Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Holding up general motors Issues in the fisher body case study Literature review
Holding up general motors Issues in the fisher body case study - Literature review Example Holding up general motors? Issues in the fisher body case study A classic case study in the economics of organizations, and pertinent to this discussion, regards the relations that prevailed between General Motors, Inc. and the Fisher Body Company, Ltd. during the 1920s. Accordingly, the first of accounts to be provided was by Klein et al, whose work – Vertical integration, appropriable rents, and the competitive contracting process – was to form the basis upon which all discussions were held. This was until Ronald Coase, presented his perceptions on the issue of transaction cost economics, through his 2000 work - The Acquisition of Fisher Body by General Motors. Through this work, Coase was to decisively criticise the then ‘prevailing perception’ on the relations between General Motors and the Fisher Body Company. His criticism was founded upon the grounds that the long held perspective was factually incorrect, providing critical input in support of his arguments. Regarded as the founding father of modern (contemporary ) transaction cost economics, his input and experience are thus considered critical towards effectively discussing the case under study. Of particular importance is his visit to the U.S, with specific focus placed upon the car manufacturer industry during the 1930s (Coase 2000, p. 16). General Motors and the Fisher Body Company case that occurred during the 1920s has significantly affected economic discussions and undertakings in the current world.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Scientific Method Essay Example for Free
Scientific Method Essay RESEARCH DESIGN: Research design is a blue point or detail plan for how a research study is to be conducted operationalizing variables they can be measure selecting and testing hypothesis. DEMOGRAPHY: The word demography derived from Greek word â€Å"Demas†means the people and â€Å"Grapho†means to draw or write. So the word demography means to draw or write about people. Demography is the scientific study of population. It draws on several components of population including size, composition and territorial distribution, to understand the social consequences of population change. Demographers study demographical variations and historical trends in their effort to develop population forecast. They also analyze the structure of a population- the age, gender, race and ethnicity of its members. A key figure in this analysis was Thomas Malthus. According to Multilingual Demography dictonary â€Å"Demography is the scientific study of human population with respect to their size, structure and developemnt.†The components of demography including population size, territorial distribution geographical variations â€Å"the age, gender, sex, race and ethnicity.†ELEMENTS OF DEMOGRAPHY: 1. Birth Rate: Number of live birth per 1000 population in a year. 2. Death Rate: Number of deaths per 1000 population in a year. 3. Growth Rate: Growth rate means the difference between births and deaths rates per 1000 population in a given year. 4. Total Fertility Rate: The average number of children born alive to any women, assuming that she can forms to current fertility rate. 5. Longivity: Longivity means the lifetime of a people up to death. 6. Life Expectancy: Life expectancy means the median number of years a person can be expected to live under a current mortality conditions. 7. The Infarty Mortality Rate: Is the number of deaths of infants under one year old per 1000 live births in a given year. EDUCATION SYSTEM: Education system is a basic rights of people. It is a learning process or traning process how a person learn about culture, sociolization, behaviour and attitude. According to Plato- â€Å"Education is the hermonious development of body, mind and soul†According to A.W.Green- â€Å"Historically education means the conscious traning of the young for the later adaption of adult roles.†FUNCTIONS OF EDUCATION: * To complete the sociolization process. * To trnasmit central heritage. * Formulation of social personality. * Reformation of attitude. * Occupational placement. * To ensure achieved status. * Encourage the sprit of completation. * To ensure better standard of behaviour. * Increase social awarness. * Democratic participation. MALTHUS THEORY OF POPULATION: Thomas Robert Malthus was born in 1766 and died in 1834. His major books is â€Å"The Eassys on the principle of population.†published in 1798. He was famous for his population theory name Malthus theory of population. Malthus helds that the worlds population was growing more rapidly than the people population. He argued that food supply increases in order the prograssion 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, whereas population growth increases expands by the way of Geomatric prograssion 1-2-4-8-16-32-64-128-256. According to Malthus analysis the Gap between food production and population growth increasing single way to double unit. As a result a country population will double in every 25 years. Over population creat great problem in the standard of living and way of life in a country. According to Malthus there are two way to control population growth. 1. Positive Check: When a country will over populated then the natural desester such as flood, cyclone, drought, crope failure and another, war, riot automatically control population. 2. Preventive Check: People willingly control population by using contraceptine, date marriage, birth control, prevent early marriage and polygumy marriage, another control free sexual life. CRITISISM: 1. Malthus said that population control by positive check, but natural disester never happen frequently in the over populated country. 2. He argued that food production increase arithmatic rate, but modern science and technology, machinary, hybrid seeds food production increase into double rate. 3. Malthus never think that proper education population will be resource, migration, skill, experience increase population standard of living. SOCIAL CHANGE According to H.T Majamdar- â€Å"Social change may be defined as a new fashion or made either modifying the old in the life of a people.†According to Machiver and Page- â€Å"Social change refers to a process responsive many types of change in the man made condition of life, change in the attitude and beliefs of man. The control to the biological and physical nature of things.†According to Kingsley Davis-â€Å" Social change means only such alternatives as occur in social organization that is structure and functions of society.†CHARACTERISTICS OF SOCIAL CHANGE: 1. Social change is continuous 2. Social change is temporary 3. Social change is environmental 4. Social change is humanistric 5. Social change is short term vs long term 6. Social change is planned/unplanned 7. Social change is objetive 8. Social change is reactive 9. Social change is interaction of human 10. Social change is behaviour THEORY OF SOCIAL CHANGE: 1.Evalutionary theory: Evalutionary theorist argue that society change from simple to complex situation by the process of evalution. Social change means progress the change of positive and benificial whwrw society reach higher level of cevilization. CONFLICT THEORY OF SOCIAL CHANGE: Conflict theories highlited that society change from simple to complex by the process of conflict. Conflict is essential for every society. There is no society or country in the world without conflict. Conflict motivated people gather together for achieving their objectives. CONFLICT THINKER: According to Karl Marx- â€Å"All the history in the world is the history, of classes struggle.†He also said that conflict existing in the society between two classes- 1. Owner class a. Rich people b. Bourgious 2. Non owner class- Poor people. always conflict because owner class exploit non owner class. As a result non owner class occure violance against owneer class for achieving their objectives. MARKS TYPE OF SOCIETY: 1. Premitive society 2. Slavary society 3. Feudalism society 4. Capitalism 5. Socialism According to George Simmel- â€Å"Conflict occure in the society and people influence or motivated to joined conflict because of achieved their rights.