Friday, May 31, 2019

The Role Of The U.s. In The Third World In The Year 2000 :: essays research papers

The Role of the U.S. in the Third World in the Year 2000The fall in States cipher will continue to tighten and we must betterutilize our dollars spent on Third World aid. The questions of illegalimmigration, the population explosion, and environmental issues will havevital to our future. With closer linkage of US aid to these issues we can getthe most bang for our buck.The best way to stop illegal immigration into the United States is notto erect higher fences at our borders, but to invest in the third human race,primarily Mexico. Providing jobs at home where they enjoy life without worry to the highest degree the INS is the best solution. This solution will be cheaper thanincreasing funding for border patrols and INS personnel. If we were able tokeep most illegal immigrates home, the more impoverished they would become andthe greater the incentive for them to cross the border. By investing andimproving their homeland, more people would stay home, rather than take thedangerous j ourney to an unknown country to grant food for their families.Slowing down population rates of third world countries must be anotherpriority. Empowering women in third world countries, giving them emancipation from their husband and a choice in birth control is a start.Smaller grants similar to Foundation of the Philippine Environment can reward special(a) actions of foreign government, whether it be environmental, social oreconomic. Too many of current policies are aimed at creating markets for ourcommercial interests.We must also link aid with environmental issues, making the rain forestand jungles more profitable to locals without bulldozing them. This has beendemonstrated in Uganda with the mountain gorillas. Eco-tourism is helping thelocal economies and the national governments. This was also working in Rwandauntil gracious War tore this country apart. Fortunately the mountain gorillashave been left alone for the most part, since this was their third largestincome provider an d the number one and two sources, chocolate and tea fields weredestroyed during the war.Worldwide instant communication has improved human rights. The use offax machines and cell telephones during the Tiananmen Square uprising informedthe world of events and somewhat restrained the Chinese. Dan Rather doing theevening news from the Square while the protests were happening prevented themassacre from being ignored. The advent of CNN has put instant news into the detainment of people all over the world.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Julius Caesar Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Life And Death of Gaius Julius Caesar In my opinion, no other man in the history of the world symbolizes military and political talent as much as Julius Caesar does. Caesar was born on July 12, 100 BC in Rome, Italy (Encarta 2000). His father belonged to the prestigious Julian clan (Internet Explorer) His uncle by marriage was Gaius Marius, draw of the Populares which supported agrarian reform and opposed the Optimates (Comptons Encyclopedia). Marius saw to it that Julius Caesar was appointed flamen dialis which is a archaic priesthood with no power. Caesars marriage in 84 BC to Cornelia, the daughter of Mariuss have-to doe with was a political Match (Lindsay Salo). When Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Mariuss enemy and leader of the Optimates, was made dictator in 82 BC, he issued a list of enemies to be executed. Caesar was not harmed only if he was ordered by Sulla to divorce Cornelia. Caesar refused that order and left Rome to join the army (Lindsay Salo) (Comptons Encyclopedia) . This was the beginning of an astonishing military career. He became game in command of the province Asia (Turkey) (Lindsay Salo). In two years he proved his bravery and superior skills at arms. After these years and Sullas resignation in 78 BC, Julius decided to return to Rome. There he served as an officer in Crassuss army against Spartacus, Caesar climbed steadily in the government by serving as an official in many provinces (Internet Explorer). After the death of his wife Cornelia, Julius remarried a wealthy wife and allied with Crassus, who was the richest man in Rome at the sentence (Internet Explorer). Their opponent was Pompeius Magnus (the Great). Caesar wanted to become part of the consulate. The consulate was a governmental position where two consuls, nominated each year, held the power of the state. Caesar was hoping that he and Crassus would become the powerful consuls of the popish Empire. However, the Senate tried to stop his efforts by pitting Crassus, Pompeius a nd Caesar against each other. Caesar noticed this and did something believed impossible. Julius created an alliance among himself, Crassus, and Pompeius (Encarta 2000). The alliance made it possible for them all to share power. This three way consulship was called a Triumvirate (Internet Explorer). This agreement dictated the Roman policy for the next decade. They shared all offices between them and their followe... ...y corrupt tax system, extended Roman citizenship, and sponsored colonies of veterans. Also Caesars reform of the calendar gave Rome a rational means of recording time which was very important (Encarta 2000). However, a number of senatorial families felt that Caesar threatened their position. Thus, on the sixth of March 44 BC, the so called Ides of March, Caesar was murdered by Marcus Brutus, Gaius Cassius, and his two trusted commanders of his old legions Decimus Brutus and Gaius Trebonius (Encarta 2000). Caesar was stabbed twenty-three times. While the blood poured out of his wounded body the vast dictator of Rome silently pulled his toga over his head and fell at the foot of a statue of Pompeius (Internet Explorer). In conclusion, Julius Caesar was probably the greatest man of his time and the more or less successful. It was Caesar who ended the Roman republic and paved the way for the later Roman emperors (Encarta 2000). From his early life to his death no other man accomplished as much as he did. Julius Caesar in my opinion was the greatest soldier and dictator of all time. By Vince Henecker Bibliography 1. Comptons Encyclopedia 2. Encarta 2000 3. Internet Explorer 4. Lindsay Salo

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Spearfisherman :: Fishing Sports Papers

Spearfisherman As a student in the scuba certification class here at State, I have been taught that if you would alike(p) to reenforcement all of your limbs, it is best to keep your hands to yourself under the water. This means that if I saw a 52 pound fish, I probably would not strive to stab it with a spear, or play a game of cat and mouse. So what makes a spearfisherman? How does one go about spending their recreational sentence chasing after fish as big as them? Since the 1940s, spearfishing, the art of hunting prey without a line, in its own environment, has been a popular sporting activity. How do you learn to spearfish? You must first decide what type of a fisherperson you would like to be. Would you want to hunt with scuba equipment making it easier to dive to greater depths? Or would you like to stay close to the surface without the heavy gear? There are two types of spear fishermen, the people that are freedivers, who dive without the gear, and people t hat require an bloodline supply, otherwise known as scuba method. The freedive has very little equipment a mask, optional snorkel, fins, and the speargun of your choice. It is the simplest form of spearfishing, and yet it is said to be the most challenging (Allen Patrick 6). A diver must hold his breath on the surface, pike dive and descend, while trying to clear his ears and equalize pressure(6). The ears must also be clear-cut with the scuba method, so this is not only for freedivers. The scuba method, much more gear intensive, first and foremost requires that you have a recreational diving license. descend by in itself requires skill and education, so it is advisable for a aspiring spearfisherman to obtain a diving license before heading down to the local anesthetic speargun shop. You must have a mask that properly fits their face, fins, an air cylinder with a regulator that makes it possible to breath, the appropriate weight belt to decrease and outgrowth buoyancy, along wit h the buoyancy compensator, that holds you cylinder in place (Patrick 11-13). Now that you are in the water and have your gear, you need a weapon.

The Battle for Space in Shaw Essay -- Development Space

The Battle for Space in Shaw Groups, classes or fractions of classes cannot constitute themselves or recognize one another as subjects unless(prenominal) they generate (or produce) a length. Ideas, representation, or values which do not succeed in making their mark on space.will lose all pith and become mere scratchSpaces investment - the yield of space has nothing incidental about it it is a matter of life and death. Henri Lefebve, The Production of SpaceLefebvres quote speaks of the production of space as a common, inevitable Occurrence. Different groups, organizations and people, are constantly producing spaces. These groups are in existence only because they have generated a space and diligent it. Today, a battle for space is occurring throughout DC and other urban areas throughout the country in the vision of new Global, high tech cities. What is left wing of the existing space and the people who occupied it prior? Lefebvre suggests that these ideas, representation, and va lues that are unsuccessful in keeping their ground eventually fade and become mere memory. The ordinary commonly hears the word development a fancier world that legitimizes a particular production of a space. (Class discussion 3-17-01) In mainstream society, producing a new mail complex or a shopping center is thought of as an engine that generates new jobs and production that brings great amounts of money into the area. Although this model is successful, it fails to recognize other, less dramatic models of economic development that also stimulate growth and change without hurting an entire community. Development, defined by Raymond Williams can limit and confuse well-nigh any generalizing description of the current world economic order, and... ... packet 320) Like McGovern suggest, this way of thinking involves a change in consciousness away from the hegemony that has taught as to think this way. The underlying truth is that development will hurt Shaw Mayor Williams and other development officials may provide enticing information about the benefits that a Global city will have on DCs economy. In the long run, however, this help - greater revenues from department stores and cafs, tax incentives for new space buyers and businesses, and attracting the rich suburbanites who finally want a part of city life - will repave and destroy the Shaw neighborhood and eventually all of DC. As Lefebve says the production of space has nothing incidental about it it is a matter of life and death and in the near future, maybe the only thing left, will be a lifeless plaque that commemorates the forgotten residents of Shaw.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

how Is Helium Produced? :: essays research papers

"How Is atomic number 2 Produced?"Production Although Helium is one of the most common elements in the universeit is a rare gas on earth. It exists in the atmosphere in such small quantities(less than five parts per million) that recovering it from the air isuneconomical. Helium is produced as a by-product of the refining of natural gas,which is carried out on a commercial scale in the USA and Poland. In these areasnatural gas contains a relatively high concentration of Helium which hasaccumulated as a result of radioactive decay of heavy elements within theearths crust. Helium is supplied to distribution centres throughout the worldin liquid framing in large cryogenic containers. The Helium is filled into liquidcontainers, gas cylinders and cylinder packs as necessary.History of Helium Production Government involvement in atomic number 2 conservationdates to the Helium Act of 1925 which authorized the Bureau of Mines to buildand operate a large-scale atomic number 2 e xtraction and purification plant. From 1929until 1960 the federal government activity was the only domestic helium producer. In 1960,Congress revise the Helium Act to provide incentives to natural gas producersfor stripping natural gas of its helium, for leveraging of the separated helium bythe government, and for its long-term storage. With over 960 million cubicmeters (34.6 billion cubic feet) of helium in government storage and a largeprivate helium recovery industry, questions arise as to the need for either thefederal helium extraction program or the federally maintained helium stockpile.In a move which would take the federal government out of the helium business,Congress passed the Helium Privatization Act (H.R. 873) as part of the Seven-Year equilibrise Budget Reconciliation Act of 1995 (H.R. 2491). Although themeasure died when the President vetoed the Budget Act on December 6, 1995, theAdministration has made a goal the privatization of the federal helium program.On Apr il 30, 1996, the House suspended the rules and passed H.R. 3008, theHelium Privatization Act as agreed to in the House-Senate conference on theBudget Act. Subsequently, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committeeamended the bill to provide for the National Academy of Sciences to study howbest to dispose of the helium reserve. On kinfolk 26, 1996, with limited timeremaining for the 104th Congress, the House again suspended the rules and passedH.R. 4168, a new bill containing the Senate Committee language. This would avoidthe need for a conference if the Senate would also pass the same bill. TheSenate did so on September 28, 1996. This report reviews the origin and

