and vocabulary in multiple contexts. Students can never have too much practice in writing. Allowing students to write in their mathematics classes gives them a chance to continue this practice as well as adopt a whole new vocabulary collection, specifically in math. Connections to Sociocultural Theory The â€Å"write to learn†strategy can be successfully used in a mathematics classroom alongside a lesson applying sociocultural theory. Sociocultural theory, as founded by Lev Vygotsky, emphasizes the role of society and culture as leaders in teaching students (Ormrod, 2011). Vygotsky also proposed that play, or acting certain jobs, and apprenticeships, learning a job by watching an adult, are both very important basis in helping students advance through their ZPD, the zone of proximal development, where students are challenged with tasks that lead them to their full development or potential (Ormrod, 2011). One example of play from sociocultural theory is having students write unset letters, a â€Å"write to learn†activity (Vacca et al., 2011). If students were studying the history of the Pythagorean Theorem, for example, they can write a letter to Pythagoras thanking him for the theorem andShow MoreRelatedNational Assessment Of Edu cational Progress752 Words  | 4 Pagesthe 8th and 12th grades in 2008, students scored high on the writing portion, but low in mathematics (Wilcox, Monroe 2017). 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Drawing During the Renaissance - 1023 Words
Drawing during the Renaissance was used as a multi-purpose tool that assisted in the artists creative process and individuality. Before the Renaissance period, drawings were used for story telling or other primitive examples of art. As history progresses into the 15th century, artists began using the methods of drawing to spontaneously express their creativity. What made drawing unique throughout Renaissance history is that they were never commissioned pieces; rather, they were used for personal collection and private eyes instead of being viewed by the public. These collections often included observations of the natural world b going out and studying how nature functioned. Leonardo da Vinci is a primary example for the use of drawing to†¦show more content†¦Once he or his apprentices were able to render limbs accurately and proportionally, they could create quick sketches, replacing limbs with lines, and heads with circles. His theory of simplicity, along with being quick a nd precise helped him and other artists develop their skills that would carry over into painting and other applications. Drawing served as the stepping stone for more finished pieces of art like paintings, sculptures, and architecture. With the ability to depict figures and nature, artists could then consider composition when preparing for final productions of art. Sketching gave the artists the ability to explore different options before choosing the final solution that would make up the final piece. Jan van Eyck is a good example of someone who used under drawings to prepare his final paintings. In particular, the piece Portrait of Niccolo Albergati demonstrates the final decisions van Eyck made before painting. However, even in the final piece, changes were still made to the portraits features while applying the paint. Under drawings could be used to show the patron what the final will look like, or it could simply be for the artists’ own reference. Within the drawing, as stated before, compositional studies can be carried out, as well as lighting and shadows. The drawing essentially creates aShow MoreRelatedThe Renaissance And Italian Renaissance961 Words  | 4 Pages The Renaissance (rebirth), was a time in which all art became more personalized and represented more than we see. There were two major stages in the Western European/ Italian Renaissance: Early Renaissance and High Renaissance. It gave patrons a new outlook on art and the world. Styles such as Mannerism, Fresco, and Parietal help advance art in western Europe. Most of the Renaissance works were religious,or had had something to do with the ancient times (ancient greece and roman culture). 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Consumer Prosumer to Produser System †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Consumer Prosumer to Produser System. Answer: Introduction: The article - From Consumer to Prosumer to Produser: Who Keeps Shifting My Paradigm? (We Do!) by Claudia K. Grinnell gives the readers an idea about the transformation of the structure of Web from a simple informative system to an extra-ordinary platform, where everything has become nearly possible. The author has given her evaluative view about both the merits and demerits of the new Web 2.0 (Grinnell, 2009). In this article, the arguments have been structured precisely to the point. For instance, the author clearly argues for the numerous benefits that come with the online shopping portals like EBay or Amazon. In addition, the author does not spare words to argue against the shortcomings which the customers may face with online shopping and the reasons for so. In this article, the paragraphs drafted by the author are a mix of abstractness and specificity. In some cases, the author has been clear about the difficulties of blogging. It is true that there are some tactics in blogging, which even the silver haired marketers would find hard to manoeuvre. However, the author has failed in her projections of the true disadvantages of Web 2.0. The author could have taken the time to write more on the impacts of Google and Microsoft on Web 2.0 (Fuchs et al., 2013). In this article, the usage of evidences is quite appropriate. The author has taken time and effort to cite her work aptly. The usage of evidences is very important in an article because it shows that the author has made ample research before writing the article. In this article, there is good scope for further scholarship. While reading this article, the readers would indeed, feel the urge, to study more on the topic of Web 2.0. This article would draw the interest of the readers about the revolution of the concept of the Web and its various intricacies to make future scholarship or study (OReilly, 2012). References Fuchs, C., Boersma, K., Albrechtslund, A., Sandoval, M. (Eds.). (2013).Internet and surveillance: The challenges of Web 2.0 and social media(Vol. 16). Routledge. Grinnell, C. K. (2009). From consumer to prosumer to produser: Who keeps shifting my paradigm?(We do!).Public Culture,21(3), 577-598. OReilly, T. (2012). What is Web 2.0. 2005.See https://www. oreillynet. com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20. html.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Islam Essays (1520 words) - Christian Eschatology,
Islam Islam ISLAM Islam is comprised of three essential beliefs: The belief in God, obeying his moral laws, and believing in the after-life. Submission to God is directly followed by obeying the moral standards of everyday life. The Qur'an makes morality reign supreme and ensures that the affairs of life, instead of dominated by selfish desires, be regulated by norms of morality. These laws are the standard by which God determines the life of the believers, and the disbelievers on the Day of Judgement. The belief in life after death not only guarantees success in the Hereafter but also makes this world full of peace and happiness by making individuals responsible and dutiful in their activities. The Qur'an lays down a moral system which is the standard by which conduct a particular mode of conduct is judged and classified as good or bad. It is not righteous that you turn your faces East or West; but it is righteous to believe in God and the Last Day and the Angels, and the Book, and the messengers; to spend the rest of your substance, out of love for Him, for you kin, for orphans for the needy, for the steadfast in prayers, and practice regular charity; to fulfill the contracts which you made; to be firm and patient in pain or suffering and adversity and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the God-conscious. (2:177) -2- To elaborate further, our faith should be true and sincere, we must be prepared to show it in deeds of charity to our fellow-men, we must be good citizens, supporting social organizations, and our own individual soul must be firm and unshaken in al circumstances. Along with these standards, there is also the five pillars of Islam that is essential to ensure a rewarding after life. These pillars include: The belief that Allah is the one and only God, and Mohammad is his prophet; Salat five times a day; Zakat; Pilgrimage to Meccah; Observe fasting ritual during the month of Ramadan. These standards provides a sanction to morality in the love and fear of God, which will impel man to obey the moral law even without external pressures. Through belief in God and the Day of Judgement it furnishes a force which enables a person to adapt the moral conduct with sincerity and devotion straight form the heart and the soul. The Qur'an explains the Day of Judgement as the day when the whole universe will be destroyed and then again the dead will be resurrected to stand before God. That day will be the beginning of the life that will never end, and on that Day every person will be rewarded and punished by God according to his or her good or evil deed. So set your face towards the straight path before the day arrives from God which is irreversible. Men will be segregated on that day so that he disbelievers will bear the consequence on his unbelief; and he who does the right will straighten out the way for himself, so that God may reward those who believed and did what was good, by His grace. (30:43-45) It is by the moral laws of God that both the believers and the unbelievers will be judged. -3- The reward for believing in God and the day of Judgement is as follows: As for those who believe and do good, We never burden a souls beyond capacity. They are men of paradise where they will abide forever...Streams of running water shall ripple at their feet, and they will say: We are grateful to God for guiding us here. Never would we have been guided if God had not shown us the way. The apostles of our Lord had indeed brought the truth.'(7:42-43) If one accepts God and His moral laws, then they have accepted life after death. The believers are those who sacrifice their life on earth, in return for eternal salvation promised by God. The Qur'an emphatically states that the Day of Judgement must come and God will decide about the fate of each soul according to his or her record of deeds. Those who disbelieve say: The hour will never
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
International Trade and Supply Chain The Foster Group Example