† Capitalism society always influence people to conflicting situation. FUNCTIONAL THEORY OF SOCIAL CHANGE: Functional theory highlighted that society from simple to complex by the changing of societies functions. In simple society One institution done various types of function. Ex- Family=Family function is economics, recreation, production, reproduction education, cultural and religious etc. But in the complex society various institution established for doing various types of function, because of capitalism influence people to creat artificial demands, as a result demand basis institution developed fulfilling such kind of demand. POWER AND AUTHORITY: Power means ability to control others. Here power means political power which is related to authority and politics to control or rulling the country. Authority refers to institutionalized power that is recognizied by the people over whom it is excercised. Another sociologist used authority commonly connection with elected or publicly acknowladge position. TYPES OF AUTHORITY: 1. Traditional Authority: Refers to the legitimate power by custom and accepted practice. Here custom and tradition is the symbol of power. Ex- King and queen of UK, Tribal Chief. 2. Rational Legal Authority: Refers to power exercise by written rules and regulations of political systems such as constitutions. 3. Charismatic Authority: Refers to power made legitimate by a leder exceptional personal or emotional appeal to his/her followers. Charismatic leaders who commanded the personal loyality a large number of citizen in a country. Ex- Nelson Mendela. MIGRATION: Migration refers to the change of individual permanent residence to new reisdence from one place to another place for better life style, better education, better job, better security and better standard of living. TYPES OF MIGRATION: 1. Internal Migration: Internal migration is within the country when individual change permanent residence from village to city, one district to another. Ex- Khulna to Dhaka 2. International Migration: When individual change permanent residence from one country to another country for better life style, better education, better job, better security and better standard of living. Ex- Bangladesh to USA FACTORS OF MIGRATION: There are two major factors in migration- 1. Pull Factors: Pull factors means when individual are influence to change his permanent residence to new residence for better life style, better education, better job, better security and better standard of living is called pull factors. Ex- * Job security *Educational Facilities. *Green Environment. *Safety and Social security. *Stabdard of living. *Stable political culture. 2. Push Factors: Push factors means individual are influence to change his permanent residence to new residence for war, riot, social crisis, natural disester, flood, river errosson, cyclone, drought and another lack of security food crisis etc. SOCIALISM Socialism is a form of economic system where production, distribution and consumption as well as industry owner everything is controlled by the central government, that is called socialism. Here everybody will get the job according to his/her educational qualification and everyone get facilites according to their demand. Ex- China, Russia, Argentina, South Korea. CHARACTERISTIC OF SOCIALISM: 1. Public ownership 2. Governmental distribution 3. Public limited company 4. Public/Governmental profit 5. National development policy 6. National service 7. Job security 8. Social security 9. Sustainable development 10. Governmental regulation 11. Absent of individual property 12. Proper distribution of wealth CAPITALISM: Capitalism is a form of economic system where production, consumption and distribution as well as industry owner profit loss everything is the individual level ownership, that is called capitalism. CHARACTERISTIC OF CAPITALISM: 1. Private ownership 2. Private profit-loss 3. Individual industry 4. Labor expotation 5. International trade 6. International investment 7. Global market 8. Open market economy 9. Income inequality 10. Income difference between rich and poor 11. Lack of job security 12. International corporation. COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOUR: Collective behaviour is the relatively spontaneous and unstructured behavior of a group of people who are reaching to a common influence in an ambigues situation. Numors are a form of collective behavior. It is public opinion. People reactions to shared events such as war and election. FORMS OF COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOR: 1. Crowds 2. Panic 3. Mobs 4. Rumors 5. Urban Legends 6. Fashion 7. Public opinion 8. Mass hystoria 9. Propaganda 10. Fads FACTORS OF FERTILITY IN BANGLADESH: There are two factors- 1. Biological Factors a. Fertility age (14-49) b. Physical illness c. Willingly interact d. Abortion e. Use contraceptic 2. Social Factor- f. Early marriage g. Late marriage h. Polygamy marriage i. Desire son j. Depends on old age TYPES OF GOVERNMENT: 1. Monarchy: Monarchy is a form of government where single member of a royal family usually a king or queen or some other heridetary ruler are the suprime authority of a country. Ex- Saidi Arabia. 2. Oligarchy: Oligarcy is a form of government where few individual are the ruler of a country. The ruler are royal family which is the family tradition selected ruler one of the another. Ex- Tribal chief, Ancient Greek 3. Dictatorship : Dictatorship is a form government in which one person has nearly hold total power to make and enforce law/Marshal law/Military rules. Here decision making and another all state issue controled on handling by the specific ruler. 4. Democracy: Democracy is the form of government where political system established by the participator of parlament member with election process. Here people elected parlament member by their voting rights. According to Abraham Linkon- â€Å"Democracy is the government of the people by the people and for the people.†GLOBALIZATION: Globalization refers to the expansion of global linkage and the growth of global consciousness among economic(Production, Consumption, Distribution), sicual, political and cultural transformation whole over the world. Here globally connected that is called global village which is performs faster communication, technology and cultural heritage among the countries. ELEMENTS OF GLOBALIZATION: 1. The expansion of global market 2. Transformation of global politics 3. The emergence of new social and political movement ADVANTAGE OF GLOBALIZATION: 1. Increase economic growth 2. increase the efficiency of global business 3. Benifits to consumer 4. Gains to owner of multinational corporation 5. Higher standard of living 6. Capital inflow to poor countries 7. Increase total export of develop countries 8. Open market economy DISADVANTAGE OF GLOBALIZATION: 1. Reduction in economic growth 2. Increase inequility 3. Huge jobless 4. Downward pressure of wages 5. Supervision from international organization 6. Reduction of social protection 7. Threating environment
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Anna’s Story: Neglect of The Innocent :: Short Story Essays
Anna’s Story: Neglect of The Innocent {Anna turned three years old on November 1st, 2002. We still have gotten no word from Nicole, but my mother seems to think that she is no longer in the state of Tennessee. - S.M, December 2002} Fun, wild, and party loving†¦this all comes to mind when I think of my aunt Nicole. I can’t remember her ever being very responsible, but yet she was my favorite out of my mothers three other sisters. Three years ago, this party girl had a beautiful baby who she named Anna Michelle. Nicole has not seen Anna since she was ten days old. The reason for this is that my baby cousin Anna has been living with my family and I. This is Anna’s story: Anna came into this word like most of the rest of us. She developed inside her mother Nicole’s stomach for nine months, and was successfully delivered on November 1st, 1999 in the Johnson City Medical Center at 4:23am. She was a healthy baby, weighing in at six pounds and 5 ounces, with no defects or sicknesses, and delivery time was a mere five to six hours. Nicole and Anna were doing wonderful, and were allowed to go home that next evening around 8:00. You would think that after nine months of baby planning, Nicole would have everything that a baby would need, like diapers, food, and clothes. But like I said before, Nicole was a true party girl, always living life on the edge and taking the fast road in life, and defiantly never planning for anything, and apparently did nothing of this sort. Nine days later, baby Anna and mommy Nicole were at our front door. Anna had on an old looking nightgown and a dirty bib, and to tell you the truth, her mother Nicole was not looking much better. The diaper bag that Nicole was grasping looker fairly new, but we couldn’t help but notice that it was barley filled. She had only two jars of baby food, and maybe one or two diapers for Anna.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