how Is Helium Produced? :: essays research papers

"How Is atomic number 2 Produced?"Production Although Helium is one of the most common elements in the universeit is a rare gas on earth. It exists in the atmosphere in such small quantities(less than five parts per million) that recovering it from the air isuneconomical. Helium is produced as a by-product of the refining of indwelling gas,which is carried out on a commercial scale in the USA and Poland. In these areasnatural gas contains a relatively high concentration of Helium which hasaccumulated as a result of radioactive decay of heavy elements within theearths crust. Helium is supplied to distribution centres throughout the worldin liquid phase angle in bad cryogenic containers. The Helium is filled into liquidcontainers, gas cylinders and cylinder packs as necessary.History of Helium Production Government involvement in helium conservationdates to the Helium Act of 1925 which authorized the Bureau of Mines to buildand operate a large-scale helium extraction and p urification plant. From 1929until 1960 the federal organization was the only domestic helium producer. In 1960,Congress revise the Helium Act to provide incentives to natural gas producersfor stripping natural gas of its helium, for secure of the separated helium bythe government, and for its long-term storage. With over 960 million cubicmeters (34.6 billion cubic feet) of helium in government storage and a largeprivate helium recovery industry, questions arise as to the need for either thefederal helium extraction program or the federally maintained helium stockpile.In a move which would take the federal government out of the helium business,Congress passed the Helium Privatization Act (H.R. 873) as part of the Seven-Year balance Budget Reconciliation Act of 1995 (H.R. 2491). Although themeasure died when the President vetoed the Budget Act on December 6, 1995, theAdministration has made a goal the privatization of the federal helium program.On April 30, 1996, the House suspende d the rules and passed H.R. 3008, theHelium Privatization Act as agreed to in the House-Senate conference on theBudget Act. Subsequently, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committeeamended the bill to provide for the National Academy of Sciences to study howbest to dispose of the helium reserve. On phratry 26, 1996, with limited timeremaining for the 104th Congress, the House once more suspended the rules and passedH.R. 4168, a new bill containing the Senate Committee language. This would avoidthe need for a conference if the Senate would also pass the same bill. TheSenate did so on September 28, 1996. This report reviews the origin and

Monday, May 27, 2019

Computer College †Fairview Campus Essay

1.0 Proposed Thesis TitleEasy Login System for Computers in AMA Fairview using ID Barcode Scanner2.0 Area of InvestigationThis study focuses on having a good observe system for easy login on the computers in the AMA Fairview computer laboratories in terms of students or professors using computers as well as monitoring the time and problems about each specific computer.3.0 Reason for choosing this TopicTo secure the laboratory equipments, the professors must ensure that students will handle them properly. The proponents chose this study to break dance ease on monitoring of students usage in each individual computer and also monitor the students attendance.4.0 richness of the StudyThe study will help to improve the services of the AMA Fairview in teaching on their computer subjects. It also helps the users to easily log in on the computers.Computer College Fairview Campus Asia s 1st and Largest IT University Lot 9 Blk 129 Regalado Ave., Fairview, Pasong Putik, Quezon City5.0 Target Users/BeneficiariesThe target users or beneficiaries of this study will be the students and professors using computers with ease of monitoring the computers condition to lessen the students misusage.6.0 Similarity with Previous Study/ProjectThis proposed study is similar to Celt Login Authentication System(CLAS) in University of Santo doubting Thomas by Michael Anthony G. Goco and Edgardo Antonio O. Gayos.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Stupidest Angel Chapter 20

Chapter 20WINGING ITThe angel had opened six envelopes of powdered hot-chocolate mix and handpicked out all the minimarshmallows. They trap them in these little prisons with the brown powder. You mustiness free them to put them in the cup, the angel explained, tearing open an some other packet, pouring the contents into a bowl, picking up the little marshmallows, and dropping them into his mug. exhaust him while hes counting the marshmallows, give tongue to the Narrator. Hes a mutant. No angel could be that stupid. Kill him, you crazy bitch, hes the enemy.Nuh-uh, utter Raziel, into his marshmallow foam.Molly looked at him over the rim of her mug. By the candlelight in the kitchen, he certainly was a striking fellow those sharp features, the lineless face, the hair, and now the chocolate-marshmallow mustache. Not to mention the intermittent glowing in the dark, which had been ministrant when she was looking for some matches to light the candles.You can hear the voice in my head ? she asked.Yes. And in my head.Im not religious, Molly said. Under the table, she held the tashi with her free hand, its blade resting crosswise her b are thighs.Oh, me either, said the angel.I mean, Im not religious, so wherefore are you here?Lunatics. Were attracted to them. It has something to do with the mechanics of faith. I dont really understand it. Do you puddle any more? He held up the empty cocoa envelope. His mug was overflowing with melted marshmallow foam.No, thats the whole box. So youre attracted to me because Im loony and will believe anything?Yes, I think so. And because no one will believe you. So theres no violation of faith.Right.But you are attractive in other ways, too, added the angel quickly, as if someone had suddenly smacked him in the head with a sock full of people skills. I like your sword and those.My breasts? It wasnt the first magazine that someone had said that sort of thing to her, but it was the first time it had come from a messenger of God.Ye s. Zoe has those. Shes an archangel like me. Well, not like me. She has those.Uh-huh. So there are female angels as well?Oh yes. Not always. Everyone was changed after you happened.Me?Man. Mankind. Women. You. Before we were all one kind. But then you happened, and we were divided up and given parts. Some got those, others got other things. I dont populate why.So you realise parts?Would you like to see?Wings? Molly asked. She actually wouldnt mind seeing his locomote, if he had them.No, we all work those. I mean my special parts. Would you like to see? He stood and reached down the front of his pants.It wasnt the first time shed had an offer like that, but it was the first time it had come from a messenger of God.No, thats okay. She grabbed his forearm and guided him back into his seat.Okay, then. I should go. I have to check on the miracle and then go home.The miracle?A Christmas miracle Thats why Im here. Oh look, you have a scar on one of themHe has the attention span of a hu mmingbird, the Narrator hissed Put him out of his misery The angel was pointing to the scrawny five-inch scar above Mollys left breast, the one shed gotten when a stunt went wrong while filming Mechanized Death Warrior Babe VII. The injury that had gotten her raised, the scar that had cease her career as a B-movie action heroine.Does it hurt? asked the angelNot anymore, Molly saidCan I touch?It wasnt the first time that someone had asked, but well, you know. Okay, she said.His fingers were long and fine, his fingernails a little too long for a guy, she thought, but his touch was warm and radiated from her breast through her whole bodyWhen he pulled his hand away, he said, Better?She touched where he had touched It was smooth. Completely smooth. The scar was gone. The angel blurred in her vision as tears welled up in her eyes.You complete shit bag of sentimental saccharine, said the NarratorThank you, Molly said, with a hint of a sniffle I didnt know you could Im good with we ather, said the angel.Idiot the Narrator saidI have to go now, said Raziel, rising from his chair I have to go to the church to see if the miracle has workedMolly led him through the living board to the front door. She held the door for him. Even so, the wind whipped his coat around him and she could see the white tips of his wings below. She smiled, laughing and crying at the same time.Bye, the angel said. He walked away into the woods.As Molly closed the door, something dark flew through it. The candles in the living room had blown out, so all she could see was a shadow flying through the house, disappearing into the kitchen.She got the door shut and trod into the kitchen, holding her sword at a low ready. By the candlelight in the kitchen, she could see the shadow over the kitchen window, two eyes shining orange back there in the dark.She picked up a candle from the table and moved toward the window until the shadow cast shadows of its own. It was some kind of animal, hanging f rom the shutter over the sink, looking like a black towel with a little doggy face. It didnt seem dangerous, just, well, a little goofy.Well, this is it I am set offting back on my meds tomorrow, if I have to borrow the money from LenaNot so fast, said the Narrator. Itll be so lonely in here when Im gone. And youll be back to wearing your normal clothes. Jeans and sweaters, you cant postulate that.Ignoring the Narrator, Molly approached the creature on the shutters until she was only two feet away and staring right into its eyes. Angels are one thing, but I dont even know what in the hell you are, little guy.Fruit bat, said Roberto.He might be a Spaniard, said the Narrator. Did you hear the accent?Im loss out there, Theo Crowe said, finding a grip on the Christmas tree.He still has one bullet, said Tucker Case.They are going to torch the place. Ive got to get out there.To do what? You going to get a line their matches away?Lena took Theo by the arm. Theo, theyll never get a fire started in this rain and wind. Dont go out there. Ben didnt make it two steps.If I can get to an SUV, I can start running over people, Theo said. Val gave me the keys to her Range Rover.Well, thats not going to work, said Tuck. Theres a bunch of them. You might get some of the purposeless ones, but the rest will just run into the woods where you cant get to them.Fine. Suggestions? This place will burn like tinder, rain or no rain. If I dont do something were going to get roasted.Lena looked at Tuck. Maybe Theos right. If he can drive them into the woods, maybe the rest of us can make a get word for the parking lot. They cant get all of us.Fine, Theo said. Divide people up into groups of five and six. Give the strongest member of each group the key to an SUV. Make undisputable everyone knows where theyre going once they get out the door. When you hear the horn on the Range Rover play Shave and a Haircut, it will mean Ive done what I can do. Everyone make a break for it.Wow, you c ame up with that while stoned, Tuck said. Im impressed.Just get everyone ready. Im not going out on that roof until Im sure no one is waiting for me.What if we hear a gunshot? What if they get you before you get to the car?Theo pulled a key out of his pocket and give it to Tuck. Then it would be your turn, wouldnt it? Val had her spare car key with her, too.Wait a minute. Im not running out there. You have an excuse, youre stoned, youre a cop, your wife threw you out, and your life is in shreds. Things are going good for me.When Constable Crowe leaves, then can we cut off his head? asked Joshua Barker.Okay, maybe not, said Tuck.Im going, Theo said. Get everyone ready at the door.The gangly constable made his way up the Christmas tree. Tuck watched him climb out on the roof, then turned to the others. Okay, you guys heard him. Lets break into groups of five and six by the front doors. Nacho, grab the hammer, were going to have to pull the nails on the reinforcements. Whos driving a n SUV?Everyone but the children raised their hands.It wont spark, its wet, said Marty in the Morning. He was trying to coax fire out of a drenched disposable lighter. The undead stood around him, looking at the pile of gasoline-sodden debris theyd piled against the billet of the chapel.I love barbecue, said Arthur Tannbeau. Every sunshine out at the ranch, we used to Only in California could one refer to a citrus farm as a ranch, interrupted Malcolm Cowley. As if you and the yahoos would all go out on horseback to round up the tangerines.Didnt anyone find a dry lighter or matches in any of the cars? Dale Pearson said.No one smokes anymore, said Bess Leander. Disgusting filthy habit anyway.Said the woman who still has brain matter on her chin from that fellow in the sweater, said Malcolm.Bess smiled coyly, most of her gums visible through her receded lips. They were so tasty it was like hed never used them.There was a chirp from the front of the chapel and all of them looked. lily-livered lights flashed on one of the vehicles up there.Someones making a break for it, screamed Dale. I thought I told you to keep an eye on the roof.I did, said the one-armed Jimmy Antalvo. Its dark. I cant see shit.As they rushed down the side of the chapel toward the front, they saw a dark shadow slide off the side of the roof to the ground.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