Abstract One of the effects of globalization is that traditional business processes are now opening up to attain a global nature. Supply chains, production lines and markets are now interlinked through a worldwide network of interdependency.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on International Trade and Supply Chain: The Foster Group Example specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In fact, it is almost unfathomable that a company seeking to expand its net worth can ignore the global business market entirely without recourse to any of the factors of production, supply and marketing. This research paper particularly looks at the various issues that arise when a company has an international supply chain. It finds that doing business at a global level has various challenges which threaten the smooth flow of trade. The paper analyzes the Foster Group as an example of a company that has a global supply chain with the aim of understa nding the dynamics of international operations. Introduction Nagurney (2006) describes a supply chain as â€Å"a system of organizations, people, technology, activities, information and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer (p.2).†Normally, a supply chain begins from the point of initial transformation of the raw natural resource into a component that is consumable or to a degree where it can be processed to a finished product. However, the supply chain can begin from the end product where the product in question is recyclable. Supply chains are therefore value chains since the product is moved across various stages where value is added as every stage. To build a comprehensive supply chain, there must be effective management of the process. Indeed supply chain management has evolved to become a basic need for any manufacturing company. The entire management process is a concerted effort between suppliers, third parties, intermediaries or middlemen and finally, the customer. It is a complex process that interlinks the business tasks and procedures of a company to become included into a unified business network.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The key role of supply chain management is therefore the logistical activities providing smoother flow of manufacturing operations and the coordination of processes in other business functions such as product design, marketing and research. In a supply chain, the aspects of biological or ecological regulation of natural raw materials form the initial stage. From the extraction to the production and finally the transportation of the end product to the customer, the supply chain will have involved several different companies across various geographical areas. All these companies will have a substantial interest in the product and will in one way or another add value to it . While all the players in the entire chain may not necessarily know each other, each plays a crucial role. Company Profile Foster’s Group is a business venture based in Melbourne, Australia that specializes in brewing, soft drink and wine making. The group is listed as a public limited company in the Australian Securities Exchange though it has businesses across Asia, the Americas, Middle East, Africa and Europe. Currently, the group has a presence in 155 countries around the world employing over 6,000 workers (Foster’s Group Website 2011). Foster’s Limited is popular for making the internationally acclaimed Foster’s Lager and a good number of fine wines such as Rosemount, Penfolds and Lindemans. The original brewing company was founded in 1886 in Melbourne by Ralph and William Foster. The two were Americans who owned a refrigeration plant and since the Australian weather is quite hot, the plant enabled them to establish a brewery which they later sold. The brewery was acquired by Elders IXL, an Australian conglomerate in 1983 while trading as Carlton and United Breweries. Due to the Lager’s popularity, Elders rebranded to Foster’s Group in 1990. Foster’s has recently acquired the successful Australian wine company Southcorp which has helped grow its overall revenues tremendously. The Group has continued to do well and it now plans a de-merger of its wine and beer businesses to form two different companies.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on International Trade and Supply Chain: The Foster Group Example specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Speculation has also been rife that the group plans to sell off its beer business, to a bigger conglomerate such as Diageo, Heineken, SAB Miller and Molson Coors. This research paper shall focus on the activities of Foster’s Group in Australia. Product profile: Foster’s Lager Foster’s Lager has been a famous international beer brand for quite some time. The amber lager of 5.0% abv is a product of the Foster’s Group based in Melbourne though it is brewed and sold under license elsewhere in the world. In Europe, the product has been quite popular due to good marketing and because it is marketed by Heineken International which is a renowned name in the beer market. The main consumers of Foster’s Lager in Europe have been the U.K, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Ireland, Belgium, Greece and Ukraine. SAB Miller owns the rights to Foster’s in India and the U.S and Molson owns brewing rights in Canada. Internationally, the lager has been marketed as an Australian product with Australian accents and stereotypes being used in advertisements. This has been well received with the brand being second to Carling in the UK. However, the brand is no longer as popular in Australia as it previously was mainly due to stiff competition in the industr y and changes in consumer preferences. Nevertheless, its international success especially in Europe has helped to keep the brand alive. This paper shall look into the supply chain processes involved in brewing this product in Australia. Research methodology This research utilized both primary and secondary data collection methods. Most of the data used for the research was secondary data obtained from relevant journals, articles, books, magazines, newspapers and online resources that had information that could assist in the better understanding of supply chains especially in the international context. The data provided several authorities on the processes and functions of supply, procurement and logistics which brought in credibility and knowledge in the writing of this research report.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Parties in the supply chain The supply chain involves various parties due to the need for logistics and identifying the right suppliers. To understand who the parties in supply chain are, we must be familiar with the entire process. First, when the business decides that it needs a particular raw material or resource, its procurement department publishes a tender notice and allows suppliers to make tenders according to the established procurement process. Once tenders are placed, the company will analyze them in terms of quoted price, quantity, experience record and quality of service. The firm then decides the bid it shall accept upon which a contract is signed for the supply of the tendered commodity. In smaller businesses, tendering is not the major procurement method due to the complexities involved. Instead, the firm looks for the supplier they need by conducting their own market research. Once the supplier is identified, logistics have to be put in place to coordinate the movem ent of goods from the supplier to the company. Looking at the above process, it is clear that various parties and professions are needed. First we have the supplier who is the key party in the chain and then there is the buyer who in this case is the company. Other parties are those who offer advisory and support services to ensure that the contract between supplier and supplier is reached. These parties include procurement officers, middlemen, agents, 3rd party logisticians (3PL) and 4th party logisticians (4PL). 3PL are those logisticians who facilitate the movement of the goods from the suppliers’ warehouse to that of the customer (Murray 2005). 4PL are professional logisticians who are hired to oversee the entire logistical process including clearing and forwarding, cargo handling, customs clearing etcetera. However, it is to be noted that the term ‘logistics’ and ‘supply chain’ are not synonymous since the latter is more comprehensive as it incl udes manufacturing and procurement processes in addition to distribution. Role of the supply chain The chief role of the supply chain is to ensure that the customer’s needs are fully satisfied through; the efficient use of available resources, timely and cost-efficient distribution and proper inventory management. To be specific, supply chains look to liaise with suppliers to; reduce bottlenecks that come with supply, avail lowest cost but quality material, provide affordable and efficient transportation, maintain well-located factories and warehouses, optimize logistics to reduce the length of the supply chain and finally to implement timely techniques that improve manufacturing flow. All in all, a good supply chain should provide the customer with the right good and at the right time, location and cost. International supply chain Offshore sourcing and globalization have led to the formation of these so-called international/global supply chains. The opening of borders for tr ade has improved business by allowing consumers to obtain the cheapest and best quality products from any corner of the globe. The drive to reduce cost has actually been the major impetus for the acceptance of globalization and the aggressive manner in which business firms have opted for foreign solutions. However, the only difference between the international supply chain and the local chain is the stretching of interests and the increase of suppliers. Global supply chains involve a wide array of suppliers all offering interesting packages to the customer. However, new opportunities usually come with new challenges that have to be effectively dealt with if the company is to reap the fruits of globalization (Gray 2007). Issues of cost must be well-considered since so many factors come into play such as labour costs, freight costs, exchange rates etcetera. Another issue to be considered is the selection of suppliers through comparison of bids. Again, research is needed here since the lowest price might not necessarily mean the best bargain. The company has to appreciate that selecting suppliers from a global list is complex and must be approached with caution. In addition, the number of international suppliers must be considered since fewer are easier to manage but their come with a bigger risk in case of default. Benefits of logistics While the use of the term â€Å"logistics†in the business sense began in the late 1950s, the increase in globalized supply chains has turned the word into an entirely new business profession (Chen Paulraj 2004). Logisticians are now simplifying what was originally thought to be a complicated process-importation. Currently, businesses do not have to worry about logistics; they just furnish logisticians of what they want, where and when and then they can sit and wait for the professionals to work. Logistics go a long way in completing the supply chain and ensuring that the bureaucracies that arise out of international trad e are handled by experienced personnel (Oliver Webber 1982). Specific details on Foster Group supply chain In the brewing of Foster’s Lager, the company usually requires several raw materials. The making of a lager such as Foster’s requires hops, malted barley and water among other additives. Since the company itself does not engage in farming activities, it has to source these products from suppliers in Australia and often from suppliers abroad. According to former C.E.O Trevor O’Hoy, making a lager usually requires select skills and ingredients that have to be balanced. More often than not, Australia does not have all the ingredients needed though it produces the â€Å"pride of Ringwood hops†that provide that famous taste. Foster’s suppliers are many and each produces some unique ingredient that goes into either the wines or the beers. Most overseas suppliers are from Germany mainly due to the established culture of brewing that has been perfec ted in that country (Daniels 2000). Naturally, Foster’s Group deals with the same suppliers in its supply chain. This is because wines and beers have to be made from very specific ingredients so as to replicate the particular taste and aroma attributed to each product. Challenges Involved in International Trade Operations International trade operations come with various challenges and risks. The reason there are more challenges is that first, there is a larger number of actors to deal with before the goods finally reach the customer. Secondly, there is the lack of sound legal protection that is usually present in the local markets due to the laxity of international