English characters Essay
Adela can be paralleled to Kurtz in Conrad’s novella, who like her is in some ways also aware of the power of imperialism and its negative effects, as well as the changes it forces upon those living under its influence. Kurtz was a bright ambitious man drawn to the Congo by imperialism’s force, however unlike the Anglo-Indians such as Ronnie and Mr Turton, it can be interpreted he became aware of the negative effect imperialism was having upon him, and as a result his â€Å"soul [is] mad. †For me Kurtz’s dying words on his deathbed: â€Å"The Horror. The Horror. †have great significance these final words are open to any number of interpretations, from meaning the horror of the things he has witnessed, to the horror of the Congo environment itself. My own interpretation is that this shows Kurtz’s realization of his own â€Å"Heart of Darkness†and the shocking deeds he has done under its corrupting influence. Perhaps the only real difference between a Kurtz and a Ronnie or a Turton, is that Kurtz has recognised the effect imperialism has had on him and has seemingly made a conscious decision to go along with this corruption completely, with devastating consequences. While characters such as Kurtz and Adela are somewhat aware of their changes and the negative consequences, the majority of characters in Forster’s novel (or at least – the imperialist Anglo-Indians) are also aware of the changes which occur in English people once under the influence of the Raj, but are hypocritical and do not see themselves as corrupted or racist. They simply believe that this is the only proper way for them to act. Ronnie himself who was once nice to the Indians, after just a brief period under the influence of imperialism in India, now aspires to be like Mr Turton who he sees a character of the utmost wisdom, and as a result has copied his behaviour. Conrad paints a harsh, brutal portrait of imperialism in his novella, giving little or no characterisation to any of the African slaves/natives. He seems to present the slaves merely as objects or machines or even in one instance â€Å"angles†. He does not name any characters but gives them a title according to their job or characteristics, characters such as The Helmsman, who had been educated by Marlowe’s poor predecessor only to perform one task, and that was to steer the boat. Compared to Conrad, Forster might appear tame. Conrad depicts the brutality of imperialism in a shocking way, showing the black slaves being made to perform meaningless hard-labour tasks such as digging holes and describing the physical state of their bodies in disturbingly graphic detail; Marlowe the narrator can see â€Å"every rib†. In Forster’s novel however perhaps the most shocking incident is the alleged assault of Adela which probably didn’t even happen. However Conrad does show some compassion in his novel, the slaves or ‘Hollowmen’, are pitied by Conrad’s protagonist Marlowe: he offers a biscuit to a dying slave and also saves the helmsmen’s corpse from being eaten by cannibals. Added to this are Marlowe’s views on imperialism itself, apparently similar to Forster’s: â€Å"This conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion [†¦ ] than ourselves, is not a pretty thing. †Forster, it has been argued â€Å"looks dispassionately at the phenomenon of imperialism†(John Beer), and indeed, unlike Conrad, Forster in many ways shows imperialism in a much less obviously brutal light. However, I would argue that he does indicate a great dislike of people’s inner â€Å"Heart of Darkness†, which allows for the negative effects of imperialism, and he does so more gradually, through the in-depth characterisation of his characters. He particularly achieves this through those he is sympathetic with, such as Aziz, in whom he shows both the good points and bad (he is not afraid to show racism present in his Indian characters)- making the Indians, unlike Conrad’s slaves, real people, who we as readers can empathise with, rather than simply be horrified by. Forster’s sympathetic characterisation of the Indians makes the acts of racism against them all the more sad, and by this he does paint, like Conrad, a brutal picture of Imperialism, through use of characters who have had their ‘hearts of darkness’ triggered by imperialism and make such shockingly racist, not to mention patronising, remarks as â€Å"The kindest thing one can do to a native is to let it die†(Mrs Callendar). Forster also gets us to sympathise with English characters who do not look â€Å"dispassionately at the phenomenon of imperialism,†such as Fielding (Indeed Fielding is believed by many to be Forster’s representation of himself in the book). He through Fielding attempts to show the good in people, and like Conrad’s Marlowe, but to a much greater extent, shows acts of compassion and liberal mindedness in Fielding: he is the first English professor to teach Indians in his university and has Indian friends such as Godbole, and becomes a friend to Aziz. However Forster makes it all too clear that Fielding is a on his own, a man swimming in a sea of racists, such as the Turtons and Callandars. The act which sets Fielding most apart from his fellow Englishmen is of course his support of Aziz in the Marabar affair; but even he shows his inner â€Å"heart of darkness†when he deserts Aziz at the train station and at the end of the trial.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Carpet Weavers, Morocco- Carol Rumens Essay
In the sad and deep poem of â€Å"Carpet weavers Morocco†, Carol Rumens portrays the lives of the children as tough and bounded by labour. She depicts this through uses of language features such as metaphors, similes and personification. She creates vivid images through the strong choice of words and adds feeling through language techniques. In stanza one line one she says â€Å"the children are at the loom of another world†. This means that the child laborers are not like everyone else. They have matured earlier and have given up their childhoods in order to earn just enough money for all of life’s basic necessities. This world that they are in is not one many other children around the world are bounded to. Carol describes them to be of all ages and heights as she uses a metaphor in line three for â€Å"Their assorted heights would make a melodious chime.