My Heritage Essay

My heritage is something that I am immensely proud of. The courses of my heritage began along the Andean orbit of South America. The depth of my culture is represented through Ecuadors medical specialtyal and gastronomical roots. My family strictly follows a strong religious background which has influenced my life greatly. excessively cultural gastronomy and morality, the celebration of holidays is very important to my family as well. Therefore, there are many different factors that my heritage is composed of. One decompose of my heritage, that I curiously enjoy, is the music and cuisine which pertains to my culture. Ecuador has a wide variety of music ranging from Incan tribal music to current traditional Ecuadorian music. Every time a song is played, it tells a different story, allowing the listener to visualize and experience the rhythm first hand. Among the many plates Ecuador has to offer, a few in particular have been conventional as my favorites one of them is called Lo cro, which is a thick soup made from potatoes, cheese, and meat. Locro is usually served with a light salad, topped off with cilantro and avocado.The aroma emanating from this culinary variety sends my mind into a state of euphoric tranquility. Therefore, the combination of these two can make any event a moment to savor. In addition to the music and the food, religion plays an important role in my heritage as well. Catholicism is the dominant religion in Ecuador, and the religion with which I was raised. The Roman based religion has a high influence amongst my people. I remember during my childhood how important it was to go through my religious sacraments. As a Catholic, going to church with my family every Sunday was a never broken tradition. Although I am respectful of all religions, my religion has played an important role and has allowed me to flourish. Among the many rituals that are well(p) within the Catholic religion, we show a significant amount of respect to Catholic ho lidays. Holidays are a very important ceremonial event which is laud amongst my family. Once a year, my family gathers together for a much acclaimed event, the birth of Jesus Christ.To some, this day is known to be filled with folktales about a gift fully grown Santa Clause hidden in the North Pole. In my family, we aretaught from childhood about the son of God, Jesus Christ, and the many miracles and sacrifices he had to endure for us. Another part of this tradition was attending midnight mass to show respect for the birth of baby Jesus. This religion and its holiday are not only pertinent to the country of my origin but also a large part of what I consider to be my heritage today. In conclusion, my heritage is drawn from different factors all of which guess on the types of influences that are present in a persons life. The parts of my heritage which I consider important include the gastronomical and musical theater roots of Ecuador, Catholicism, and lastly the celebration of an important religious holiday. These combinations have had a substantially large influence on what I consider my heritage today.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Forced Sterilization

Markeisha A. Knott History of Medicine in the U. S. Class 421 pressure Sterilization Throughout history there let always been deal where the government has required citizens to undergo some sort of medical procedure. Even though some of these procedures were commonplace in the past, they are now considered ethically wrong. Forced sterilization is an example of this, because it denies a woman of the ability to bare children, and denies a man the ability to inseminate.Sterilization is defined as the act of making an organism complete(a) or infertile (unable to reproduce). When most subject hear the words forced sterilization the first thing that often comes to mind are the Nazis. In the 1930s the Nazis introduced a massive, compulsory sterilization of a expectant segment of the German population (Rosenberg, Jennifer). The government believed that the Germans with the best genes had been killed off in the Second World War, slice those with the worse genes stayed behind and did nt fight, and were then free to procreate more of their bad genes.Believing that that the preservation of the optimal German genes were more important that an individuals rights, the government had the authority to do whatever it took to preserve these optimal genes. However, Germany was not the first country to perform forced sterilization (Rosenberg, Jennifer). Even though in the United States we tend to overlook this as something that did not happen, it did. It is part of our past, and will always be part of American history.During the 1900s the United States had a eugenics platform in which the purpose was to attempt to perfect the gene pool, with the idea that if societys degenerates, like criminals and the mentally ill were barred from having children then societys problems would disappear (Webster University). American biologists like Charles B. Davenport and Harry H. Laughlin supported the idea of keeping the Anglo-American race pure. Their belief was that most ailments and social problems were hereditary, like poverty and criminality (Piotrowski, Crista). Therefore, people with good enes should be encouraged to pass on their genes by having more children, while those with bad genes should be barred from reproducing. There were many types of people who cast under the label of being genetically inferior. This included epileptics, manic-depressives, prostitutes, alcoholics, the homeless, and criminals. People who fell under any star of these categories or who caught the negative attention of authorities were deemed feeble-minded by the court, and were legally forced to undergo sterilization (Piotrowski, Crista). Several other countries used forced sterilization as well, though for different reasons.Peru, for example, was faced with a large population jump and not enough resources to support all the people. So they came up with a solution making a target number of the hail of people to e sterilized every year, which would effectively lower the populat ion if the plan worked. n 1996, it was 100,000. It was not met that year, but the target for the next year was change magnitude to 130,000 and in that year, the quota was met. Even though sterilization can be performed on both men and women, it is mostly women who are victims of forced sterilization since they are the hotshot who actually have babies (Webster University).About 40 years ago in North Carolina, it wasnt uncommon that a single mother on welfare, or a mental patient in a hospital to be forcibly and unknowingly sterilized against their will. Of course at the time, over half of all the states in the U. S. had eugenics laws well into the 1970s (Rose, Julie). North Carolina is currently thinking of compensating the victims of forced sterilization, most of whom were poor and uneducated, blacks and whites alike. One woman, Elaine Riddick, now 57, was sterilized at age fourteen because the state deemed her promiscuous and a trouble maker.Riddick was actually a young girl livi ng in poverty and hunger, and was a victim of rape. While giving have a bun in the oven through C-section to her entirely son, the product of said rape, the doctors also sterilized her. There was consent form on which Riddicks illiterate grandmother subscribe the go-ahead for the procedure with an X. Whats worse is that Riddick didnt find about her being sterile until she was married, 19, and trying to have more children. Riddick is just one of the many sharing the same story. Nearly 7,600 men and women as young as 10 have been sterilized in North Carolina.Social workers would coerce women to have the operation under threat of losing their public assistance, because sterilization was viewed as a way to cut spending on public welfare (Julie Rose). Forced sterilization is a procedure that violates several medical ethics, which is defined as a system of moral principles that apply values and judgments to the practice ofmedicine (Wikipedia). This procedure violates lead medical ethi cs autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence. Every patient is acceptn the right to choose or refuse treatment the right of autonomy.However, forced sterilization doesnt give the patient the chance or ability to make the decision themselves, because the government chooses for them. Beneficence explains that a doctor must always act on a treatment or procedure that is in the best interest of the patient. Sterilization wasnt in any way in the best interest of the patients it was performed on. It was only in the best, selfish, interests of the government who wanted to keep the Anglo-American race pure and eradicate social problems. Forced sterilization also violates non-maleficence, which simply translates to three words Do No Harm.Many of the patients that were sterilized underwent the procedure without their own knowledge, not knowing of their barren status until years after when they began to question their failed attempts at having children. I am completely against this concept o f the government forcing its citizens to do a medical procedure against their will, or performing it while the patient is unaware of it is beyond inconsiderate. Its cruel, and plainly said, its downright shady. Works Cited Medical Ethics. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Dec. 2010. Web. 22 Nov. 011. . Piotrowski, Crista. Dark Chapter of American History U. S. Court Battle Over Forced Sterilization. Home putting green Dreams. Common Dreams, 21 July 2000. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. . Rosenberg, Jennifer. Sterilization. 20th Century History. About. Web. 19 Nov. 2011. . Rosenberg, Julie. North Carolina Considers Compensating Forced Sterilization Victims NPR. NPR National Public Radio News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts NPR. 22 June 2011. Web. 19 Nov. 2011. . Women and Global Human Rights. Webster University. Web. 19 Nov. 2011. .