law and the huge costs of international litigation. However, most of the challenges are also experienced at the local level. One of the biggest challenges in international operations is the lack of security. Since the law does not provide ample protection and the parties do not meet, the business risks and insecuri ty of trade are too great. Another big problem is that which UPS Chain Supply Solutions (2005) refer to as the â€Å"Tower of Babel problem†. This is the challenge posed by dealing with persons from different cultures who speak different languages. The risk with this is that communication may become a barrier especially where the parties do not understand each other (Lee 1997). Another challenge comes in the sense that to achieve an effective international chain, there must be a concerted effort between parties which may not be easy to achieve (Ayers 2001). Lack of ownership of the supply chain sometimes leads to confusion especially where the supplier and customer have conflicting interests. Finally, we have managerial problems that arise due to non-exposure of the managerial staff to foreign audiences. In its experience, Foster’s has faced several challenges in its supply chain due to its international operations. First, the financial crisis of 2007-2008 hit the comp any had and in fact it recorded a loss due to the poor performance of its wine-making business. The exchange rate of the Australian dollar against other currencies was also quite unfavourable. While Fosters’ suppliers have been quite consistent, the rising costs of raw materials have led the company to discontinue the manufacture of certain brands (Ayers and Odegaard 2007). Recommendations Outsourcing is touted by most professionals as the solution to most of the problems that plague international operations. Instead of incurring huge tariff and shipping costs in a bid to manufacture a product, why should the company not outsource the whole manufacturing process and save overall costs? Outsourcing is the in-thing in modern-day business with entire business functions and processes being outsourced to Asian countries such as India or China where costs of manufacturing are generally low e.g. Foster’s has now outsourced its IT department to Wipro company in India. Another way to beat the challenges that come with global supply chains is to outsource the logistics. Both 3PL and 4PL are great ways to avoid the hustles of international operations. Other ingenious ways of dealing with these challenges may include; hiring of staff with international competency (Ferrer 2003), engaging in meticulous market research, looking for better local solutions first, dealing with the same ‘tested’ suppliers (Fisher 1997), avoiding excess risks where there is no background on a supplier (Steermann 2003) and finally, training staff on the needs of the international market. Conclusion From the above, we can see the issues that come with establishing international supply chains. Foster’s utilizes the global supply chain to obtain raw materials such as malted barley as well as support services such as IT. Just like any other firm, Foster’s has experienced various challenges associated with using a global supply chain such as the financial crisis , which led to increased prices of raw materials globally. However, the benefits of reliance on the global supply chain seem to outweigh the demerits judging from Foster’s success. References Ayers, J.B. (2001) Root Cause – Weak Links. Information Strategy: The Executive’s Journal, 2(1), 42-56. Ayers, J.B. and Odegaard, M.A. (2007) Know the ABCs of Retail Supply Chain Costs. Supply Chain Quarterly, 4(2), 229-243. Chen, I. J. and Paulraj, A. (2004) Towards a theory of supply chain management: the constructs and measurements. Journal of Operations Management, 22(2), 119-150. Daniels, R. (2000) Designing Great Beer. Perth: Brewers Publications. Ferrer, J. (2003) European Supply Chain Management Characteristics and Challenges. ASCET, 5, 26. Fisher, M. L. (1997). What is the right supply chain for your product? Harvard Business Review (March-April 1997), 105-116. Foster’s Group Website (2011) Overview of the Group. Web. Gray, P. (2007) Sister Act: A Makeover. New York: Fortune Small Business. Lee, H. (1997). Information distortion in a Supply Chain: The Bullwhip Effect. Management Science, 43, 4. Murray, M (2005) Selecting a Third Party Logistics (3PL) Provider. Retrieved from: . Nagurney, A. (2006) Supply Chain Network Economics: Dynamics of Prices, Flows, and Profits. London: Edward Elgar Publishing. Oliver, R.K. and Webber, M.D. (1982) Supply-chain management: logistics catches up with strategy. London: Prentice Hall. Steermann, H (2003) A practical look at CPFR: the Sears – Michelin experience. Supply Chain Management Review, July/ August 2003, 46-53. UPS Supply Chain Solutions (2005) Supply Chain Strategy: The Importance of Aligning Your Strategies. New York: United Parcel Service of America. This essay on International Trade and Supply Chain: The Foster Group Example was written and submitted by user Brianna T. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Presentation Of Iago In Othello English Literature Essay Essays
Presentation Of Iago In Othello English Literature Essay Essays Presentation Of Iago In Othello English Literature Essay Paper Presentation Of Iago In Othello English Literature Essay Paper The secret plan of the drama Othello is that the Moorish soldier Othello and a immature Venetian lady Desdemona in secret marry. Her male parent is nt happy by this secret ceremonial and warns Othello that if she can lead on her ain male parent she might some twenty-four hours do the same to him. Iago subsequently uses Desdemona against Othello in the drama. He does this because he is covetous of Othello who became promoted to the occupation he feels he should hold got. To finish this secret plan of his, he speaks many prevarications and returns in many incidents to convert Othello that Desdemona is being unpatriotic to him by holding an matter with another man-Cassio. In Act 1 Scene 2 Iago starts off talking to Othello. He is seeking to derive his trust by stating Othello all the things he has done incorrect and all of his declinations. He speaks about him being with Desdemona and so he goes onto stating that he thinks she is bewraying him. Iago is seeking to do Othello surmise Desdemona for being unfaithful to him and gives Othello images he can visualize in his caput ( which so relates back to when Othello saw Desdemona and Cassio dancing together ) . Cassio so walks in, this makes Iago s program go even better for him even though it was nt what he planned to go on. Cassio comes in inquiring Othello to travel to Cyprus because the duke would wish to hold an visual aspect from him. Iago so says that Othello can non travel because he is married. Shakespeare has done this so Iago can do it look like Cassio is seeking to direct Othello off so he can be with Desdemona. In Act 1 Scene 3, Shakespeare has revealed Iago s full program. He is believing out loud so the whole secret plan is revealed to us. It shows that Iago wants retaliation on Othello because when he is talking to Roderigo he says: I hate the Moor ; Let us be conjunctive in our retaliation against him . Then subsequently in the scene he reveals his program, stating that Desdemona is the love of his life and that she is his lone failing. So if she is made to look that she is kiping with Cassio so he will travel to Iago and state him he was right wholly along and thank him for gaining it. If Iago s program went to how he wanted, so this would intend that out of thankfulness for gaining what he could nt see, Othello would so make anything to refund him. In Act 2 Scene 1 Iago is once more entirely with Roderigo, they are talking about Desdemona, and because Roderigo is so frantically in love with her, Iago can still utilize this to his advantage. In this scene, Iago says first, I must state thee this Desdemona is straight in love with him . Shakespeare is still demoing how Iago can do things sound and how he can utilize the people he is pull stringsing. Iago so moves on to Othello and attempts to derive his trust. He is seeking to acquire Othello to swear him so he will subsequently believe him about Desdemona kiping with Cassio. In Act 2 Scene 3 Iago is with Cassio and Iago is seeking to acquire Cassio rummy so he can do Cassio do stupid errors so his program will be more convincing. Iago says If I can fix but one cup upon him, with that which he hath intoxicated to-night already, he ll be as full of wrangle and offense as my immature kept woman Canis familiaris . Shakespeare has presented Iago in this manner because he is discreetly doing Cassio imbibe without him taking any notice of what he is making. Iago has now given Cassio many cups of vino and Cassio becomes aggressive towards Montano, Iago so tells Roderigo to travel and describe to Othello of Cassio s province, this is so Othello will free all trust in Cassio for going so raucous. Cassio says to Othello I pray you, excuse me ; I can non talk Othello now thinks that now he can non swear him because he is easy persuaded. He now trusts Iago more because he was the 1 who purportedly stopped him acquiring out of control. Subsequently in the scene, Iago is with Cassio, and Cassio is experiencing like his life is a muss. Iago tells him to travel and see Desdemona because she can screen out his life. Cassio has evidently gained Iago s trust because he takes his advice and goes to see her. He is despairing to screen his life out and will make anything to acquire it back in order. William Shakespeare has portrayed Iago as a intriguing individual who will make anything in order out of malice and green-eyed monster. Iago s character can derive any individual s trust in such a discreet manner, he can give them advice and they will take it. This is why Iago s program goes right because everyone believes him until last minute when it is excessively late to alter things. The audience is prepared for Iago s character because you see his evil side, particularly when he speaks his program out aloud to the audience at the terminal of Act 1 Scene 3 ; he announces his green-eyed monster and hatred for Othello which makes you prepared for the stoping.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
There's Increase Recognition that Conference Tourism Has a Significant Essay
There's Increase Recognition that Conference Tourism Has a Significant Impact on Climate Change and the Wider Environment - Essay Example The specific role of business is examined in this paper. Emphasis is used on the potential use of a specific business activity, the conference venues, for the promotion of sustainability and the increase of awareness of critical environmental problems. At this point, another issue appears: tourism is not just an activity for entertainment; it can become a means for promoting various social and environmental messages. The review of the existing literature on the specific field revealed the following facts: corporate social responsible is the framework through which businesses intervene in environmental problems and promote relevant solutions. Moreover, it has been made clear that tourism is a social activity with many different dimensions; its use for supporting sustainability and the respect for the environment can be an effective solution for controlling the effects of human activities on the environment. In fact, conference tourism can have a key role in the increase of awareness o f environmental issues by promoting corporate social responsibility and greening practices, as analyzed below. 2. ... 2006, p.257). In the above study emphasis is given on CSR of the conference industry; it is noted that the firms operating in the above industry have started to refer to their CSR in order to prove their credentials. It is explained though that the firms operating in the particular industry should paid more attention at CSR, meaning that they would need to develop schemes through which their CSR principles could be made clearer to the public. At the next level, explanations should be given regarding the forms of the involvement of CSR in the protection of the natural environment. Through the years, alterations have been made on corporate social responsibility framework, in order to become more effective for achieving its targets. An indicative example is the establishment of the corporate citizenship concept (McIntosh 2001). The above concept was believed as an appropriate framework for replacing the corporate social responsibility framework; such initiatives were developed in 1990s. However, it was made clear that the corporate citizenship concept could serve only specific organizational needs – addressing the communication problems between the business and the community (McIntosh 2001). The corporate social responsibility framework has remained the key vehicle for promoting sustainability through business operations. In fact, the protection of the environment, mainly through the promotion of sustainability has become a key obligation of modern businesses. The above fact is highlighted in the study of Idowu et al. (2010) where the relationship between the business operations and sustainability is explained as follows: business strategies are