†The use of a musical instrument compared with the children gives an image of assortment. That their heights are varied and if lined up would look a little like a wooden wind instrument. At the beginning of stanza two an important word is used ‘Flickering ‘it is used as onomatopoeia. The word flicker instantly reminds us of fast clicks. It is followed by ‘knots like television’. She gives an image of fast moving thread like the images on a television screen. In this line she uses a simile to give us that feeling of the children working very hard and looming quickly. â€Å"As the garden of Islam grows, the bench will be raised†. This line introduces religion into the children’s lives. It adds more information to the children and gives us an idea of what their religion could be â€Å"Islam†. The carpets which they weave have scenes from the gardens in Islam. Stanza three tells us what happens to the carpets which the children make. That once finished it will go to the merchant’s truck to be sold most probably at a mosque (religious temple). Once again religion is mentioned emphasizing on its importance in the lives of the children. The carpets which they weave will give comfort and pleasure to those who look at it. As line three says â€Å"Deep and soft, it will give when heaped with prayer†. Another language technique is used, personification. Carol gives us more insight into the lives of the children in stanza four. The first line is powerful and very emotional as she finds common ground with the readers and the children. She mentions that â€Å"the children are hard at work in the school of days†. It means that the children do not go to school, that their only school is the hard work they do at the factory. It could also show some kinds of exploitation, for the beautiful carpets which they weave little money is given back to them. This adds emotion and enhances the readers connection with the poem, they will show sympathy for the children who are not given the opportunity to an education. Line two indicates that the children’s small fingers are putting in color to whatever they make and all that ever will be is carpet. Nothing else, their creativity is based around carpets therefore it shows that they will probably have no future. â€Å"All- that- will- be†are strengthening words, used to enforce strength and power. â€Å"And freeze into the frame of all- that- was†. She uses another language technique, Fly and freeze are alliterations and again the three last words are used for power. It means that the things the children weave or make will be carpet and that their future is ensured in weaving carpets. It is quite dark and sad as it symbolizes confinement and loss.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Gun Powder Essay Example
Gun Powder Essay Example Gun Powder Essay Gun Powder Essay Gunpowder (a. k. a black powder) is a mixture of sulphur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate. Gunpowder is a compound that can be made just using potassium nitrate and charcoal, but without the sulphur, the powder is not as strong as with the sulphur. It burns rapidly, producing a volume of hot gas that is made up of carbon dioxide, water, and nitrogen, and a solid residue of potassium sulfide. Because of its burning rate and properties and the amount of heat and gas volume that it can generate, gunpowder has and is been widely used as a propellant in firearms and as a pyrotechnic composition in fireworks. The term of gunpowder also refers broadly to any powder that has propellant. Though modern firearms do not use the traditional gunpowder, instead they use smokeless powder. The burn rate of gunpowder can be changed by corning. Corning first compresses the fine black powder formula into blocks with a fixed density of around 1. 7 g/cm?. The blocks are then broken up into granules. These granules are then sorted by size to give various grades of black powder. Different grades of black powder are use for different things. In the U. S. standard grades of black powder runs from the coarse Fg grade that are used in large bore rifles and small cannons. Through FFg which is used in medium and small-bore weapons such as muskets and fusils, FFFg used in small-bore rifles and pistols, and FFFFg that is used in extreme small bore, short pistols and for priming flintlocks. A simple, in a way, chemical equation for the combustion of black powder is 2 KNO3 + S + 3 C K2S + N2 + 3 CO2. The more accur ate, though simplified a bit, is 10 KNO3 + 3 S + 8 C 2 K2CO3 + 3 K2SO4 + 6 CO2 + 5 N2. : Burning gunpowder does not take place as a single reaction, and the byproducts are not easily predicted. One studys results showed that it produced: 55. 91% solid products: potassium carbonate, potassium sulfate, potassium sulfide, sulfur, potassium nitrate, potassium thiocyanate, carbon, ammonium carbonate. 42. 98% gaseous products: carbon dioxide, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, methane, and 1. 11% water. Black powder that is made with sodium nitrate tends to be hygroscopic, unlike black powders made from saltpeter. Because black powder that is made with saltpeter is less affected by moisture in the air, and it can be stored unsealed for centuries without degradation if it is kept dry. Contrasting, black powder made with sodium nitrate has to be sealed from the moisture in the air to remain stable for long periods. Advantages In firearms, black powder allows loading by volumetric measure, where as smokeless powder requires precise measuring of the charge by weight to prevent damage due to overloading, but damage by overloading is still possible with black powder. In quarrying, high explosives are generally preferred for shattering rock. Though, because of its low brisance, black powder causes fewer fractures and results in more usable stone compared to other explosives, making black powder useful for blasting monumental rocks such as granite and marble. Black powder is well suited for blank rounds, or signal flares, burst charges, and rescue-line launches. Black powder is also used in fireworks for lifting the shells in rockets as fuel, and in certain special effects. Disadvantages Black powder has a low energy density compared to modern smokeless powders, and it produces a thick smoke that can impair aiming and reveal a shooters position. Combustion converts less than half the mass of black powder to gas. The rest of it ends up as a thick layer of soot inside the barrel. In addition the residue from burnt black powder is hygroscopic and a caustic substance. When moisture from the air is absorbed, the potassium oxide or sodium oxide turns into hydroxide, which will corrode used iron or steel gun barrels. Black powder arms must be well cleaned both inside and outside to remove the residue. The Matchlock musket, which is an early gun, would be unusable in wet weather because of powder in the pan being exposed and dampened, in which case soldiers would have to use the ends as clubs or use their bayonets. Other uses Besides its habitual use as an explosive, gunpowder has been occasionally employed for other purposes. After the Battle of Aspern-Essling (1809), the surgeon of the Napoleonic Army Larrey combated the lack of food for the wounded under his care by preparing a bouillon of horse meat seasoned with gunpowder because of the lack of salt. It was also used for sterilizing on ships when there was no alcohol. Christiaan Huygens experimented with gunpowder in 1673 in an early attempt to build an internal combustion engine, but he did not succeed in making a practical engine. Fireworks and Firecrackers also use gunpowder but use different brands and different chemicals. Black powder is still used in delay-trains in modern arms. For instance, in a hand grenade, a mechanical striker ignites a percussion primer which ignites a slow black powder delay. The delay burns a few seconds until it gets to the high explosive primary, which detonates, initiating the grenade fill explosive, thus fragmenting the grenade and killing anyone in a 20ft radius. Transportation The UN Model Regulations on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods and national transportation authorities, such as United States Department of Transportation, have classified gunpowder as a Group A: Primary explosive substance for shipment because it ignites so easily. Complete manufactured devices containing black powder are usually classified as Group D: Secondary detonating substance, or black powder, or article containing secondary detonating substance, such as firework, class D model rocket engine, etc. , for shipment because they are harder to ignite than loose powder. As explosives, they all fall into the category of Class 1. Characteristics The term black powder was used in the late 19th century to distinguish prior gunpowder formulations from the new smokeless powders and semi-smokeless powders. Semi-smokeless powders featured bulk volume properties that coppied black powder in terms of chamber pressure when used in firearms, but had significantly reduced the amount of smoke and combustion products. Black powder is a granular mixture of a nitrate, usually potassium nitrate (KNO3), which supplies oxygen for the reaction charcoal, which provides carbon and other fuel for the reaction, simplified as