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Competitve advantage Essay

A firm that already has sustained warlike emolument in its domestic securities industry whitethorn not have the same advantage in an oversea market. Discuss the issues that this creates for a firm, and how it readiness exploit its resource advantages to secure successful market gate and create warlike advantage in a modernistic overseas market.With the spherical trade network more integrated, according to Pearce and Robinson (2009), firms tend to draw in overseas market to gain more profit due to the maturity of domestic market, excess cap susceptibility, and potential purchasing index in immaterial market. Therefore, as a firm has already achieved success in its domestic country it might consider enter a raw(a) market. Before it operates in a pertly market, it has to consider the barrier of market admission, such as the barrier of political, affable, economic or technology in a new market. And as foreign institution decision (Peng, 2009) model presents three aspect s where, when and how should be considered before enter in a new market. In addition, as a manager of a troupe should adjust its emulous advantage to adapt disparate market. Based on the study of Hill (2013), changes in the forces which include macroeconomics, social, technological, global, political and legal, and demographic whitethorn take back great influence in competitive force model.Therefore, the ability of a firm to solve problems by the impact of different forces then build new competitive advantage by its resource advantage and competences signifi lowlifet as it enters a new overseas market. This essay exit present most detail subject of the firms which may enter a new overseas market and face different issues during the process of entering a new market and go game solutions to each issue. Price wars are common in any industry which is a common issue to be considered before enter a new overseas market, moreover, base on five force framework, in order to increase t he ability of competing with rivals in industry, the ability of rivalry among competitors is one of the forces. Primark is one of the virtually successful fashion retailers in British. Its competitive advantage is from its low price. In another word, it gains profit from the speak to leader strategy. (Hooley & Piercy ,2008). India is one of the biggest developing countries in the world. It has sizeable population which means India has a huge potential market for Primark. As reported byBBC (2013) Recently, India government has opened up its retail market to foreign companies to stimulate its economic. Assume Primark enter the market of India, it may face competitive rivals, such as H&M and Gap.It has to maintain its competitive advantage and amends the ability of efficiency of cost .However, as a company which relies on low cost supplier, first of all, it has to decrease the barging power of supplier, thanks to the large population in India, it is not only providing a huge market for Primark but also offering a powerful labor resource to it. It offer an exactly social force to exploit its resource advantage and strategic fit in market of India.(Grant,2007) According to value chain study, reducing the cost of individual cost driver and reemployment could offer cost advantage to a firm. (Thompson & Martin, 2010) Primark could outsource to different local manufactures and create competition among them. In order to reduce the bargaining power of local supplier, Primark should deduce the dependence of a certain supplier. A good experience of Wal-Mart (Peng, 2009) could be used to Primark, it set up a policy at bottom company which prevents any supplier offer more than 3% of its purchase. Furthermore, Primark should constrain those factories by contracts to prevent them copy the product and become both supplier and rivals. Primark might gain profit from controlling the cost and matching the opportunities in the external environment in conclusion enter a new ove rseas market. Before enter a new overseas market, the last is always a considerable problem for a firm.Different countries have different belief, values, and behavior depend on their national culture.(Rugman & Collison) Furthermore, a firm should think about where to enter, base on Institution-based considerations on country risk.(Peng, 2009) It should evaluate the culture distance from its domestic country to a oversea market, moreover, taking advantage of common cultural, linguistic process, and historical ties.(Makino& Tsang,2011) If a firm enters a different cultural environment from its domestic and it may lose its competitive advantage. Therefore, when a firm enters a new market, it should not only focus it competitive advantage but also match the requirement of local flock and adjust its strategy to current situation. Disneyland built the sixth Disneyland in Shanghai and it will operate in 2015. Consider it is as a cross culture theme park, it should learn the experience o f other Disneyland in other countries. French Disneyland (Trigg, 1995) which has not reach itsexpectation.It failed in France because it used English as official language in it which annoyed French, alcohol was forbidden in French Disneyland and this policy against the behavior of local people. What is more, it had conflict with farmers for land expropriation and caused opposition in France. Another example to support the argument is Tesco. Tesco lost 1.8 billion in USA, a lot of factors led to its failure, and one of the most important factors is Americans having different eating habits from European. Tesco has not considered it and eventually fail in a different culture environment. In order to gain profit in different culture markets, a firm should improve its abilities of adaption to a particular proposition national market and blend global standardization and local adaption. For example, McDonalds gained great competitive advantage from its global strategy (Grant, 2010). Althou gh the menus of McDonalds include globally items, likes happy meals, however, in different counties it has locally items.Considering about local relevance and find a balance point amid global standardization and local adaption could maintain competitive advantage in a new culture market. In addition, to compete with first- promoter in a new market is an important risk to a firm. Late entrants may face entry barrier which set by first-mover and hard to gain market share. Furthermore, the relationship between first-mover and local government maybe stable. (Peng, 2009) Kindle e-book reader is an electronic product was launched by Amazon from 2007 which linked to the electronic books. If Kindle enters Korean market, it would face approximately powerful competitors. The most competitive rivals is Galaxy Tab of Samsung as well as it have already gained great market share in Korea. In order to compete with Samsung, differentiation strategy could be used by Kindle. Innovation is the most competitive advantage of the technology industry. In another word, enkindle should focus on its unique resource which is the large amount of e-resources of Amazon.This tangible source could attract customer and create the demand of customer. By increasing its impulsive capabilities by updating its organizational knowledge, accepting different ideas and developing the blend of tacit and explicit knowledge in a new market. (Wall, et al.2010). Besides, Kindle can evaluate the market of Korea which based on the current situation of Samsung before it enters this market and predicts the potential risk and makes some measures in advance. Moreover, late entrances couldcooperate with the first- mover to share the fixed assets to reduce the cost of entering a new market. As for small-medium companies, one of the biggest problems is the scale of the companies cannot support high risk of entering overseas market and they can afford the huge capital. P.van Dam & Zn. BV is family business with less than 30 staff which exports fresh flower and wholesale company in Netherlands. The competitive advantage of P.van Dam & Zn. BV is flexible to response the requirement of customer. Customer could order flowers by their official website, telephone or E-mail them and customer can amour specialize staff in each step, in other word, P.van Dam & Zn. BV contact customers personally. It can react rapidly and fit the demand of customers.If it wants to enter UK market, it may export directly since the size of it is really small and it prefer to take whole controlling of distribution. The small scale of entry is suitable for them and the best entry mode of this kind of small companies is exporting. It is not only reducing the cost of entering overseas but also get better control over distribution. (Peng, 2009) After a company enters a new market, According to Industry-based consideration on the degree of competitiveness (Peng, 2009), one of potential risks is substitute. For example, Lip ton is one of the most competitive brands in China and became the best sale in tea market in five years. The core competence of Lipton is the sensitivity of the requirement of customer (Chanston, 2012). Lipton invests a lot on researching the tendency of tea and the preferences of customer as well as setting up a data base and in different countries. It combined the tea and the life of target customers together.Base on the VRIO framework (Peng , 2009), value, rarity, robustness and Non-substitutability to keep sustainable competitive advantage, Lipton brings a health and new personal manner of drinking tea to Chinese market which also brings value to its brand. Besides, it is will cost a lot to copy the operating model of Lipton. In addition, the intelligent image has been accepted by costumers, some substitutes such as coke, juice cant take place of it. Therefore, increasing the ability of each portion in VRIO framework and improve the sustainable competitive could avoid the thr eat of potential substitute in new market.In conclusion, this essay has covered some major issues when a firm enters a new market, price issue, culture issue, first-mover issue small-medium size company issue and substitute issue. And give some specific companies as examples to explain how to gaincompetitive advantage to response to each issue. For example, Shanghai Disney should blend global standardization and local adaption to get competitive advantage in a new market. A firm should change or improve its competitive advantage as it enter a foreign market, otherwise, it will loss the opportunities and fail in a new overseas market.ReferencesBBC (2013). H&M wins final approval to invest in India. Online Available at http// word of honor/business-25196418 Accessed 4th January 2014. Grant, R (2010) Contemporary strategy Analysis Text and Cases (7th ed). A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Pubilication Grant, R (2007) Contemporary Strategy Analysis Concept, Techniques, Applicatio ns (6th ed). Wiley Blackwell mutation Hill, J (2013). hypothesis of Strategic Management (10th ed).International Edition Hooley, G. Piercy, N(2008) Marketing Strategy and competitive positioning(4th ed). Prentice Hall Edition Peng, W(2009) Global strategic management(2th ed). International student Edition Pearce, J.& Robinson, R. (2009). Formulation, instruction execution& control of competitive strategy (11th ed ). McGraw. Hill international Edition Rugman, A. & Collinson,S (2009) International Business( 5th ed) Prentice Hall Edition. Thompson, J.& Martin, F.(2010) Strategic Management Awareness and Change(6th ed) South-western Edition Trigg, M. &Trigg, D(1995) Disneys European theme park adventure a clash of cultures Cross Cultural Management An International Journal. Vol2.No.2. PP.13-22 Makino, S.& Tsang, E(2011) Historical ties and foreign direct investment, JIBS, 42545-557 Wall, S. Zimmermann, C. Klingebiel, R.& Lange,D. (2010)Strategic Reconfigurations Building Dynamic Ca pabilities in Rapid Innovation-based Industries. Mixed sources edition.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Classmates and Influences

Do you mate or disagree with the following statement? Classmates ar a more serious influence than parents on a childs success in school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. I can not completely agree with the statement that classmates are a more important influence than parents on a childs success in school. In this essay I give rootage focus on the reasons why I agree with this statement and then list a few points why from my opinion in some cases is not true.From the one side, classmates deal a significant influence on childs behavior and his or her success in school. First of all, children spend much time at school. Classmates have many things in common such as age, interests, homework and classes after all. So, they discuss their impressions about a new teacher, solve problems together, learn their homework, move in new knowledge and experience and even make their own discoveries. Sharing all these makes them closer. Some of them become friends and th ey spend after-school time together.In addition friends run away to copy each others habits and manners. For instance, my little sister became friends with the girl who did not have good grades at school at that time. It does not mean she could not have better grades she just had many friends who did not care about their grades. So, when they started to spend their time together and share their interests, girls grades improved. They did their homework together, shared their dreams and exciting moments. From this point I must agree that classmates can change childs attitude towards school.From the other side, parents have a great influence on children success in school too. For example if parents show an interest in their childs progress and talk to him or her about the importance of learning I think their child will listen to them and do his or her best. Personally, I believe that relationships between parents and a child play an essential role in childs success in school. If these relationships are close and wholehearted I am sure that parents should not be afraid of bad influence from the outside.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Technology: A User Friendly for Students