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Organization Review of Nature Conservancy of Canada (values, ethics, Assignment
Organization Review of Nature Conservancy of Canada (values, ethics, codes of conduct,description of latest activities, impact o - Assignment Example For some decades, private industries, government or non-government organizations are becoming involved in environmental activities. All these organizations strive towards moulding human activities in alignment with environmental issues. Currently there are thousands of non-government organizations (NGOs) that work with the objective of protecting the natural environment. The power and scope of some such organizations are so large that their budgets more often exceed the national budgets of many countries on environmental issues. Some best known organizations are Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Chipko Movement, Conservation International etc (Wapner, 2). Natural Conservancy of Canada The organization selected for this paper is Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). It is a Canadian non-profit charitable environmental organization. It was established in November 1962 and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2012. The mission of the organization is to protect the areas of natural diversity including land, water, plants, animals, ecosystems and landscapes for the young and future generations. The organization initiates and innovates strategies and technologies to conserve the natural heritage of Canada. The website of this organization is . The biological diversity of this planet is getting reduced at an alarming rate. This is a matter of grave concern as it threatens the quality of human life and risks the lives of future generations. The activities of NCC are â€Å"guided by the belief that society will be judged by what it creates in the present and what it conserves for the future†(â€Å"Missions and Values†). The NCC secures lands through purchase or donations and then preserves these properties for the long term. The organization procures land either through direct purchase from the private landowners like corporate and individuals, or through donations from private landowners. NCC also enters into cons ervation agreement with landowners. According to this agreement the landowners agrees to avoid doing any such activities that would be harmful to the ecological value of the land. NCC has a panel of conservation science professionals whose purpose is to formulate and execute plans and strategies for the long term protection, management and restoration of natural resources of Canada. NCC also contributes to environmental education on environmental evaluation, management concepts or proposals. NCC follows a four step procedure for conservation process. Firstly, they set priorities by identifying the land area to conserve, or by identifying species and habitats whose life and health need to be protected. Secondly, the organization develops strategies to protect and conserve the species and habitats. Thirdly, they apply these strategies either alone or with cooperation from partners. Fourthly, they assess the result of their actions. They supervise the efficiency of their strategies, an d assess whether the species and habitats are well protected and their overall health is improved (â€Å"The Conservation Process†). The NCC shares and applies various values while working across Canada. The NCC has the advantage of procuring the best available scientific consultancies regarding conservation and protection. They work in a
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Case Study of Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Of Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company - Case Study Example This is highlighted by the famous words of its founder: "Never say no when a client asks for something even if it is the moon. You can always try" (Lampton 2003). Thus, "guests remark that they are "pampered," "respected," "treated like royalty," and "incurably spoiled" (Lampton 2003). Recognizing the importance of customer service in extending the Ritz-Carlton experience, the company has been passionate in training their staff and treating them as their strategic partners. The hotel chain makes it a point to make employees absorb the core value in the organization, train them, prepare them to serve the market. What is remarkable is the company's strong adherence to strategic human resource management. Ritz-Carlton's staff irrefutably becomes its competitive advantage (Lampton 2003). Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company's popularity is highly due to its upscale, luxury brand of hotels and resorts with locations in major cities in the United States and other internationally famous destinations such as Montego Bay, Jamaica, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Bali, Hong Kong and Qatar. The hotel company owns 59 hotels in 20 countries 37 of which are hotels while 22 are resorts. The operation of the hotel company began in 1983 with the purchase of the Ritz-Carlton, Boston by William B. Johnson. However, the legacy of the hotel is attributed to the celebrated "king of hoteliers and hotelier to kings," Csar Ritz. The company states that "his philosophy of service and innovations redefined the luxury hotel experience in Europe through his management of The Ritz in Paris and The Carlton in London." The company's quest of providing quality accommodation and service named it one of the best hotels in the world as it consistently reaped awards from prestigious organizations like Forbes, Travel Weekly, Luxury Institute, and Consumer Reports. In 2006, it was awarded the Mobil Five-Star Award and AAA Five Diamond Award (Ritz-Carlton 2007). Serving Ladies and Gentlemen Ritz-Carlton's market segmentation is reflected on its different product offerings. The company irrefutably utilized geographic, psychographic, as well as behavioral factors in designing their product line. In terms of geographic it can be noticed that Ritz-Carlton offers accommodation in four key strategic locations-tourist spots, business districts, metropolitan, and countryside. The company offers luxurious accommodations in scenic tourists' destinations like Bali, Milan, and Barcelona as well as in the business districts of New York, Tokyo, and Dubai International Financial Center. Metropolitan like areas like Seoul and Kula Lumpur as well as the countryside of Florida and Montego Bay are conquered by the pleasure offered by Ritz Carlton (Ritz Carlton 2007). In terms of psychographic and behavioral factors, Ritz-Carlton segments its market by looking at the general and specific interests of its customers. The hotel company divides its target company according to the purpose of their use of facility. Three general classifications are generated: those who stay in the hotel for business purposes;
Friday, November 15, 2019
Blood Pressure And Pulse Lab Physical Education Essay
Blood Pressure And Pulse Lab Physical Education Essay The purpose of the blood pressure and pulse lab was to test many variables which could have an effect on blood pressure and pulse. The variable tested in this lab was the, Effects of Changes in Posture, the Effects of Exercise, and the Effects of Cognitive Stress on Mean Arterial Pressure and Heart Rate. Background: Blood is an essential factor for all living organisms. Blood is an important fluid within our bodies which delivers oxygen, nutrients and essential substances, to cells throughout the body. Blood also has the function of transporting various wastes materials / products, such as carbon dioxide, from various body cells through the respiratory and excretory organs. The activities performed in the blood pressure and pulse lab examined the rate at which blood flows throughout the body, and which factors would either increase or decrease the blood pressure, being the pressure of the blood within the circulatory system, and pulse pressure. Blood flow and blood pressure is determined by two distinct factors. These factors are the force needed to push the blood through the blood vessel and the amount of resistance of blood flow through the blood vessel. The average normal blood pressure in a healthy individual should be around 120/80 BP, but it is stressed that the blood pressure should remai n a little lower than this pressure. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system plays an important role in blood pressure and heart rate. The sympathetic nervous system through the Cardio acceleratory center increases heart rate in fight or flight situations. While the parasympathetic nervous system uses the cardio inhibitory center to decrease the heart rate. The mechanical events of the cardiac cycle are the sequences of events which take place in order for the heart to work properly. In the cardiac cycle there are two distinct phases. These two phases are the diastole phase and the systole phase. In the medical field the diastolic pressure and the systolic pressure are measured with the use of a stethoscope and Sphygmomanometer. The measure of pulse pressure refers to the difference between the systolic number (Top) and the diastolic number (Bottom). The normal blood pressure of a healthy individual is 120/80 BP; in this instance, the pulse pressure would equal 40mmHg (120 80 = 40mmHg). Blood pressure is constantly fluctuating; because of this doctors need to take an average blood pressure to adequately check for any complications in their parents. The average blood pressure is called the mean arterial pressure (MAP). To begin to calculated the mean arterial pressure one must first start by calculating the pulse pressure (PP). The Puls e pressure can be calculated by taking the difference between the systolic pressure (SP) and the diastolic pressure (DP); (PP = SP DP).Using the Pulse pressure the mean arterial pressure can be calculated. The mean arterial pressure is equal to a third of the pulse pressure plus the diastolic pressure (MAP = DP + (PP*1/3) ). The basic mechanical events of the cardiac cycle can be deduced into four phases. Phase one in the cardiac cycle is referred to as the First Diastole Phase. During the first diastole phase, the atria and ventricles within the heart are fully relaxed, as the Atrioventricular valves remain open. This allows De-oxygenated blood to flow to the right atrium, from both the superior and inferior vena cavae. The rate in which blood flows back into the heart is given the term Venous