carbon (C) sulfur (S), which, also serves as a fuel, lowers the temperature required to ignite the mixture, in doing so increasing the rate of combustion. Potassium nitrate is the most important ingredient in terms of both bulk and function because the combustion process releases oxygen from the potassium nitrate, preparing the rapid burning of the other ingredients. To reduce the likelihood of accidental ignition by static electricity, the granules of modern black powder are typically coated with graphite, which prevents the build-up of electrostatic charge. Charcoal does not consist of pure carbon, but rather, it consists of partially pyrolyzed cellulose, in which the wood is not completely decomposed. The current standard composition for the black powders that are manufactured by pyrotechnicians was adopted as long ago as 1780. Proportions by weight are 75% potassium nitrate, 15% softwood charcoal, and 10% sulfur. The ratios have varied over the centuries and by country, and can be altered depending on the purpose of the powder. For example, power grades of black powder, unsuitable for use in firearms but adequate for blasting rock, is called blasting powder rather than gunpowder, because of its standard proportions of 70% nitrate, 14% charcoal, and 16% sulfur. Blasting powder may be made with the cheaper sodium nitrate substituted for potassium nitrate and proportions may be as low as 40% nitrate, 30% charcoal, and 30% sulfur, but who knows. Colored Fire For gunpowder to burn a different color simply add different chemicals, such as those used in fireworks. For example barium which is used to create green colors in fireworks, copper to produce blue colors in fireworks, lithium which is a metal is used to give red colors to fireworks. In doing so different elements produce a different color.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Sexrole Stereotypes1 essays
Sexrole Stereotypes1 essays I observed some toys and toy ads that were very different from one another. Some were different colors, shapes, kinds, and gender orientated. Some were meant for boys and had an aggressive look to them and some were meant for girls, which were gentle and princess like, and some were meant for everyone. Society has made this possible to say what kind of toy is normal for a boy to play with and what is normal for a girl to play with. When I first saw some of the toys, I noticed the different colors they were. I looked at the Barbie dolls and noticed that most of them had a lot of pink colors on the dresses and also on the objects that came with the doll. The doll also had lots of soft type objects such as hairbrushes, small poofie dogs, and princess like things. These items were also pink. This kind of toy would be a girl toy simply because of the fact it is a woman doll and has a lot of soft colors and objects. It also brings out the little princess fact. A lot of parents call their little girls their little princess. This particular toy would be associated more for girls. This toy is a great way to shape a little girl into using her imagination by playing something like house or tea party with the doll. The next toys I observed were male action figures called Rescue Heroes. These action figures would definitely be a boy toy. These action figures have big bulky suits, which have sharp looking objects on them such as saws and swords. They also have automated movements, which represent the movement they need to use their weapon. The action figures also have a lot of dark colors such as blacks, blues, and dark reds. This gives kind of a tough aggressive feeling. I think this toy is great for shaping boys ideal egos based on what society is teaching boys to be; tough and aggressive. This is also a great toy for boys to use their imagination. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
P.T. Barnum Biography
P.T. Barnum Biography P.T. Barnum, often called The Greatest Showman on Earth, built a collection of curiosities into one of the worlds most successful traveling shows. However, his exhibits were often exploitative, and had a darker side. P.T. Barnum Fast Facts Full Name: Phineas Taylor BarnumBorn: July 5, 1810 in Bethel, ConnecticutDied: April 7, 1891 in Bridgeport, ConnecticutParents: Philo Barnum and Irene TaylorSpouses: Charity Hallett (m. 1829-1873) and Nancy Fish (m. 1874-1891)Children: Frances Irena, Caroline Cornelia, Helen Maria, and Pauline Taylor.Known For: Created the modern concept of the traveling circus as grand spectacle, promoted a number of hoaxes to entertain the public, and is credited with saying Theres a sucker born every minute. Early Years Born in Bethel, Connecticut, to Philo Barnum, an innkeeper, farmer, and shop owner, and his wife Irene Taylor, young Phineas Taylor Barnum was raised in a household that embraced the rigid conservative values of the Congregational church. The sixth of ten children, Barnum greatly admired his maternal grandfather, who was not only his namesake, but also a bit of a practical joker in a community that had only a few socially permissible forms of entertainment. Academically, Barnum excelled in school subjects like math, but hated the physical labor that was demanded of him on his fathers farm. He helped Philo out by working in the shop, but when his father died in 1825, teenage Barnum liquidated the family business, and went to work for a general store in a neighboring town. A few years later, at 19, Barnum married Charity Hallett, with whom he would eventually have four children. Around the same time, he began dabbling in investments in unusual speculation schemes, and was particularly interested promoting entertainment for the masses. Barnum believed that if he could only find one truly amazing thing to exhibit, he could be a success- as long as the crowd believed theyd gotten their moneys worth. Somewhere around 1835, a man walked into Barnums general store, knowing of Barnums interest in the odd and fantastic, and offered to sell him a curiosity. According to Gregg Mangan of Connecticut History, Joice Heth, an African American woman alleged to be 161 years old and former nurse to founding father George Washington, drew crowds of curious onlookers willing to pay for the chance to hear her speak and even sing. Barnum jumped at the opportunity to market her performances. P.T. Barnum got his start as a showman by purchasing a blind, nearly paralyzed, elderly African American woman for $1,000 and then working her for ten hours a day. He marketed her as the oldest woman alive, and she died less than a year later. Barnum charged spectators to view her autopsy, at which it was announced that she was no more than 80 years old. The Greatest Showman on Earth After exploiting Heth and marketing her as a curiosity, Barnum learned in 1841 that Scudder’s American Museum was for sale. Scudders, located on Broadway in New York City, housed a collection of some $50,000 worth of relics and rare curiosities, so Barnum pounced on the opportunity. He rebranded Scudders as Barnums American Museum, filled it with the oddest things he could find, and blasted the American public with his extravagant showmanship. Although he is credited with saying Theres a sucker born every minute, theres no evidence that these words came from Barnum; what he did say was the American people liked to be humbugged.