Technology has transformed the union leaving people with no choice plainly to conform to the constant innovations and learn to rely on what the engine room has to offer. The advent of the twenty first century has gone to a lot of discoveries and innovations that require the people to increase the living standards in a society that is rapidly and constantly changing. Today, technology is even requiring a higher quality of education (Clark, Sanders, & Stammen, 1997).Apparently, the existence of technology gives people countless benefits to make lives more convenient. Students nowadays have been fortunate for having an advanced technology to be used for education purposes. Even though the society blames technology for the way it molds the issue generation through the gadgets and modes of communication that give them in waitence, the advantages that these young people acquire from technology are evident.Technology helps the students to communicate well and this instant get and rece ive information they needed for their studies. Moreover, technology makes easy transactions of the students inside and outback(a) the schools. On the other hand, the idea of bringing technology outside the classrooms can be frightening because students always tend to look only at the benefits and convenience that it gives to the users. However, this may also open another opportunity to the young generation in attaining the real picture of the technological world.Technology does not always bring negative impacts because the students still benefit from the newly-innovated products in the society. The online libraries, internet messaging, and word impact are just few of the benefits that students learn and enjoy through the use of technology. Proper teaching of faculty about the right usage and limited mental picture of students to technological gadgets can make technology user friendly and beneficial for the young adults. Apparently, the extent of beneficial relationship between te chnology and users does not depend on how many gadgets a student has and how much he or she knows using them but having enough knowledge about technology and how to use them in proper ways can serve as the measurement of how these gadgets become friendly to its users.ReferenceClark, V. L. Sanders, G. F. & Stammen, R. M. (1997). Building a User Friendly Environment The Challenge of Tecnology in Higher Education. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from http//

Monday, May 20, 2019

Myths According to Joseph Campbell

Kevin Gerbier What is a paper? When one thinks of a allegory perhaps one thinks about a grade being told by the fire, or a dramatic tale about an invincible hero, or perhaps a cosmogonic occurrence that caused everything to be. Personally, when I think of the record fable, I think of the ancient Greeks or Romans with their legion(predicate) theologys and deitydesses however, to most, the story being told by a myth is exclusively that, just a story.To most the term myth has been confused for a legend or folklore. The truth of the matter is however, that to religious scholars, a myth is to a greater extent than just a story a myth is how a companionships religion came to beg off what seemed the inexplicable. With modern science booming and being capable of explaining the events that our ancestors could not, there has been a mix up on the term myth and on the spot that it plays in the religious backbone.As a scientist, when I hear the word myth or that something is simply a myth, I understand that as being false or completely untrue or, when people in south America are told the horrendous story of the chupa cabra that is simply disregarded as a myth, a folklore invented by someone who may harbor seen an animal they did not know and simply disguised it as a monster. The reality of the matter however, is that, critical, a myth is as true as anything else toilette be. This does not necessarily mean that when one hears the story of the great englut it literally means that god flooded the entire world.A myth can be based on historical facts or none at all the facts are not what make a myth true further it is the story that inspired it and the content of it. A myth is simply a nonliteral poem telling a story that explains the human encounter with the unkn take. This is where the religious aspect ties in with the scholarly view of myths. Every religion has its own story or myth on how the founding was created, how humans came to be, where life came from, and so on. These stories show a kind of relationship with the supernatural and the mortal beings.Myths began as stories that were told by word of mouth eventually however, they began to be written and in a religions consecrate writings. From these written down myths, the teachers or the wise from each religion can interpret the nonliteral story that has been passed down from older generations of that religion and enlighten those who follow it. The importance of myths is how it contributions and plays a role in a particular religion and society. Joseph Campbell was a mythologist and a writer. He believed that myth was in fact non-fiction and that it play a great role in how it functioned with religion and beliefs.He wrote The Heros Journey where he describe four major components that gave a function to myths. These were that, first myths produce a mystical function, myths also adjudge a cosmological function, myths posses a sociological function, and finally myths have a p sychological function match to joseph Campbell. The mystical function of myth is meant to keep the believer in awe and be able to have it away first hand the power of the divine through the story. The stories are meant to engage the listener or reader so that they can relate to an extent beyond their comprehension.This function places the believer in a reduce state when the realization of how miniscule they are compared to their god. The mystical function unites the believer with the transcendent reality to which they originated from. This function is meant to instill a sense of faith to that which cannot be directly seen but is felt when engaged in the story. The cosmological function of myth is one that can be seen less in our advanced society due to all the scientific research that has discredited many of the sacred texts stories on creation and many other subjects the divine.For example, the Christian myth about the Garden of Eden, Adam, Eve, and the forbidden tree could on ce have been seen as factually true. With modern science as an ally, we are no longer confined to that story as an explanation to our beginnings. The cosmological function however is meant to do just that, narrate a divine story that explains that which inexplicable at the time the story was created. The third function of myths is the sociological function this function of myths can be trivial and sometimes twisted and turned for a select groups own benefit.Not only do the metaphorical stories told in myth explain how the world functions or came to be per say, but also they leave teachings of social order and divine order. An example of this can be seen in the ledger where homosexuality is said to be an abomination. This type of lesson leads the believers in straying away from that sort of behavior because their god frowns upon it. The sociological function is also meant to build a better society by instilling a sense of morals, ethics, and customs upon the people.The problem with this type of function arises when zealots begin to use the rules and orders set in their sacred texts to their selfish needs and neglect the rest. The final function of myths is that they possess a psychological function and this may perhaps be the most important one of the set. This functions links the believer with him/herself and helps them with internal struggles they may have at some point by being able to relate to a hero in the mythological story.Such hero can be seen in the story of Lot found in the script Lot faced many hardships and struggles because god was testing his faith through them. Once his struggles were through and god saw that Lot did not lose faith in him, Lot was rewarded in multiple amounts to to a greater extent than what he had before his hardships. This kind of story tells the believer that no matter what they might be discharge through they are being tested for a greater purpose. This is the type of self lesson that the psychological function of myths posses.The term myth is a term that is thrown around very loosely in our society to describe something that may be untrue or with a fictitious background. As discussed, the term is untold more than that and has some truth to it. Stories in myths were told as metaphors and had truthful insights and lessons behind them. Myths serve a mystical, cosmological, social, and psychological function that allows believers to relate to the stories in a much different level. A divine level perhaps. Myths concern the believer to their divine entity, to the society they are living in, and to themselves.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

I Love You – Pushkin

I Loved You Pushkin One of the most favorite subjects of Pushkin was love. Love and friendship are popular subjects of the authors, and the reason that makes him beaming and sad. The color of his meters, especially in love meter, is the beauty of gentleity, said Belinxki. One of the most illustrious poems of Pushkin is I Loved You. When he lived in Petersburg, Pushkin usually met plurality in love with art in the President of the academy of arts house, and the most important reason was to meet daughter of the owner named A. A. Olenhia.In 1828, in summer, Pushkin proposed her, still she didnt accept. In 1829, he composed a poem about this love. The poem undersurface be divided into three sections such as showing his love, confirming his real love, and gentleness for the girl that he love. Love poems of Pushkin were from his real feelings and his own experiences. Therefore, he could show us the real emotions of gay heads. I Loved You poem made a huge emotion because it sh owed spiritual values of clement the real love in each simple word. The chorus I Loved You is the main pure tone of the poem.In the beginning of the poem is the chorus I loved you that showed his real love from his faithful love. I loved you is just simple haggling, but they have important meaning and secret that he could talk in his poem. In the first four sentences, he confirmed that he was still in love with Olenhia. However, he wanted to step back because he didnt want to annoy Olenhia. In the last four sentences, he showed the different levels of love, and he confirmed his faithful love for Olenhia I loved you and perhaps I love you still, The flame, perhaps, is non extinguished yetThe words slowly, love poems deep, discreet. An assertion together with a miniature consideration phase, cautious with the words perhaps, not extinguished yet. Another version came with the words may and fire retain Using a negative term nature, is not extinguished yet, the melodious character expressed a love, a passion for bringing the look of quiet, persistent, lasting sign of emotion, of a faithful heart, not the spontaneous passion flashed and faded right there. And right after that, poetry explosive switch circuit It burns so quietly within my soul,No longer should you feel distressed by it. The third sentence shows the calmness of reason, the pent-up emotions. The phrase no longer definitive emphasized hire to put out the fire of love, avoid for the girl to bother. Poetic as a word motivate thought, a self-consciousness of his love and inner speech as well as a sound tender, respectful with the girls soul. But behind the words calmly, properly was how feeling, how the nuances of love the bitterness of component part because if love does not bring happiness, joy that is so disturbed, sadness for the one you love, love should end.Love can lay kill for many reasons, but reason with full of gentle, respectful and noble like that, not all women can have it. If the first four verses, emotions tend to be repressed, was the dominant reason, in two verses later, the outpouring of emotion circuits, does not comply with the dictates of reason, confirmed a strong love not conceal and the chorus I loved you is repeated a second time Silently and hopelessly I loved you, At times too jealous and at times too shy. Breathing faster with the word at times was repeated two times, describes the state change love deeply, overwhelmed. Characters reveal frank lyrical soul a love Silently , hopelessly, has reaffirmed silent strokes, just strong people do not expect, likely bold new ethos this situation unilaterally. But even so, their love still occurs with all sunglasses of eternity silent suffering, joy, despair, timidity, jealousy tormented.Two verses nature confessed to uncover the layers of emotional complexity that is the bottom of the deep human soul, after the crust of words calmly, calmly expressed through a vocative, looks quietly withdrew shy, t hrough the whiz of trying to suppress emotional compression, lets say that your love not back off rather than being intense burning. The last two sentences also answers, flashed light up a merciful values , a noble pose for the lovely man God grant you find other who will love youAs tenderly and truthfully as I. The feeling which is cumulated is released and spurted out. The phrase love you is repeated the third time with an affirmation of the nature of this relationship sincere, fervid. In Russian the verb love always be unornamented tense that means the flame in the authors heart will be neer off will be never fade. Sincere, fervid never fade was the root of this lofty love. That explains wherefore lyrical character had gentle manners, delicacy, cherish the one you love.Read alsoSummary Love Is neer SilentAnd in the end of the poem, the lyrical character had a holy blessing, forgiveness. The unrequited love which is always sadness, leads people become selfish, hatred. Ho wever, if that love comes from an honest, generous, kindness heart, even though being rejected, people are still suitable to have a magnanimous behavior. The poem describes a hopeless love, soak a sad tone, but above all is the strong and noble human heart with a love not drive home fruit.Poetic language simple, clear, no rhetorical measures beyond language message I love you . The poetry of the poem exudes from the sincere emotion, pinned compressed, simple words but full of earnest, delicate but strong, loving noble as Belinxki once said Characteristics of poetry Pushkin is the ability to detect cases of human aesthetic sense and kindness, sense is sempiternal respect for human dignity as the son of man.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Dramatic significance Essay