Return (De-oxygenated blood). The muscles incorporated in exercise require a lot of oxygen in order to perform their function, as a result there would be an increase in venous return. Blood within the right atrium is emptied into the right ventricle though the Atrioventricular or Tricuspid valve. At the end of diastole (the loading or filling phase), the amount of blood accumulated in the right or left is referred to as the end-diastolic volume (EDV). The second phase of the cardiac cycle is referred to as the first systolic phase. During this phase the right ventricle receives incoming electrical signals from the purkinje fibers, which are the fibered branches which extend from the Atrioventricular bundle, in the intraventricular sulcus of the heart, and are dispersed from the apex of the heart. The purkinje fibers signal the ventricles to contract, which closes the Atrioventricular valves and forces the semilunar valves to open, pushing de-oxygenated blood into the pulmonary arteries. The pulmonary arteries function is to prevent the flow of blood back into the right ventricle. All of the blood is never fully ejected from the ventricles after systole. The amount of blood which remains in the ventricle at the end systole is known as end-systolic volume (ESV). The end-diastolic volume and the end-systolic help to calculate the stroke volume (SV) which is the volume of blood ejected from one ventricle during each beat. The stroke v olume can be calculated by taking the difference between end-diastolic volume and end-systolic volume, (SV = EDV ESV). The stroke volume can also be used to calculate the cardiac output, or the rate at which blood is ejected from the heart, (CO = HR x SV). In the second diastolic phase, the semilunar valves are closed and the Atrioventricular valves are opened, as a result oxygenated blood within the pulmonary veins and beings to fill within the left atrium. At the same time, blood from both vena cavae fills within the right atrium. The mitral valve closes preventing any oxygenated blood from flowing back within the left atrium. In the second systolic phase, Atrioventricular valves close and semilunar valves open. Similar to the first systolic phase, Purkinje fibers send messages to the ventricles signaling them to contract, in which oxygenated blood is pumped into the aorta. The aortic semilunar valve prevents any oxygenated blood from pumping directly back into the left ventricle. Hypothesis: Posture Changes Reclining for 3 minutes It is expected that arterial pressure and pulse rate would most likely decrease; when someone is resting the body is controlled by the parasympathetic system which uses the cardio inhibitory center to decrease heart rate. Standing up quickly after reclining for 3 minutes It is expected that arterial pressure and pulse rate will increase, when the subject is in the standing position versus when they are laying down their blood has to overcome gravity and the heart has to work harder to produce the force necessary to push blood to the upper limbs. Standing at attention for 3 minutes It is expected that arterial pressure will decrease compare to standing up quickly after reclining for 3 minutes, because 3 minutes is a long enough period for the body to adjust to the effects of gravity and to assess the force needed to pump blood to the upper extremities. It is hypothesized that the standing at attention for 3 minutes data will be an intermediate between the reclining test and the standing up quickly after reclining test. Exercise Immediately after exercising it is expected that arterial pressure and pulse pressure will increase, because muscles involved in the exercise demand more oxygen which will increase the amount of venous return and increase the heart rate and pulse pressure. One, Two, and Three, minutes post exercise It is expected that arterial and pulse pressure will decrease compared to immediate testing after exercise. As the individual begins to rest after strenuous exercise the body begins to incorporate the parasympathetic nervous system and through the cardio inhibitor center, it begins to decrease the heart rate. Cognitive Stress It is expected that cognitive stress will increase the blood pressure slightly, because stress is believed to trigger the sympathetic nervous to increase the heart rate. Procedure For Procedures, Refer to Lab 6, Activity 2, in the Anatomy and Physiology Lab Manual Data Results: Lab Activities Data Tables Proper use of the Sphygmomanometer: Subject: Brianna Burton Systolic Pressure Diastolic Pressure Pulse Pressure MAP Trial 1 110mmHg 70mmHg 80mmHg 83.33 mmHg We were told by the instructor there was no need to perform a trial 2 Effect of Postural Changes Subject: Same as above Blood Pressure Pulse Rate MAP Sitting Quietly (Baseline) 110/70 mmHg 80 BPM 83.33 mmHg Reclining (After 2-3 minutes) 110/70 mmHg 76 BPM 83.33 mmHg Immediately Upon Standing 118/78 mmHg 92 BPM 91.33 mmHg After Standing for 3 Minutes 112/72 mmHg 85 BPM 85.33 mmHg Exercise Subject: (Well-Conditioned) Aaron Banks Fitness Index: 50 Subject: (Poorly-Conditioned) Justin Kim Fitness Index: 44 Baseline Immediately 1 Minute 2 Minutes 3 Minutes 4 minutes 5 Minutes Well-Conditioned Subject BP: 130/80 mmHg BP: 132/80 mmHg BP: 128/70 mmHg BP: 120/78 mmHg BP: 110/68 mmHg BP: 110/72 mmHg BP:108/72 mmHg HR: 90 BPM HR: 101 BPM HR: 103 BPM HR: 100 BPM HR: 98 BPM HR: 98 BPM HR: 87 BPM MAP: 96.67 mmHg MAP: 97.33 mmHg MAP: 89.33 mmHg MAP: 92 mmHg MAP:86.67 mmHg MAP: 84 mmHg MAP: 84 mmHg Poorly-Conditioned Subject BP: 122/98 mmHg BP: 128/90 mmHg BP: 138/86 mmHg BP: 120/82 mmHg BP: 122/90 mmHg BP: 122/90 mmHg BP:118/96 mmHg HR: 82 BPM HR: 120 BPM HR: 119 BPM HR: 111 BPM HR: 110 BPM HR: 110 BPM HR: 108 BPM MAP: 106 mmHg MAP: 102.67 mmHg MAP: 103.33 mmHg MAP: 94.67 mmHg MAP: 106.67 mmHg MAP: 100.67 mmHg MAP: 103.33 mmHg Cognitive Stressor Subject: Nika Condition Max HR Min HR Mean HR Systolic BP Diastolic BP Pulse Pressure MAP Baseline 1 100 BPM 82 BPM 89 BPM 134 mmHg 91 mmHg 43 mmHg 105.3 mmHg Spell Forward 96 BPM 83 BPM 91 BPM 108 mmHg 88 mmHg 20 mmHg 94.7 mmHg Spell Back 112 BPM 84 BPM 92 BPM 111 mmHg 89 mmHg 29 mmHg 96.3 mmHg Number of misspelled words forward = 1 Number of misspelled words backward = 3 Discussion: The purpose of the blood pressure and pulse lab was to test many variables which could have an effect on blood pressure and pulse. The variables tested in this lab were the, Effects of Changes in Posture, the Effects of Exercise, and the Effects of Cognitive Stress on Mean Arterial Pressure and Heart Rate. In activities the variable being tested is the Effects of Changes in Posture. For the baseline the subject, in this case Brianna, sat quietly as her baseline blood pressure, pulse rate, was tested, and her mean arterial pressure (MAP) was calculated. The results for Briannas blood pressure was 110/70 mmHg, which is about the average blood pressure (120/70 mmHg) in a healthy individual. Her Pulse pressure was 80 beats per minute (BPM). Given these values her baseline MAP, was calculated to be 83.33 mmHg (MAP = 70 + ((110 70))*1/3) ). In the next test, the effect of reclining for 2-3 minutes was tested. In this test, after reclining for 2-3 minutes, her blood pressure, and MAP remained the same as the Baseline test. It was observed that her pulse rate did in fact decrease: (80 > 76 BPM), though it is not known if this decrease in the pulse rate is significant enough. In the hypothesis above it was expected that arterial pressure and pulse rate would most likely decrease when someone i s resting because parasympathetic nervous system would begin to signal the body to relax affecting the cardiac centers (CAC deactivated CIC activated). The activation of the cardio inhibitory center decreases the heart rate and pulse pressure. For the next test the Effect of standing quickly after 3 minutes of reclining was tested. Immediately after standing up, her Blood pressure, Pulse rate and MAP was determined. Her blood pressure was 118/78 mmHg, her Pulse Rate was 92 BPM and her MAP was 91.33 mmHg. The MAP was calculated by using the formula: (91.33 mmHg = 78 + ((118-78))*1/3)). During this test Briannas Blood pressure, Pulse Rate and MAP significantly increased, ((BP: 110/70 >> 118/78 mmHg) (PR: 80 >> 92 BPM) (MAP: 83.33 >> 91.33 mmHg) as expected in the hypothesis. In the hypothesis it was expected that arterial pressure and pulse rate would increase, when the subject is in the standing position versus when they are lying down. When Brianna quickly stood up her heart had to overcome the effects of gravity; the heart has to work harder to produce the force needed to effectively push blood to the upper limbs and the head. Also immediately standing activates the sympathetic nervous system, which activates the CAC incr easing heart rate. This hypothesis is accepted, based on her data the blood pressure, pulse rate and MAP did in fact increase when she stood up. Next we tested the Effects after standing for 3 minutes. After standing for 3 minutes Briannas blood pressure was 112/72 mmHg and her pulse rate was 85 BPM. Given these values her MAP for this test was calculated to be 85.33 mmHg (MAP = 72 + (112-72)*1/3). In the hypothesis it is expected that the arterial pressure would have decreased compared to the standing up quickly after reclining for 3 minutes test. It was hypothesized that arterial pressure would decrease because 3 minutes is a long enough period from the body to properly adjust to the effects of gravity and to assess the force needed to pump blood to the upper extremities. As stated in the hypothesis the blood pressure, pulse rate and MAP did in fact decrease based on the standing for 3 minutes test, because of this, the hypothesis can be accepted (BP: 110/70 >> 112/72 mmHg) (PR: 80 >> 85)) (MAP: 83.33 mmHg >> 85.33) In the next test, we tested the effects of exercise on the Body, comparing a well-conditioned person and a poor-conditioned person. For the first test a well-conditioned person was chosen. The baseline BP for this individual was around 132/80 mmHg. Immediately after exercise the blood pressure was 132/80 mmHg. This shows that there was an increase of blood pressure dependent on the effects of exercise. In the hypothesis it is expected that arterial pressure and pulse pressure will, increase, because muscles involved in the exercise also increase the venous return which will increase heart rate. For this test as hypothesized the Heart rate also increased (90 >> 101 BPM). After 5 minutes of resting the blood pressure and Heart of the subject decreased lower than the baseline, indicating some level of human error in reading the equipment effectively. Despite this, it is found that the blood pressure and pulse rate at 5 minutes was significantly lower from the baseline in the well-condit ioned person vs. the poor conditioned person. In the poor conditioned person. Their baseline blood pressure was 122/98 mmHg and after exercising for 5 minutes it was 128/90 mmHg. After 5 minutes the poor conditioned persons blood pressure was 118/96 mmHg. Again in this experiment its hard to compare the two subjects because there seems to be some human errors in effectively checking the blood pressure since it is lower than the baseline. After 5 minutes the well-conditioned persons systolic pressure dropped from 128>>108 SP despite the diastolic pressure increasing from 70 >> 72 mmHg DP. The fitness index to the well-conditioned person was 50 and 44 for the poor conditioned person. Based on the fitness index both subjects display the poorest physical conditioning possible. For the final test the effects of cognitive stress was tested. Based on this experiments results it is difficult to determine whether or not cognitive stress had any effect on the blood pressure. It was hypothesized that cognitive stress would increase heart rate because stress activates the sympathetic nervous system, which increases the heart rate. There seems to be no correlation between cognitive stress and heart rate, so the hypothesis is rejected.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Giuliani :: essays research papers