†Barnums particular brand of humbuggery included marketing exotic, imported animals displayed alongside fakes. There was the so-called Feejee Mermaid, which was a monkeys head sewn onto the body of a large fish, and a giant, working replica of Niagara Falls. In addition, he created his traveling freak show, using real people as exhibits, and often creating elaborate, false backstories to make them seem more exciting to the crowds. In 1842, he met Charles Stratton, a four-year-old boy from Bridgeport, who was unusually small at just 25 tall. Barnum marketed the child to audiences as General Tom Thumb, an eleven-year-old entertainer from England. Barnums traveling spectacle gained momentum with the addition of Stratton, who was drinking wine and smoking cigars by the age of five, as well as Native American dancers, Salvadoran children who were marketed as Aztecs, and a number of people of African descent whose exhibits were rooted in racial prejudices of the time. Barnum took his show to Europe, where they played to Queen Victoria and other members of royalty. Barnum with Charles Stratton, who used the stage name Tom Thumb. Bettmann / Getty Images In 1850, Barnum managed to convince Jenny Lind, the Swedish Nightingale to come perform in New York. Lind, who was devout and a philanthropist, demanded her $150,000 fee in advance so she could use it to fund education programs in Sweden. Barnum went heavily into debt to pay Linds fees, but made the money back fairly early into her successful tour. Barnums promotion and marketing was so overwhelming that Lind eventually opted out of her contract, the two parted ways amicably, and both made a lot of money. The Darker Side of the Show Although Barnum is often portrayed as a delightful showman, much of his success was rooted in the exploitation of others. In addition to Stratton and Heth, Barnum profited from exhibiting a number of other individuals as human curiosities. William Henry Johnson was introduced to Barnums audiences as the man-monkey, found in the wilds of Africa. Johnson, an African American who suffered from microcephaly, was born to poor parents who were former slaves, and who allowed a local circus to display Johnson and his unusually small cranium for money. When his agent got him a role with Barnum, his fame skyrocketed. Barnum dressed him in furs and renamed him Zip the Pinhead, and billed him as the What is It? Barnum claimed Johnson as a missing link between civilized people and a naked race of men, traveling about by climbing on tree branches. A woman holds conjoined twins who were part of Barnums exhibit. Hulton Collection / Deutsch / Getty Images Annie Jones, the Bearded Lady, was another of Barnums most popular sideshows. Barnell had facial hair from the time she was an infant, and as a toddler, her parents sold her to Barnum as the Infant Esau, a reference to the Biblical figure known for an impressive beard. Jones ended up staying with Barnum for most of her life, and became one of the most successful bearded lady performers of all time. Isaac Sprague, the human skeleton, had an unusual condition in which his muscles atrophied, worked for Barnum several times through his adult life. Chang and Eng Bunker, well-known today as conjoined twins, had been circus performers earlier in their lives, and came out of retirement in North Carolina to join Barnum as a special exhibit. Prince Randian, the living torso, was brought to the U.S. by Barnum at age 18, and demonstrated amazing feats for audiences who wanted to see a man with no limbs do things like roll a cigarette or shave his own face. In addition to these types of acts, Barnum hired giants, dwarves, conjoined infants, people with extra and missing limbs, and several physically and mentally disabled individuals as exhibits for his audiences. He also regularly produced and promoted blackface minstrel shows. Legacy P.T. Barnum Monument, Bridgeport, Connecticut, circa 1962. Archive Photos / Getty Images Although Barnum built his success on promoting the freak show, which was rooted in the fears and prejudices of nineteenth century audiences, it appears that later in life he had a slight change of perspective. In the years prior to the Civil War, Barnum campaigned for public office and ran on an anti-slavery platform. He admitted to having engaged in the purchase and sale of slaves, and to having physically abused his slaves, and expressed regret for his actions. Later, he became a philanthropist, and donated a large sum of money to Tufts University for the establishment of a biology and natural history museum. Barnum died in 1891. The show hed founded had merged with James Baileys traveling circus ten years prior, forming Barnum Baileys Circus, and was eventually sold to Ringling Brothers, nearly two decades after his death. The city of Bridgeport, Connecticut, honored Barnum with a statue in his memory, and held a six-week Barnum Festival every year. Today, the Barnum Museum in Bridgeport houses over 1,200 of the curiosities that traveled around the country with Barnums show. Sources â€Å"About P.T. Barnum.† The Barnum Museum,, P. T./ Mihm, Stephen (EDT). The Life of P. T. Barnum, Written by Himself: With Related Documents. Macmillan Higher Education, 2017.Cunningham, Sean, and Sean Cunningham. â€Å"P.T. Barnums Most Famous Freaks.† InsideHook, 21 Dec. 2017,, Helen. â€Å"The Darker Side of How P.T. Barnum Became ‘The Greatest Showman.’† The Vintage News, 6 Jan. 2019,, Jackie. â€Å"P.T. Barnum Isnt the Hero the ‘Greatest Showman’ Wants You to Think.†, Smithsonian Institution, 22 Dec. 2017,
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Tibet Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Tibet - Research Paper Example (Bawden, 1989, p 45) Not the entire minorities declare to be 'stateless', yet if they claim a separate identity. States identify minority nationalities and ethnic groups to diverse degrees: recognizing definite cultural and linguistic rights, as well as allowing definite political independence. History In 1720, the Chinese army entered Tibet and broke settling down in Lhasa, the massacre of the Mongols, and the result was the accession to the throne of the seventh Dalai Lama Keltsanga Gyatso. As a reward for his help, Chinese annexed the Tibetan region of Amdo. China had continued to compulsively meddle in the internal affairs of Tibet, gradually pushing the Dalai Lama from the direct control of the state and in the case of willingly helping Tibet with troops. These kinds of political symbiosis Chinese historians use to prove that Tibet is historically part of China. At the same time, the Thirteenth Dalai Lama wrote: "The relationship between Tibet and China are similar to the relati onship between the priest and his patron and was not based on subordination of one another." (Bawden, 1989, p 45) Sort of a key point in the development (and complications) Sino-Tibetan relations was recognition of Great Britain and Russia in 1907, Tibet area of exceptional interest of China. The result was the invasion of 1910 and the expulsion of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama, who fled to India. Languages Tibetan languages are a bunch of jointly incoherent Tibeto-Burman dialects voiced mainly by Tibetan peoples who reside over a broad locality of to the east Central Asia neighboring South Asia, encompassing the Tibetan Plateau and the to the north Indian subcontinent in Nepal, Ladakh, Baltistan, Bhutan and Sikkim. The academic in writing pattern is a foremost local scholarly dialect, especially for its use in Buddhist literature. For political causes, the dialects of cantered Tibet (as well as Lhasa), Amdo, and Khams in China are advised dialects of a lone Tibetan dialect, while Sherp a, Dzongkha, Ladakhi, and Sikkimese are usually advised to be distinct dialects, whereas their speakers may address themselves to be ethnically Tibetan. However, this does not contemplate linguistic reality: Dzongkha and Sherpa, for demonstration, are nearer to Lhasa Tibetan than Amdo or Khams are. Tibetan is as well voiced by bunch of ethnic minorities in the country who have dwelled in slam proximity to Tibetans for decades, but regardless keep their own cultures and dialects. Although the People’s Republic of China categorizes a few of the Qiangic peoples of Kham as cultural Tibetans, Qiangic dialects are not Tibetan, although rather pattern their own agency of the Tibeto-Burman dialect family. (Kvaerne, 1981, p 250 - 251) Traditional Tibetan was not a tonal dialect, but some diversity for example Khams and Central Tibetan have evolved tone. (Ladakhi/Balti and Amdo without tone) Tibetan morphology can usually be recounted as agglutinative, whereas traditional Tibetan was m ostly analytic. Tibet religion Lamaism or Tibetan Buddhism is the corpse of Buddhist devout doctrine and organizations attribute of certain districts of the Himalayas and Tibet, encompassing to the north Nepal, India and Bhutan (particularly in Lahaul, Ladakh, Dharamsala, Arunachal Pradesh, and Spiti in Sikkim and Himachal Pradesh). It is the religion of Bhutan country, It is
Friday, October 18, 2019
My life five years ago Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