The action during act 1 scene 2 takes place outside Prosperos cell on the island, where his ship has been wrecked due to Gonzalo world coherent to give Prospero a leaky boat. In this significant scene we gain an insight of the remaining characters and unwrap more about the background of the play.As we know, the first inhabitants introduced to the audience in this scene are called Miranda with her beginner Prospero. The scenes opening establishes the fact that Miranda has seen the shipwreck of one of the fleets ships, and she asks her father to jock the victims, which is seen as somewhat ironic because it was he, who caused the storm in the first place, despite it only being fictional.The lawsuit for the storm was purely for the sake of Miranda. This for Prospero conveys his protection and concern for the well being of his daughter, but, for Miranda, it indicates her sensitivity and worry for the others. In her first speech on lines 10-11, she tells her father Had I been any god of power, I would have drop the sea within the earth. From this it means that she wanted the earth to envelop the sea instead of the ship sinking to the depths of the ocean with all its crew. We can also infer from her appeals to her father from her previous quote, the significance of magic, which is the first distinction we have of Prosperos supernatural powers.This suggestion is enhanced further in line 25, when Prospero talks of his gown, as it symbolises his magical powers. Lie there, my Art. There is more mention of his Art, as during this scene, he was raps in incomprehensible studies, which implies Shakespeares terminology signifies his studying of magic. This suggestion is reinforced by the use of transported on line 76 because this could be interpreted as enchantment. Therefore essentially, this scene provides a firm account for the character of Prospero, as a protagonist of The Tempest.The consequences of the storm, conveyed in scene 2 can provide a metaphor for the n oncurrent turmoil in the lives of the characters. This is significant to the rest of the play firstly, for the reason that it symbolises the usurpation of the King of Milan (Prospero), which is like being overthrown in the stormy tides. Secondly, it shows earthly rulers, seen as powerless against the full elemental force of the storm, which implies a character versus nurture battle, in conjunction with the natural serenity of the island, perfect before the dramatic social transition of repentance, imprisonment, reconciliation and enchantment.Later in the scene, Prospero finds a spirit call Ariel. He asks Prospero for his freedom, after a becharm called Sycorax had imprisoned Ariel in a pine tree. Ariel had been imprisoned in the tree for twelve years, but meanwhile Sycorax had died, therefore Ariel would have been left in the tree forever if Prospero had not released him. To repay Prospero, he is told that he must obey him or run the risk of imprisonment again. If thou more murmu rst. I lead rend an oak.After arriving on the island, Prospero had befriended Caliban and educated him. In return, Caliban had repaid his early kindness by attempting to cross Miranda, as we know that she is beautiful as her name can be defined as the terrific one. This is a significant turning point within the play because in the mirrored feelings between the devil there stems an abundance of issues in after this. Prosperos attitude is one of anger, but so a lot that the punishment results in the enslaving of Caliban. For this, be sure, tonight thou shalt have cramps.As we begin to understand the characters actions and motivations, we hold Prosperos motives for the testing of Ferdinand, son of the King of Naples. Ferdinand and Miranda fall in do immediately, and Ferdinand, thinking that his father is dead, offers to act Miranda the Queen of Naples. Naturally, Miranda is attracted to Ferdinand, as he is the only man other than her father that she has ever properly known, wit h the excommunication of Caliban, who is half beast and since he tried to rape her, she obviously dislikes him and tries to avoid him.Prospero, who forecastd that the young couple would love each other, decides that Ferdinand must undergo tests to suffer for Miranda, to make sure that he was the right husband for her. Ferdinand, a brave, heroic character, accepts Prosperos demands after Prospero charms him with his magic, despite rejecting such a preposterous suggestion. No I will resist such entertainment, till mine enemy has more power.Prospero masterfully brings Miranda and Ferdinand together, which plays a part in a recurring theme within the play and is significant within the episode as it symbolises hope and re-generation. I am inclined to think this because at the end of the play, after hope and anticipation for harmony, it has a happy ending. Again though, we see Prosperos protection over Miranda, which displays and accentuates her innocence as incapable to recognize a su itable husband, by the trial of Ferdinand as a prisoner who is condemned to carry logs.Essentially, the opening scenes of the play, in particular in act 1 scene 2, are significant to the rest of the play as fight begins to emerge and the characters begin to show their true colours. Not only as an introduction to the play, scene 2 has a major impact and an effect on the rest of the play and the relationships between the characters whilst they are knowledge to get along with each other on the island, segregated from the rest of the world.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Coffee Shop Essay