When Mayor Giuliani first began his campaign for mayor he placed a strong emphasis on quality of life, crime, business, and education. This strategy proved to be very successful and he was appointed as the 107th Mayor of New York. As Giuliani began his term began to follow through on his promises and made several changes in many of New York’s important bureaus ("Biography of Rudolph,†n.d.). The first task that Giuliani took was that of decreasing the amount of crime that was present in New York. He implemented new strategies that have since become models that many other large cities from around the world have followed. While Giuliani was mayor, overall crime was down 57%, and murder was decreased by 65%. With these statistics, New York was recognized by the FBI as the safest large city in the world for five continuous years ("Biography of Rudolph,†n.d.). Another area that Giuliani implemented change was in the area of welfare. At the beginning of his term as mayor, one out of seven New York residents was on welfare. Giuliani started a program which would bring work to these residents and help them to become able to support themselves financially. Through this program 640,000 people were able to get off welfare and stop relying on welfare money provided by the government ("Biography of Rudolph,†n.d.). The last area that Giuliani brought change to was the area of education. Giuliani felt that this was a very important and focused on increasing money for education and bringing up standards. He helped to bring the student-teacher ratio to the lowest it had been in many years and increased available money for education by four million dollars.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A Sense of Belonging Essay
â€Å"à sense of belonging†is a book that nobody should miss! It provides students with the opportunity to examine different writing models and techniques while raising their awareness of different issues such as racial discrimination and racial abuse. Many of my friends found it interesting to read and could not stop reading the whole book although we were told to finish only four stories and only stopped flipping and reading till the last page! I personally find the book worth a read and would like to recommend it to all the secondary 3 and 4 students. Stories in the book include â€Å"a sense of belonging†and â€Å"The Test†which are about racial differences and a lady that was very mindful of her race. It does not merely elaborate on racial discrimination which can be very common but also tells us to be more sensitive towards other people and to be aware of our actions, as our words have the ability to hurt others. This is especially applicable to students of our age as we often meet friends of different races in school, and it reminds us that we should be considerate to others â€Å"The limits of trooghaft†highlights the plight of animals as humans are being treated the way we treat animals during the period of time we dominated the world. It serves as a reminder for us to put ourselves in others’ shoes and also consider the fact that animals have feelings and should not be abused like the way many are being treated now because animals have their own rights. This is a relatively important value in life that people need to constantly reinforce, so that we do not end up treating other people the way we do not want them to treat us. â€Å"a sound of thunder†talks about small mistakes leading to dire consequences and reminds us not to neglect the small details in life, because they can be important as well. After reading the book I personally found these four stories very inspiring and interesting. They allowed me to understand more about the common issues and problems faced, while learning moral values and reflecting on my daily life as we can easily relate to some of the stories in the book The important messages and lessons I learnt were invaluable to me and will accompany me for the rest of my life. Therefore I would strongly recommend this book to all upper secondary students as it can help them approach then own writing with more confidence and understanding, while teaching them life values at the same time.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The banking industry in the United Arab Emirates
The banking industry in the United Arab Emirates Background The banking industry in the United Arab Emirates is faced with fiancà © completion from public and private players. The United Arab Emirates has a well-developed banking sector and the economic strength of the country has created a business opportunities to foreign and local players.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The banking industry in the United Arab Emirates specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The economy has some of the world largest international banks like Barclays Bank, The International Bank for Trade Finance, Syria Gulf Bank and other small upcoming banks and microfinance (Syria Gulf Bank). This paper takes an analysis of Syria Gulf Bank; it will look into the company’s operating base and its competition. Which business do you think will be the biggest competitor in the United Arab Emirates, why? The main competitors that the bank is likely to face are conventional and Islamic multinationa l banks that have stated to venture in the United Arabs Emirates business. Among the banks, the bank that seems to have much power and can be said to be the greatest threat to Syria Gulf Bank is Barclay’s banks limited. The reason for singling out Barclays as the main competitor is its international operations and the services that it has embarked on in its branches. Barclays’ Bank is among the oldest banks in the world; it has grown with different economies and transformed with changes that are facing the sector; one way that the bank has used to integrate its business is the use of single fund transfer and access to ones account at any Barclays bank in the world. This means that a customer of the bank has the ability to make banking transaction in any country without having to undertake some interbank transfers; this rate of efficiency coupled with the banks international presence in different countries offers it a higher chance to convince customers that it is the b ank of choice. For example, a customer who is transating with the bank in the United Stattes of America receives a transfer by a customer at the United Arabs Emirates on the spot (Barclays Bank).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When Syria Gulf Bank is engaging in an international transfer, mostly in the countries that it has not established a branch, it has to do this using another holding bank. This takes time and is costly to the customer. Another area that Barclays bank has been able to stand strong is its financial base; the company has been in operation for a couple of years thus it has accumulated a financial base that it uses to expand its operations; the strong financial base assist the company tap new upcoming business opportunities leaving others banks with less financial base struggling. In the wake of global financial crisis, the company has been able t o use its financial base to acquire assets and make policies that strengthen their business approach. The most competitive parameter that Syria Gulf Bank has is its specialized services, the company has only few customers thus it can forge its services and products to meet the needs of the customer. This facilitates business since a customer does not need to queue for banking services. Again the technology adopted to handle the business of the company is high tech, the Automated Terror Machines and internet banking are highly efficient and not jammed as the case is with Barclays such services. The above moves by the company are likely to offer it a competitive edge than Barclays (Syria Gulf Bank). What is the difference between vision and mission in formulating business strategies; please provide relevant examples released by international companies When making operating strategies, managers are guided by the company’s, mission, vision, and corporate objectives; the business frameworks are provided by the shareholders or the entrepreneur who have the mind picture of what they want in their organization. When the mission, vision and objective are fulfilled, then management agency relationship or contracts are fulfilled. An effective mission, vision and objectives should be attainable and reflect the needs operation of a company.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The banking industry in the United Arab Emirates specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the international business arenas, there are some countries that have fulfilled their visions and missions continuously; they include Toyota Motor Corporation and Emirates Airlines company in the United Arabs Emirates; this section of the paper defines the major difference between mission and vision, it will be suing examples of Toyota company and Emirates Airline company. Mission Mission defines the main business of the company and how it aims at fulfilling its business; it has the business objectives and goals of success that when fulfilled the company will have attained its business competitiveness. Toyota has a mission statement as, â€Å"To attract and attain customers with high-valued products and services and the most satisfying ownership experience in America†( Toyota Motor Corporation Corporate Website). The management either in Japan where the head quarters are, or in other branch are guided by the mission they want to attain. When one analyzes the mission statement, the company simply illustrates how it wants to add value in peoples life, through its innovative products. Emirates has the mission of â€Å"An exceptional journey from start to finish,††(Emirates Airline Company Corporate Website); this means that the company is willing to offer high quality transport services to its customers all over the globe. The mission has been attained through massive inventive and innovative of models, and involvement in corporate social responsibilities. To attain the mission, the company needs to keep reminding its human capital and stakeholders on the reasons of its being. Leaders should always make policies that assist in the attainment of the mission of the company. Vision statement Vision defines what a company want to attain after it has fulfilled its mission; this is what it aims at in the eyes of the people. Toyota vision â€Å"To be the most successful and respected car company in America (Toyota Motor Corporation Corporate Website).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Vision of Emirates is, â€Å"caring for our employees and stakeholders as it grows its business to higher heights; the company understands that it can only remain competitive and profitable†(Emirates Airline Company Corporate Website). The attainment of the vision will only be realized after the company has set appropriate internal processes that target the world market; the internal processes that the company has implemented are aggressive marketing, innovation, research and development among others. It is worth noting that mission statement is more skewed to what the company want to attain and how to attain it while vision statement is more on the critical success factors that can be seen after the attainment of the vision statements. In modern contemporary business world, leaders have the role of formulating mission and vision statements that are attainable with the potential that a company have. To support the two strategic management tools, a company needs to have c orporate objectives and goals; the objectives and goals assists keeping the business on track. Barclays Bank. Barclays Bank in the United Arabs Emirates , 2011. 07th May 2011. Emirates Airline Company Corporate Website. Emirates, 2011. Web. Syria Gulf Bank. Syria Gulf Bank, 2011. 07th May 2011. Toyota Motor Company Corporate website. Toyota,2011. 07th May 2011.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Creative Writing Essays (693 words) - Electricity, Free Essays