My life five years ago - Essay Example The aspects that have changed in me include my maturity levels exceeding my thought boundaries. I never thought in my early teenage years that I would get matured this quickly. In just 5 years time I look like a young adult. I can sense things around me in a better manner than I was able to when I was just a kid. My personality has molded in such a manner that I have started to like it more and more. I have appreciated the difficulties of life now with my chin up and I seldom cry in the face of adversity. I can stand up and be counted – which was not the case some 5 years down the road. I have traveled far and wide with my parents. Europe is a continent that I have explored with my loved ones in my early teenage years. I remember each and every moment of my visits with my parents and I cherish everything about those journeys that we had. I can still remember the talks and conversations we had in those times with my parents and how we ended up laughing at the end of each debate and friendly mocking. We enjoyed different sceneries together and looked to find out about nature more and more. I remember my parents guiding me through thick and thin in those formative years of a kid’s life and I believe I am pretty lucky to be blessed with such loving parents. A lot in me has changed all this while. Though I lived in Egypt for the better part of my life, I feel that my upbringing has been affected in a positive fashion after I went to United States. I explored a new world and thus tried to comprehend things in a wholly new way. I aim to become a successful businessman just like my father who I believe is my living inspiration. I draw my encouragement and inner motivation from him and thus I believe I am what I am because of my father. I would do anything to go back in those times – 5 years back to be precise. I absolutely adore each and every second of that life which I had. Now life has become more sober and demanding. Earlier it used to be all fun and play.
Contribution of relevance and reliability on financial reporting Essay
Contribution of relevance and reliability on financial reporting - Essay Example Main objective of accounting policy is to produce fair valued accounting information that is highly reliable and relevant to the purpose and objectives of financials statement. Financial statements are the most important components of annual report that all public limited companies publish each year for the stakeholders of the company. The financial statements need to be the fair and ethical representation of financial details of all activities performed by the companies. Financial information is responsible for financial decision making by the investors, creditors, suppliers etc. Most important is investment decision making by the investors. So, relevance and reliability need to be two most important characteristics of financial statements of any organizations. These determine the quality of financial reporting. Main objectives of financial statements are to provide fairly reported and audited financial information to the shareholders of the organizations. So, users of financial sta tements consider it as reliable and relevant sources for taking decision for any financial purposes like investment, credit, supply etc. So, being a highly responsible for financial decision making, financial statements need to be relevant and reliable. ... So, all these external stakeholders of a company are highly reliable on its financial reporting which truly represents the company’s actual value and performance. Internal purpose of financial reporting is to retain standardized record of financial activities done by the company in a regular interval of time i.e. quarterly, half yearly and yearly. It helps the organizations to evaluate its performance at the end of each financial year and also the end of each quarter of a financial year (FASB, p.15). Companies develop future business strategies based on the past performance of the company which can only be possible to evaluate from the financial reporting of past quarter or past financial years. Companies change strategies and planning for implementing new activities for next quarter and next financial years and they also develop budgeting for next financial years by analyzing previous years projection verses actual results. All these are possible because of maintaining fair v alued financial reporting. (Narotama University, p.135). Financial statements published by the companies provide valuable information to the investors, shareholders, creditors, suppliers so that they can track the value with respect to time and uncertainty of a business entity. Future performance of a firm can be assessed by the future cash inflow and cash outflow into a business. The elements of financial statements like income statement, balance sheet and cash flow are very important to evaluate company’s performance and financial health. Investors are the most important users of financial statements. From financial statements, they assess the stewardship of management to an
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Development economic Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Development economic - Term Paper Example In addition, corruption tends to increase with poverty. Thus, the richer countries tend to be significantly less corrupt than the poorer nations. It has been discerned that corruption is one of the cardinal causes for bringing about the downfall of economic progress in the developing nations. Some of the questions that naturally arise, with regard to corruption are given in the sequel. First, what is the damage caused by corruption and what constitute the best methods for eradicating corruption from institutions. Second, can the promotion of whistle-blowing lead to the desired consequences. Third, does the facilitation of transparency and the provision of advice to citizens regarding the submission of complaints, and the introduction of institutions to deal with the resulting cases, provide pragmatic and tangible solutions (Global Economic Symposium, 2014). As such, the system of corruption tends to be pervasive and very powerful in the developing nations. Any person who opposes corruption is sidelined. In fact, civil servants who oppose corrupt practices are dismissed from service, after being falsely implicated and charged for offences that they have not committed. A businessman who opposes the corrupt bureaucracy is compelled to overcome obstacles at every stage of his enterprise (Hors, 2000). It is in this milieu that the civil service of the developing nations is regarded as the least risky option for acquiring enormous wealth in a very short time. The majority of the citizens do not believe that the civil service has been constituted with the objective of implementing their rights. The developing nations have monolithic bureaucracies. The latter are governed by arcane procedures and rules that promote confusion and provide various interpretations. This leeway proves to be of great benefit to the corrupt bureaucracy, which takes decisions or