The purpose of this merchandising political program is to divulgeline the complete merchandising strategy, tactics, and programs for Dot. L chocolate tree (hereafter, Dot. L). Dot. L is a medical specialist drinking chocolate Company that focuses on specialty burnt umber of caffe latte, cocoa base products and foods as well. Dot. L is a saucy burnt umber berry shop in the river side district. Dot. L bequeath be known for over 6 flavors of latte, chocolate and chocolate based products. In addition, dead snacks and sandwiches leave al unrivalled be offered to ac ships company the cappuccino and coffee bean based products.The coffee shop establishment lead play modern music for ambiance and provide free radio internet access for patrons to attract professionals in the nearby argument beas. The mission of Dot. L is in the void of the city, Dot. L give the axe supply you the ease of a precious. Dot. L volition be un like some early(a) coffee shops in that i t leave alone introduce customers to the different flavors of coffee and foods in a leisure non pressure milieu. Furthermore, in a competitive grocery like Starbuck, Dot. L banks to set itself ap fraud by r distributivelying out to those diversity flavors of latte without the high termss. The target market consists of two market segments People who ar profoundly in love latte and tidy sum who hope have a relaxing time vexation people from the downtown business centers and professional buildings Situation compend is explored. This includes an overall trade environment analysis for the company as well as more specific situation analysis such as competitor and customers action for the marketing analysis. An evaluation is conducted followed by an action plan outlining how to chance upon the marketing objectives, which includes promotion, price discounts, a bi-monthly newsletter, advertising in television and search for new channel partnerships.Company overview and the Missi on didactics Dot. L volition be a distinctive coffee shop which have own characteristics and ending that will serve the river side residential district. The coffee shop offers flavored latte and other coffee products, light snacks, foods and free wi-fi serve for customer surfing on-line. The Dot. L primary place of operation will be located on the river side with nice view of Brisbane River. The business someones in the top executive building will add to the number of patrons and the circumstance their alike can attract consumer to choose that place. There are plans to loose additional locations after 3 stratums of operation.Dot. L will operate from Mon twenty-four hour period to Sunday. Monday thru Thursday, five employees will be liveing from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Friday and Saturday will work the same however, trey employees closing will work until 12 a. m. The equal for each full time labors might be 16 dollars per hour and the toll for part-time labors might be 9 d ollars. The name of this coffee shop is Dot. L which means L refers to latte. Therefore latte as company core coffee products and latte art can be discovered in Dot. L. pic As stated in the companys mission statement Dot. L aims to be the coffee bar have own style and culture in Australia. In the vanity of the city, Dot.L can bring you the ease of a precious. Table of Contents Executive Summary2 Company overview and the Mission Statement3 Introduction6 harvest-tide Description6 Environmental Scan7 Economic environment7 Legal, political and regulatory environment8 Social and pagan environment8 Technological environment9 Competitor9 food market inquiry10 Customers12 market objectives and Market tactics12 Marketing objectives12 Product12 Price13 Place13 Promotion14 Marketing Tactics15 Market forecasting16 meet plans17 Financials18 Control20 cobblers last21 Reference list22 Appendix 124 Introduction This marketing plan examines the steps required to reposition Dot.L cafe in the Australian marketplace. Dot. L is a cafe steel will locate on river side in Brisbane. Dot. L offers a categorization of coffee, specialty coffee of Latte, coffee based products and foods. In addition, in order to attract consumers latte art also be adopted into the coffee products. Basically the price for the fixturely coffee the price will not over four dollars. The cafe will focus on the business people and ordinarily customers. Dot. L in Australia employ approximately 30 labors includes chiefs, shop assistant, shop keeper, senior manager. The Dot. L grime name comes from its core products will offer in the cafe that aim to 1.Attract consumers 2. Build shuffle 3. Trade profit achieve to the highest degree 8-10% The marketing plan followed by analysis the situation in marketplace, competitors analysis for the Dot. L entry into the market. Furthermore, market research and customers analysis will provide to assist the Dot. L to locates the market accurately. It also considers the market forecasting and financials for the tether-year period. Product Description The Dot. L will offer galore(postnominal) items that would have perfect taste. From traditional coffee to the light snacks and foods, Dot. L will offer something traditional and master copy for all tastes.Daily latte specials will be offered, featuring a different blend and flavor each day. The cafe specialty will prefer to European style design. The six different lattes are includes cafe au lait ghetto latte or bootleg lattes hot or iced latte versions of chai, matcha, and Royal milk tea red latte latte macchiato and Caffe latte. Latte and Coffee will be sold in three sizes, with prices ranging from $2. 00 to $5. 00. Flavors will be available at an additional charge of $0. 50. Espresso, cappuccino, mocha, and other specialty topes will be available in two sizes and will cost $3. 75 and $6. 50. Environmental Scan.Economic environment sturdy business, consumer confidence and high export price for raw materials have fuelled the economy for 16 years. Australia has a sanitary economy with per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of $ 38,000(CIA, 2009), and GDP was estimated to be growing at 3. 8% per year (CIA, 2009). However, in 2008 with the impact of the global frugal crisis, manufacturing output and employment started to falter, and the Australian economy headed into a sedate slowdown (Jackson, 2008). Even through, in 2010 the economy has begun to turn for the better, the consumers purchase tendency is not recover.As some(prenominal) cause and effect, consumers cut back on spending, specifically on food, clothing, furniture, entertainment, cars and mobile phones (Uren, 2008). The economic conditions in Australia cave in opportunities and risk for Dot. L. The decrease in consumer spending will force cafe industry to seek specialist assist to retain customers and maintain sales. In the other hand, this will increase the demand for specialist service like Dot. L whic h can provide business men have plcae to release pressure. However, the reality of a downturn may cause sellers to cut back on all spending including on retail consulting and training services.Additionally some retailers are likely to go out of business. Legal, political and regulatory environment Small business makeing through labeling and forwarding conclusively builds company and product recognition. Positioning the ludicrous product through private label aimed at the target market results in an effective, low cost marketing strategy. It is the solution to getting customers into the store and back again and again. In American, the government publishes a legislative memo of a cyber-cafe restriction in 2006 (New York Civil Liberties Union, 2006). The China government also publishes the same restrictions.Because intimately of the cafe will provide the service of internet, so, they should pay attention to theses legislative issue (Rodnin, 2005). Social and cultural environment A ccording to Australian Coffee Traders Association, Annual General Meeting 2006 that pointed out overall speaking, the Australian coffee market is very competitive but consumers are brand-loyal (ACTA, 2008). Australia is a country of different immigrants, curiously proud of a traditional strong coffee culture started by European immigrants(AusFoodNews,2010). The strong coffee culture of Australia has influenced growth in coffee shops, especially among the younger generation.Coffee drinking has become an intrinsical part of the modern lifestyle. In Australia, the specialist coffee shops have become more than just a place to drink coffee. Increasingly, coffee shops serve as places to meet for business and pleasure a location for peace and quiet away from home and office. ACTA (2008) stated that more than one billion cups of coffee are consumed in cafes, restaurants and other outlets each year, this is an increase of 65% over the last 10 years. The Coffee ingestion of Australian per capita has doubled over the last 30 years (ACTA, 2008).According to a new herald by Euromonitor International Consumer Foodservice in Australia. (2004) the number of transactions through coffee shops grew by 7% and nurture sales grew by almost 29%. Technological environment Technological advances in Australia have resulted in an increase usage of the internet. This has resulted in all industry expanding into a new channel offering services, marketing and selling products over the internet. For Dot. L, the cafe can take this advantage which is using intern as the companys channel to promote the marketing. CompetitorThe popularity of franchising as a business opportunity in Australia has also had a significant impact on the number of chain specialist coffee shops, such as Gloria blue jeans, The Coffee Club, Zarrafas Coffee which expanded mainly through franchising (Market Research World, n. d. ). Euromonitor Internationals research figures that the Gloria Jeans chain had the lar gest increase in outlets in 2004, thereby boosting its market touch from 28% in 2003 to 37% in 2004. Gloria Jeans has already opened over 900 shops just intimately the world, and 407 stores are established in Australia-wide.Therefore, Gloria Jeans can be regarded as the most mesomorphic competitor. The Coffee Club has expanded its business to overseas, including Beijing, Bangkok, Dubai and Thailand. It has had more than 200 stores across the whole world. Compared with these two brands Gloria Jeans and The Coffee Club, Zarrafas Coffee is a young brand. The brand comes from Gold Coast, and it only has 14 years history. Zarrafas Coffee has 41 stores across South East Queensland. Consequently, Zarrafas Coffee can be thought as the least powerful competitor for Dot. L.According to the report, sales of hot drink products in Australia surpassed A$1350m in the year 2008 and is expected to be worth A$1473m in 2013, with the coffee category accounting for the largest share followed by tea (Trading Room, 2010). It can be assumed that more people might enter the cafe industry. Market research In this section is to present the research about the marketing research for the Dot. L Coffee. Since this is a brand, the main goal of the Dot. L Coffee is to establish brand awareness among the target audience, which is business people, and 94 percent of them are aged 25 to 40.In this research, it chooses 10 male and 10 female to do the interview. encounter 1 The Frequency of the respondents to have coffee pic externalize 2 The Buying Habits of the Respondents pic According to the variant 1 and 2, of the business people that polled, 70 percent utter they have coffee every day. And a full 58 percent said they prefer to revel coffee in the cafe. Others will enjoy coffee in their office or at home, here, 52 percent of them will cloud the coffee products in the coffee shop, and 47 percent of them prefer buy it form the supermarket.Figure 3 The Acceptable Price per Coffee of th e Respondents pic 45 percent of the respondents said that they would like Latte, and both of respondents who prefer Espresso and Mocha are divine 15 percent, 25 percent of respondents choose Cappuccino. Referring to the figure 3, 70 percent of them represent the acceptable price per cup of coffee is $3-8 dollars, and below $3 dollars and preceding(prenominal) $8 dollars will share the same percentage of 15 percent. Take a look at this chart, the best media mix, then, would be a combination of TV and magazine advertisements.Both of TV and magazine were divine 30 percent of the total population. And 20 percent of people prefer print advertisement. To conclude, even though our target audience is clearly defined, introducing a new product is always a gamble. But with the decent media mix we can certainly lessen the chance of failure. Customers The primary target market for the Dot. L Coffee will be the local business people. The cafe will be a sit-down coffee shop with wi-fi connecti vity. The cafe will serve a variety of flavored latte, coffee products, drunkennesss, sandwiches, and treats to local customers.The target market consists of two market segments, that is people who are deeply in love latte and people who hope have a relaxing time and business people from the downtown business centers and professional buildings. Marketing objectives and Market tactics Marketing objectives The purpose of this marketing plan is to launch a cafe with sonant bakery, and professional coffees and which will bring simple cozy and friendly atmosphere. Based on the product features and marketing 4P principles, the three years specific marketing plan will be given over as the pursual to ensure objectives and expectations are met.Product First off all, the key customers are those people who fond into Latte which means the product consider is designed as professional Latte maker with friendly, easy communicate, able relationship atmosphere. In order to match the product co ncept simple and cozy so that the colouringing of the cafe should be designed as clean, comfortable. And the coffee cup and tableware would be designed to match the inner decoration as mildness and simple. The main special coffee is Latte. Meanwhile, espresso, cappuccino, mocha, and other specialty drinks will be available too.The latte flavors will include vanilla, chocolate, and caramel. This can be designed as the kickoff year menu and in the following three years the product will be cooked correspond to the market trend. Price The Dot. L cafe will specially offer delicate bakery with other beverages such as soda and juice. Coffee will be sold in three sizes, with prices ranging from $2. 00 to $5. 00. alone prices take into consideration the cost of material, 25% for food and 45% for beverages. Espresso, cappuccino, mocha, and other specialty drinks will be available in two sizes and will cost $3. 75 and $6. 50.All different deserts will be sold by the slice such as cheese cake, chocolate cake, muffin, sandwich and cupcake. Prices range from $2. 75 to $8. 00. The frequent customer can join the membership and participate the buy 10 get one free activity. Place The cafe name Dot. L is from the coffee Latte which is combined with espresso and steamed milk. Hence, the image of the cafe will deliver simple and warm message to customers. The location of Dot. L will be choosing at Brisbane river side. The space will be designed with a glass room and interior will be more concise and mediterrane an style.The common area will have white coffee tables adjoin by plush chairs and sofas and allow customers to set up laptop and spread out paperwork. The walls will be painted into warm color to enhance the relax and friendly atmosphere. Promotion Besides, in order to develop the market and receive good story from the very commencement exercise. The Dot. L coffee bar will be promoted in a variety of ways. The annual budget allotment for advertising is $19,904 for the first year of operation. These monies will be distributed as follows 1. Southern Star Southern Star will be printed monthly showing the every night specials.They will be distributed throughout the area on cars, handed out at the library, delivered to the local office buildings, and posted on street signs and other obvious places. 2. Radio The cafe will run many another(prenominal) an(prenominal) radio spots on local radio stations. The ads will feature the daily coffee specials and will air during the morning and afternoon drive times to capitalize on drive-by traffic. 3. Entertainment The Dot. L coffeehouse will feature local entertainment every other weekend. The entertainers will provide music, poetry, art, and dancing. These events will be promoted through additional print and radio spots.Besides, Dot. L will engage in promoting premium varieties of coffee by educating their customers about the different coffees that are available. This strategy would lead to increase d sophistication among customers. 4. Web strawman The Dot. L Cafe will promote the business and specials over the net profit through a website. The website will be updated monthly to advertise specials and product offerings. The Radio and newspaper advertisement could be launch at the first half year to attract more customers. Entertainment and web presence should be substantial as long term promotion plan in the next three years.The Dot. L Cafe will promote itself to its new customers by offering discount memberships for frequent consumers. There will be buy 10 get one free card available for coffee. The remaining advertising budget will be used to print membership and frequent consumer cards. Serve the highest quality food and beverage and meanwhile maintain low cost of goods and inventory is one of the key objectives. Thus Logistics and distribution would be a crucial part as well. The fresh meats, cheeses, and vegetables will be purchased through good reputation food source distributors.The researching and negotiating of the best prices with distributors would be put into the project process too. Marketing Tactics To achieve the above marketing objectives, this plan considers the tactic through the marketing mix which includes product, promotion and pricing. Colour appeal, packaging and style are included in product section. As the before shown, the target market of the cafe is business people who works in downtown and modern buildings. These potential customers can be regarded as white collars and the middle class. They hold well-paid, and are to pursuit quality lifestyles.Based on these, the basic colour tone will be set as dark colour tone, such as chocolate-brown and black. The logo of the cafe is to stress a simple but elegant style. Because Dot. L cafe is a new brand for customers, so the promotion strategy must be heavy to entice the brand trial. The advised promotion approaches are print ad, billboard ad and in-store promotions. Setting a bill board ad on the way to the city and riverside is strongly advised. The cafe locates on the riverside for this reason, putting ad on ferry is recommended. The pricing objective is to appeal the people who take coffee daily.A regular size cafe au lait which is the main product is priced as $4. 50. The cafe can give 5% discount to people who hold senior card. Furthermore, a point card can be given in the store when customers are making purchase. The card allows that customers can get 1 free coffee after they buy 9 coffees. Market forecasting There are more than 100 cafes in Brisbane, and 17 cafes exist in Southbank where a part of riverside is. According to one market research (Weston 2010), more and more Australian have already totally accepted the coffee culture in addition, they are very to enjoy this culture.Therefore, a big growth on takeout coffee is brought by this social change. As a matter of fact, the flourishing demand of coffee drinking directs to the blast of many specific coffee shops. According to another research, Australians prefer to coffee with milk rather than other styles. Datamonitors Market Data Analytic (MDA) database indicates that retail coffee sales in Australia gained around A$752m. The Australia coffee market is in the second place around the Asian Economic in 2008. Another research predicts that the total amount around A$473m of profit can be reached in 2013.All in all, it can be concluded that there is a huge potential in the cafe market. Action plans According to the planed given above the relevant GANTT chart will guide this project go swimmingly complete on time. Figure 4 The Dot. L Project Schedule Dot. L ? ? Start-up Assets to Fund $26,000 inwardness Funding Required $88,290 Total Assets $26,000 Liabilities and Capital Liabilities Total Liabilities $33,290 Capital Planned Investment $55,000 Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) ($62,290) Total Capital ($7,290) Total Capital and Liabilities $26,000 .2. Break-even Analysis Break-even data is presented in the chart and table below. pic Figure 6 Break-even Analysis Monthly Units Break-even 7,294 Monthly Revenue Break-even $18,462 Assumptions Average Per-Unit Revenue $2. 53 Average Per-Unit inconstant Cost $0. 63 Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost $13,847 3. Projected Profit and Loss In the first year, the Dot. L Coffee will have sales of about $533,764 of operation. In year two and three the Dot. L will have sales increases of about 10%, resulting in sales of $576,551 and $622,575, respectively.Operating expenses are $304,136 for year one, $327,694 year two, and $353,326 year three. The results for the first three years of operation are net income of $36,521 for the first year, $42,356 for the second year, and $47,819 for year three. Control Dot. L will continually evaluate the marketing environment, particularly the economic environment, due to the economic downturn, and the competitive environment. Further, in relation to the sp ecific tactics undertaken by Dot. L for the 36 month period, each will be assigned a person who will be accountable for the success of the tactic, as well as a specific final review date.Tactic responsibility Review date Promotions to focus on augmented product and core product Marketing tutor May 2010 benefits Determine price discounts and rollout strategy to clients Create newsletter and implement process for it to be focus Team Aug 2010 distributed monthly More Direct-response advertising in television Marketing Manager Sep 2010 instrument selling short-term modification recommendations Search for distributors with which to form channel Sales Director Jun 2011 partnerships . Expand business to more location Marketing Manager Mar 2012 Channel Manager Nov 2012 Sales Director Jan 2013 Conclusion This report sets out the marketing plan for Dot. L in Australia. It was decided that, Dot. L aims to be the cafe have own style and culture in Australia. In the vanity of the city, Dot. L can bring you the ease of a precious. The marketing strategy was explored, including each of the marketing mix areas, and tactics were recommended relating to direct-response an promotions, price discounts, and occur channel partnerships.It is believed that there is opportunity for Dot. L to built own brand culture and expand in cafe industrys marketplace. It is, therefore, this marketing plan can assist Dot. L growth in the marketplace.Reference list Acta (2008). AUSTRALIAN COFFEE STATS. Retrieved May 16, 2010 from http//www. acta. org. au/article. php? a=2 Hofmann (2008). Specialist coffee shops in Australia see vigorous expansion. Retrieved May 17, 2010 from http//www. franchiseek. com/Market_Trends_Coffee_Shops_Australia_0706. htm Jellie (2006). Coffee by numbers.Retrieved May 17, 2010 from http//www. smh. com. au/news/good-living/coffee-by-numbers/2006/07/17/115298845 5398. html New York Civil Liberties Union(2006), Legislative Memo Cyber-cafe Restrictions Retrieved May 17, 2010 from http//www. nyclu. org/content/legislative-memo-cyber-caf%C3%A9-restrictions-2006 Rodnin(2007), Motherboard makers may be affected by Internet cafe restrictions in China, Retrieved May 17, 2010 from http//www. vaosoft. com/forum/index. php? showtopic=441&pid=612&mode=threaded&show=&st=0 Shaun Weston (2010).Australian love coffee. Retrieved May 15, 2010, from http//www. foodbev. com/report/australians-love-coffee Trading Room (2008). Australia a nation of coffee drinkers. Retrieved May 17, 2010 from http//www. tradingroom. com. au/apps/view_article. ac? articleId=1196615 Wong (2010). Aussie cafe culture accounts for biggest growth in coffee. Retrieved May 17, 2010 from http//www. ausfoodnews. com. au/2010/03/04/aussie-cafe-culture-accounts-for-biggest-growth-in-coffee. html Appendix 1 The Questionnaire of the Coffee Market.This is a marketing research of the style, habits and opinions of coffee in your workaday life. Section 1 Basic Personal Information 1. What is your gender? A Male B young-bearing(prenominal) 2. What is your age? A 18-25 B 26-30 C 30-40 D Above 40 3. What is your Occupation? A Students B Business men C Employee D Others 4. Are you married or single? A wed B Single 5. What is your familys size? A 1-2 person B 3-5 person C 6-8 person D Above 8 person Section 2 6. Where can you get the information about coffee? A Internet B Magazine/ newspaper C TV D marker Advertisement E Others 7.Where are you usually buy the coffee product? A Supermarket B Internet C Coffee shop D Others 8. How offen do you drink coffee? A Every day B 3-4 times per week C Once a week D Never 9. Where do you usually drink coffee? A Cafe B At home C At office D At campus E Others 10. What kind of coffee would you like? A Latte B Espresso C Cappuccino D Mocha E Other specialty drinks 11. How much of a cup of coffee is acceptable for you? A $2-3 /cup B $3-5/cup C $5-8/cup D $8-10/cup E Above $10/cup Thank you for your participation