Creative Writing Essays (693 words) - Electricity, Free Essays Creative Writing It was a Saturday afternoon, and I was sitting in the living room recliner watching my normal morning cartoons while eating my bowl of Lucky Charms. All of a sudden, a newsflash appeared on my screen. A newscaster appeared and stated in a serious voice, "We interrupt this program for an important announcement. It has been discovered that a large meteor is traveling at a fast pace towards the Earth and has been calculated to hit the Earth at approximately 12:00pm, Tuesday. We urge everyone to move in a calm manner to a storm shelter or any other form of security." The Lucky Charms I had been chewing fall out of my mouth while the TV converts from the fear-inducing newscaster to Scooby Doo. I jump up in fear, and then embarrassingly realize that I had been dreaming. I sit down and wonder to myself, "What if that had really happened? What would I take with me?" In my opinion, medicine and electricity would be the most beneficial because of the advances and demands for the two ingenious discoveries. One hundred fifty years ago, in the operating theater on the top floor of the MGH's Bulfinch Building, one of the greatest moments in medicine occurred. On Oct. 16, 1846, William T.G. Morton, a Boston dentist, demonstrated the use of ether during surgery, ending the indescribable pain that had been associated with the surgeon's knife. Using a specially designed glass inhaler containing an ether-soaked sponge, Morton administered the anesthetic to Gilbert Abbott, a printer who had come to the MGH for treatment of a vascular tumor on his jaw. After several minutes, Abbott was rendered unconscious. John Collins Warren, MD, one of the most widely recognized surgeons of that time, then surgically removed the tumor. Upon wakening, Abbott informed the curious and skeptical physicians and medical students in the theater that he had experienced no pain. If it wasn't for a medical discovery like ether and other medicines, many would be experiencing the indescribably pain of the surgeon's knife and some would own a gravestone. Through the Renaissance, both men and women practiced medicine. For most of history, the human heart has been regarded as a forbidden organ, too delicate to tamper with. It might have remained so, if not for World War II. Military doctors, facing injury and suffering on a massive scale, pioneered advances in antibiotics, anesthesia and blood transfusions advances that would usher in the age of modern surgery. In addition to medicine, I would include electricity. Electricity, like light, travels extremely fast at 300,000 kilometers per second. It flows easily through metal wires. In particular, copper and silver are very good conductors of electricity. Electricity also generates heat as it flows through most objects. It can be controlled and utilized easily using many different technologies. Electricity is very useful because it can be converted into many kinds of energy. Electricity can be converted in to light using light bulbs, and even heat by using heating coils. It can also be converted into motion or even stored chemical energy. Electricity is used everywhere; to produce goods, provide services, and transport materials and people. Electricity also is used in commerce, agriculture, medicine, communications, entertainment, and a variety of other areas. Expanded uses for electricity are constantly being developed. Not only does electricity provide energy, it also provides jobs. A total of 510,595 workers were employed by electric utilities at the end of 1990 in a wide variety of jobs. From repairing power lines, to providing information to electricity customers, to constructing new power plants. These developments are driven by technological advances that both improve traditional uses of electricity and create entirely new ones. Because of the advances and demands for medicine and electricity, the great necessities would be beneficial to my survival. If it weren't for people like Benjamin Franklin or William T.G. Morton, we would not have such luxuries as heat or light, or some would not be enjoying the breath of life. If you take medications and electricity out of this world, you take out our culture and way of life.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Global Compensation Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Global Compensation Issues - Essay Example There exists laws that regulate salaries and wages and human resources professionals must act within the guidelines of such laws. This study will look at China’s compensation structures and compensation issues. China is a communist state in East of Asia continent. It has a population of approximately 1.39 billion people and fourth largest country in the world. China’s terrain is rugged with hills and depressions which include the Himalayas Mountains and the Turfan Depression. It has to main and important rivers namely; the Yellow River and Yangzi River. China experiences four weather seasons of summer autumn, spring and winter. During winter temperatures can drop to a level of -50 degree Celsius. China’s financial year is from 1st January to 31st December and had a GDP of 10.355 trillion US dollars in 2014 with its main industries being manufacturing, mining and food processing. China’s transport system includes railways, roads air and water. This makes most towns in this Republic accessible. The existence of navigable rivers has led to development of inland river ports and a reliable water transport system. The main mode of communication is telephone with approximately 23.68 Chinese citizens connected to telephone lines. The communist government in China has had a lot of influence in the country’s labor market. Regulation of the labor market through legislation has caused redistribution of the readily available labor in China. In order to improve the levels of production, the government initiated programs targeted at moving labor from low production sectors to high production sectors of the economy The large population provides huge supply of labor to China’s industries. In the earlier years, there was excess supply of both skilled and non-skilled labor. From the economics of demand and supply, the result was low cost of labor for different players in different industries
Friday, November 1, 2019
Searching for 15 Fallacies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Searching for 15 Fallacies - Research Paper Example This is a fallacy because there are others who have been able to get jobs. 5. Our society is becoming more dangerous. This is a fallacy of Scare tactics. It makes people believe that the world is no longer a good and safe place for anyone. It forces people into taking action to secure themselves against the insecurities of the world. 7. â€Å"This has not traditionally been a partisan issue. Lincoln laid the rails during the course of a civil war. Eisen however built the interstate highway system. Both parties have always believed that America should have the best of everything†This was a statement by Barrack Obama about infrastructure. This is a fallacy of tradition. This is because the speaker is basing their argument on past events. 8. Our Mayor’s opinion about local crime is worthless. He cannot even manage to hold his household together having been married and divorced three times already. This is a type of fallacy called Ad hominen. This statement attacks the mayor’s personal life and not his opinion on local crime. 10. We need to spend more on education. Just because the Russians are, increasing military spending does not mean we should. The future of the nation depends on the children of today. This is a fallacy of Red herring. The person changes the topic. 15. Why suffer the embarrassment of morning mouth? Use xyz toothpaste every evening and wake up to a fresh, exiting mouth. This is a slippery slope fallacy. This is because it has the option of using the toothpaste but one may use something else for fresh
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Holding up general motors Issues in the fisher body case study Literature review
Holding up general motors Issues in the fisher body case study - Literature review Example Holding up general motors? Issues in the fisher body case study A classic case study in the economics of organizations, and pertinent to this discussion, regards the relations that prevailed between General Motors, Inc. and the Fisher Body Company, Ltd. during the 1920s. Accordingly, the first of accounts to be provided was by Klein et al, whose work – Vertical integration, appropriable rents, and the competitive contracting process – was to form the basis upon which all discussions were held. This was until Ronald Coase, presented his perceptions on the issue of transaction cost economics, through his 2000 work - The Acquisition of Fisher Body by General Motors. Through this work, Coase was to decisively criticise the then ‘prevailing perception’ on the relations between General Motors and the Fisher Body Company. His criticism was founded upon the grounds that the long held perspective was factually incorrect, providing critical input in support of his arguments. Regarded as the founding father of modern (contemporary ) transaction cost economics, his input and experience are thus considered critical towards effectively discussing the case under study. Of particular importance is his visit to the U.S, with specific focus placed upon the car manufacturer industry during the 1930s (Coase 2000, p. 16). General Motors and the Fisher Body Company case that occurred during the 1920s has significantly affected economic discussions and undertakings in the current world.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Scientific Method Essay Example for Free