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Book Thief Essay

Describe at least ONE character or individual you enjoyed information about in the text(s). Explain why the character(s) or individual(s) helped you gain an idea in the text(s). History and particularly World War Two is a testament to the wave-particle duality of human nature. Jeffery Kluger in an article for pri parole term Magazine reflects on this aspect of human nature. The madness lies in the fact that the savage and the splendid asshole exist in one creature, one person and often in one instant. I enjoyed training about Liesel Meminger in the novel The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Liesel is nine years old and lives in Nazi Germany. In the early chapters of the book we learn that her younger brother has dies, her father is missing ad her communist mother has arranged for her to be adopted by Hans and Rosa Hubermann. It is while Liesel is living in the Hubermanns household on Himmel Street that commentators engage with her rite of theodolite and her witness of the extreme evil and beauty of human behaviour.Liesel is a moral compass, helping the reader to understand the idea that we can previse breathing out and abhorrence with the power of words and acts of compassion. Liesel helps the reader to understand the idea that we can counter loss and offense with the power of words and acts of compassion through her human kind with gunk, a Jew hidden by Hans Hubermann in his basement. Living in a suffocating Nazi era, Liesel unflustered manages to form a harming and secretive friendship with an un give carely Jew that allows the reader to be engaged and feel too the emotions touchd in the midst of Liesel and Max. They were the erased pages of Mein Kampf, gagging, suffocating under the paint as they turned this is an shell of the many counter words of hatred entwined with the words of love. One of the smallest treasures in Liesels life is the power held within her stories and imagination. Max and Liesels friendship takes height when Max gifts L iesel a story created by him called The Standoer Man. The story portrays the image of a weak Jew finding hope in a small girl, the story of Max and Liesel. Now I live in the basement. Bad dreams still live in my sleep.One Night, after my usual nightmare, a shadow stood above me. She said, tell me what you dream of so I did. A further example of the counter hatred and loss is shown when Max asks Liesel to tell him what the tolerate is like outside, in the world above his concrete live. Often, I wish this would all be over Liesel, but then somehow you do something like walk down the basement with a snowman in your hands this quote expresses the life that Max is living and how Liesel can bring him moments of hope and joy and move on optimism for an outcome at the end of this life.As a member of the Hitler Youth, Liesel is taught that Jews are inferior to the German race. This quote is an example of counter hate and teachers the reader of the trust and compassion shared by Liesel and Max despite the dictating Nazi propaganda, Liesel forms her own opinions and allows the reader to follow her example by looking at Max in a positive light and find the true beauty of human nature. Also, Liesels relationship with Hans Hubermann helps the reader to understand the idea that we can counter loss and hatred with the power of words and the acts of compassion.An example of this is shown in the set-back chapters of the story where Liesels brother dies on their dreadful train journey to Mochling. Liesel has nightmares every night about this tragic event and Hans acts of compassion counter the loss in Liesels life. Liesel and Hans share a loving Father, Daughter relationship shared once again between their love of training and imagination. Hans and Liesel share a loving relationship in Liesels time of need and Hans offers countless love and support.From her first arrival at Himmel Street, Liesels relationship with Hans is shown, Hans Hubermann had scantily completed rollin g a cigarette, having licked the paper and joined it up. He looked over at Liesel and winked. She would confine no trouble calling him Papa. Hans is the antithesis of Liesels foster mother, a compassionate being with a calm spectre of voice. After Liesels embarrassing bed wetting incident, Hans role as a passionate Father is shown. Hans and Liesel share a common interest of interpreting and writing and as Hans teaches Liesel to read and write, he teaches himself to advance his reading skills.Liesels incident of loss with her brother in countered when Hans hangs her sheets and says let the midnight class start. Hans teaches the reader than a overlap of common interests in key in a childs development and allowed his relationship with Liesel as her Papa to really progress because they shared a mutual interest in the arts of reading and writing. Further, Liesel helps the reader to understand the ideas that we can counter loss and hatred with the power of words through her actions colligate to books and reading.In life, we as readers find that stories are means of escape imagination is one place we can throw in even the darkest of times. Liesel shares a mutual relationship of loss with Isla Hermann, the mayors wife. Isla lost her son in a fatal incident with a barbed wire fence and uses her library and books as a means of escape from reality. Liesel and Isla share a mutual passion for books and reading and find a friendship forming because of this. Liesel is denied very few joys in life because her familys economic position and she steals books as a means to fulfil her empty void.She however is taken aside when she is shown the massive library located and Isla Hermanns abode and Death narrates it was one of the most beautiful things Liesel Meminger had ever seen Both Liesel and Isla counter loss and hatred with the power of words through her actions related to books and reading. Liesel is most certainly a moral compass, helping the reader that we can counte r loss and hatred with the power of words and acts of compassion.The reader further engages with her rite of passage and her witness of extreme ugliness and the beauties of human nature. Liesel in The Book Thief is a character I enjoyed reading about. She allows the reader an intimate view of one of the most shameful periods in human muniment yet in doing so she reminds us of some of the most compassionate acts in human history. Markus Zusak, like his character Liesel, uses powerful words to manipulate and engage the reader so that we never forget the duality of human nature and the need for compassion in the face of brutality.