Scientific Method Essay RESEARCH DESIGN: Research design is a blue point or detail plan for how a research study is to be conducted operationalizing variables they can be measure selecting and testing hypothesis. DEMOGRAPHY: The word demography derived from Greek word â€Å"Demas†means the people and â€Å"Grapho†means to draw or write. So the word demography means to draw or write about people. Demography is the scientific study of population. It draws on several components of population including size, composition and territorial distribution, to understand the social consequences of population change. Demographers study demographical variations and historical trends in their effort to develop population forecast. They also analyze the structure of a population- the age, gender, race and ethnicity of its members. A key figure in this analysis was Thomas Malthus. According to Multilingual Demography dictonary â€Å"Demography is the scientific study of human population with respect to their size, structure and developemnt.†The components of demography including population size, territorial distribution geographical variations â€Å"the age, gender, sex, race and ethnicity.†ELEMENTS OF DEMOGRAPHY: 1. Birth Rate: Number of live birth per 1000 population in a year. 2. Death Rate: Number of deaths per 1000 population in a year. 3. Growth Rate: Growth rate means the difference between births and deaths rates per 1000 population in a given year. 4. Total Fertility Rate: The average number of children born alive to any women, assuming that she can forms to current fertility rate. 5. Longivity: Longivity means the lifetime of a people up to death. 6. Life Expectancy: Life expectancy means the median number of years a person can be expected to live under a current mortality conditions. 7. The Infarty Mortality Rate: Is the number of deaths of infants under one year old per 1000 live births in a given year. EDUCATION SYSTEM: Education system is a basic rights of people. It is a learning process or traning process how a person learn about culture, sociolization, behaviour and attitude. According to Plato- â€Å"Education is the hermonious development of body, mind and soul†According to A.W.Green- â€Å"Historically education means the conscious traning of the young for the later adaption of adult roles.†FUNCTIONS OF EDUCATION: * To complete the sociolization process. * To trnasmit central heritage. * Formulation of social personality. * Reformation of attitude. * Occupational placement. * To ensure achieved status. * Encourage the sprit of completation. * To ensure better standard of behaviour. * Increase social awarness. * Democratic participation. MALTHUS THEORY OF POPULATION: Thomas Robert Malthus was born in 1766 and died in 1834. His major books is â€Å"The Eassys on the principle of population.†published in 1798. He was famous for his population theory name Malthus theory of population. Malthus helds that the worlds population was growing more rapidly than the people population. He argued that food supply increases in order the prograssion 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, whereas population growth increases expands by the way of Geomatric prograssion 1-2-4-8-16-32-64-128-256. According to Malthus analysis the Gap between food production and population growth increasing single way to double unit. As a result a country population will double in every 25 years. Over population creat great problem in the standard of living and way of life in a country. According to Malthus there are two way to control population growth. 1. Positive Check: When a country will over populated then the natural desester such as flood, cyclone, drought, crope failure and another, war, riot automatically control population. 2. Preventive Check: People willingly control population by using contraceptine, date marriage, birth control, prevent early marriage and polygumy marriage, another control free sexual life. CRITISISM: 1. Malthus said that population control by positive check, but natural disester never happen frequently in the over populated country. 2. He argued that food production increase arithmatic rate, but modern science and technology, machinary, hybrid seeds food production increase into double rate. 3. Malthus never think that proper education population will be resource, migration, skill, experience increase population standard of living. SOCIAL CHANGE According to H.T Majamdar- â€Å"Social change may be defined as a new fashion or made either modifying the old in the life of a people.†According to Machiver and Page- â€Å"Social change refers to a process responsive many types of change in the man made condition of life, change in the attitude and beliefs of man. The control to the biological and physical nature of things.†According to Kingsley Davis-â€Å" Social change means only such alternatives as occur in social organization that is structure and functions of society.†CHARACTERISTICS OF SOCIAL CHANGE: 1. Social change is continuous 2. Social change is temporary 3. Social change is environmental 4. Social change is humanistric 5. Social change is short term vs long term 6. Social change is planned/unplanned 7. Social change is objetive 8. Social change is reactive 9. Social change is interaction of human 10. Social change is behaviour THEORY OF SOCIAL CHANGE: 1.Evalutionary theory: Evalutionary theorist argue that society change from simple to complex situation by the process of evalution. Social change means progress the change of positive and benificial whwrw society reach higher level of cevilization. CONFLICT THEORY OF SOCIAL CHANGE: Conflict theories highlited that society change from simple to complex by the process of conflict. Conflict is essential for every society. There is no society or country in the world without conflict. Conflict motivated people gather together for achieving their objectives. CONFLICT THINKER: According to Karl Marx- â€Å"All the history in the world is the history, of classes struggle.†He also said that conflict existing in the society between two classes- 1. Owner class a. Rich people b. Bourgious 2. Non owner class- Poor people. always conflict because owner class exploit non owner class. As a result non owner class occure violance against owneer class for achieving their objectives. MARKS TYPE OF SOCIETY: 1. Premitive society 2. Slavary society 3. Feudalism society 4. Capitalism 5. Socialism According to George Simmel- â€Å"Conflict occure in the society and people influence or motivated to joined conflict because of achieved their rights.† Capitalism society always influence people to conflicting situation. FUNCTIONAL THEORY OF SOCIAL CHANGE: Functional theory highlighted that society from simple to complex by the changing of societies functions. In simple society One institution done various types of function. Ex- Family=Family function is economics, recreation, production, reproduction education, cultural and religious etc. But in the complex society various institution established for doing various types of function, because of capitalism influence people to creat artificial demands, as a result demand basis institution developed fulfilling such kind of demand. POWER AND AUTHORITY: Power means ability to control others. Here power means political power which is related to authority and politics to control or rulling the country. Authority refers to institutionalized power that is recognizied by the people over whom it is excercised. Another sociologist used authority commonly connection with elected or publicly acknowladge position. TYPES OF AUTHORITY: 1. Traditional Authority: Refers to the legitimate power by custom and accepted practice. Here custom and tradition is the symbol of power. Ex- King and queen of UK, Tribal Chief. 2. Rational Legal Authority: Refers to power exercise by written rules and regulations of political systems such as constitutions. 3. Charismatic Authority: Refers to power made legitimate by a leder exceptional personal or emotional appeal to his/her followers. Charismatic leaders who commanded the personal loyality a large number of citizen in a country. Ex- Nelson Mendela. MIGRATION: Migration refers to the change of individual permanent residence to new reisdence from one place to another place for better life style, better education, better job, better security and better standard of living. TYPES OF MIGRATION: 1. Internal Migration: Internal migration is within the country when individual change permanent residence from village to city, one district to another. Ex- Khulna to Dhaka 2. International Migration: When individual change permanent residence from one country to another country for better life style, better education, better job, better security and better standard of living. Ex- Bangladesh to USA FACTORS OF MIGRATION: There are two major factors in migration- 1. Pull Factors: Pull factors means when individual are influence to change his permanent residence to new residence for better life style, better education, better job, better security and better standard of living is called pull factors. Ex- * Job security *Educational Facilities. *Green Environment. *Safety and Social security. *Stabdard of living. *Stable political culture. 2. Push Factors: Push factors means individual are influence to change his permanent residence to new residence for war, riot, social crisis, natural disester, flood, river errosson, cyclone, drought and another lack of security food crisis etc. SOCIALISM Socialism is a form of economic system where production, distribution and consumption as well as industry owner everything is controlled by the central government, that is called socialism. Here everybody will get the job according to his/her educational qualification and everyone get facilites according to their demand. Ex- China, Russia, Argentina, South Korea. CHARACTERISTIC OF SOCIALISM: 1. Public ownership 2. Governmental distribution 3. Public limited company 4. Public/Governmental profit 5. National development policy 6. National service 7. Job security 8. Social security 9. Sustainable development 10. Governmental regulation 11. Absent of individual property 12. Proper distribution of wealth CAPITALISM: Capitalism is a form of economic system where production, consumption and distribution as well as industry owner profit loss everything is the individual level ownership, that is called capitalism. CHARACTERISTIC OF CAPITALISM: 1. Private ownership 2. Private profit-loss 3. Individual industry 4. Labor expotation 5. International trade 6. International investment 7. Global market 8. Open market economy 9. Income inequality 10. Income difference between rich and poor 11. Lack of job security 12. International corporation. COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOUR: Collective behaviour is the relatively spontaneous and unstructured behavior of a group of people who are reaching to a common influence in an ambigues situation. Numors are a form of collective behavior. It is public opinion. People reactions to shared events such as war and election. FORMS OF COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOR: 1. Crowds 2. Panic 3. Mobs 4. Rumors 5. Urban Legends 6. Fashion 7. Public opinion 8. Mass hystoria 9. Propaganda 10. Fads FACTORS OF FERTILITY IN BANGLADESH: There are two factors- 1. Biological Factors a. Fertility age (14-49) b. Physical illness c. Willingly interact d. Abortion e. Use contraceptic 2. Social Factor- f. Early marriage g. Late marriage h. Polygamy marriage i. Desire son j. Depends on old age TYPES OF GOVERNMENT: 1. Monarchy: Monarchy is a form of government where single member of a royal family usually a king or queen or some other heridetary ruler are the suprime authority of a country. Ex- Saidi Arabia. 2. Oligarchy: Oligarcy is a form of government where few individual are the ruler of a country. The ruler are royal family which is the family tradition selected ruler one of the another. Ex- Tribal chief, Ancient Greek 3. Dictatorship : Dictatorship is a form government in which one person has nearly hold total power to make and enforce law/Marshal law/Military rules. Here decision making and another all state issue controled on handling by the specific ruler. 4. Democracy: Democracy is the form of government where political system established by the participator of parlament member with election process. Here people elected parlament member by their voting rights. According to Abraham Linkon- â€Å"Democracy is the government of the people by the people and for the people.†GLOBALIZATION: Globalization refers to the expansion of global linkage and the growth of global consciousness among economic(Production, Consumption, Distribution), sicual, political and cultural transformation whole over the world. Here globally connected that is called global village which is performs faster communication, technology and cultural heritage among the countries. ELEMENTS OF GLOBALIZATION: 1. The expansion of global market 2. Transformation of global politics 3. The emergence of new social and political movement ADVANTAGE OF GLOBALIZATION: 1. Increase economic growth 2. increase the efficiency of global business 3. Benifits to consumer 4. Gains to owner of multinational corporation 5. Higher standard of living 6. Capital inflow to poor countries 7. Increase total export of develop countries 8. Open market economy DISADVANTAGE OF GLOBALIZATION: 1. Reduction in economic growth 2. Increase inequility 3. Huge jobless 4. Downward pressure of wages 5. Supervision from international organization 6. Reduction of social protection 7. Threating environment
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