Developing a Health Services Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Developing a Health Services Plan - Essay Example The development of the Aged Care Service plan includes a primary focus on the span of area to be serviced in order to identify the amount of workforce, population demographics, finances and model of care which will be adapted. The health care services are formulated on the variable of health; according to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2008, p.18), health is an ever changing factor and it keeps evolving. A health care plan is particularly designed to safeguard, develop, promote and maintain the well being and health of the respective citizens (NSW Health Development, 2006, p.5). The aged care services plan will focus on catering to the apparent and underlying needs of the senior citizens of Cook. The principle behind would be an adaptable and flexible system, as Jonas, Goldsteen, & Goldsteen (2007, p.8) are of the view that a system’s management must include functions of administration, planning, regulation and evaluation. According to United States Department of Labor (2010), the nature of health care system is expected to be such that it combines medical technology and human touch with diagnoses, treatments, thus responding to the health care needs of the general population. The development plan for the services includes proper identification of the necessary inputs like equipments, workforce, and staff and drugs etc. because as World Health Organization (2011) puts it, service provisions explain the way inputs are combined to allow delivery of health interventions. Planning and Development Principals: The Aged Care Service Plan will be formed following few principals. The principal approach will reduce the interventions, clarify the direction of the strategic planning, provide ease of control and allow a quality implementation of the system and as expressed by Wetmore (2000, n.d.), it increases productivity. The principals have been chalked out below: Focus should be on identifying the most appropriate model of service by Border Regions f or current and future needs of Cook’s senior community. The Aged Care Service plan should be an integration of the Health Care system as a whole, with goals aligned with that of entire Border Regions system. The senior citizens should be allowed and supported to live independently as and when appropriate for their well being. The Planning Process: The Aged Care Unit of the Border Region Health Services System will be developed through the following calculated stages: 1. Formulating a work committee. 2. Identification of the inputs (resources and raw materials) 3. Identification and integration of the goals with the system requirements 4. Implementation of the processes and activities to deliver those requirements 5. Analysis of the output and implementation of the managerial control function on continual basis. 1. Formulating a work committee: The work committee for Aged Care Services Planning shall consist of three sub teams namely: The Strategic Team: This team shall be res ponsible for setting direction and goals for the action plans. A strategic team is responsible for setting up governing principals and operations of all Aged Care services in the area (Presbyterian Aged Care, 2008). The team will preferably include qualified practitioners from Border Region’s pre existing units like the emergency services, outreach services and allied health care. The team will define and create the essentials of the plan in the form of a
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Development economic Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Development economic - Term Paper Example In addition, corruption tends to increase with poverty. Thus, the richer countries tend to be significantly less corrupt than the poorer nations. It has been discerned that corruption is one of the cardinal causes for bringing about the downfall of economic progress in the developing nations. Some of the questions that naturally arise, with regard to corruption are given in the sequel. First, what is the damage caused by corruption and what constitute the best methods for eradicating corruption from institutions. Second, can the promotion of whistle-blowing lead to the desired consequences. Third, does the facilitation of transparency and the provision of advice to citizens regarding the submission of complaints, and the introduction of institutions to deal with the resulting cases, provide pragmatic and tangible solutions (Global Economic Symposium, 2014). As such, the system of corruption tends to be pervasive and very powerful in the developing nations. Any person who opposes corruption is sidelined. In fact, civil servants who oppose corrupt practices are dismissed from service, after being falsely implicated and charged for offences that they have not committed. A businessman who opposes the corrupt bureaucracy is compelled to overcome obstacles at every stage of his enterprise (Hors, 2000). It is in this milieu that the civil service of the developing nations is regarded as the least risky option for acquiring enormous wealth in a very short time. The majority of the citizens do not believe that the civil service has been constituted with the objective of implementing their rights. The developing nations have monolithic bureaucracies. The latter are governed by arcane procedures and rules that promote confusion and provide various interpretations. This leeway proves to be of great benefit to the corrupt bureaucracy, which takes decisions or
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
With reference to at least two areas of cognitive development, Essay
With reference to at least two areas of cognitive development, critically assess the role that culture plays in development - Essay Example The human race is one of the most intelligent life forms which more or less follows certain uniform tenets of life all over the world but cannot escape the colour imparted by various factors which lend them unique identities which are easily discernible. Thus we can easily differentiate human populations on the basis of an already established classification of Caucasians, Mongols, Latinas, Afros, Asians, etc. All continents and their constituent countries harbour unique cultures which exert a strong influence on the cognitive development of people born and brought up in a particular location. Religion is a creation of the human psyche and exerts a heavy influence on the cultural practices and development of the overall personality of an individual belonging to a particular sect or congregation. This is the reason why diverse faiths have developed in different geographical locales where the local intelligentsia have formed their own concepts and notions of God and created a society which has to adhere to the locally established concepts, norms and way of life in general. There are others who have totally disregarded the existence of God and lead their life according to a set of social, cultural and economic norms which they find essential for a fruitful and sustainable life pattern. Cognitive development of the animal begins from birth itself when a new born becomes aware of its senses of vision, touch, smell, pain and hunger. Other developments are dependent on the species and its limitations. Primitive animals like insects, ants, fish, amphibians, etc. have predefined instinctive impulses which they follow like clockwork till the culmination of life. Semi intelligent and more intelligent animal forms like dogs, cats, lions, dolphins, whales and sub-human primates have a relatively high degree of intelligence which guides their life pattern wherein they are capable of making choices as
Monday, October 14, 2019
Aims and objectives Essay Example for Free
Aims and objectives Essay Based on these characteristics of project management, it can be gathered that an event is also a project. What distinguishes an event from other projects is that it has a very strong marketing element because it involves many actors, from the provider of the product or service and the prospective clients. Events assembles people therefore there is a collective sense of objective. Because of this attendance, events therefore have a strong promotional element (Soares). When it comes to bars and clubs, it is important that these establishments market themselves effectively in order to maintain their businesses. These establishments rely on customer count as a source of profits especially as they sell products like food and drinks, and services such as dancing and other entertainment-based gatherings. It is therefore important that these bars and clubs ensure they have a strong patronage and customer flow in order to assure that their businesses remain competitive. In observing the bar and club scene, there is much competition especially in a city like London. In looking at resources for these events such as TimeOut, there is always a list of bars and clubs with their respective events. These events may include a theme night, a special guest DJ or performer, a concert, and other gimmicks. It can be also observed that these events are strongly driven by sponsorships such as partnerships with relevant products and services like alcoholic drinks, fashion labels, and other lifestyle related products and brands. In this regard, when it comes to the application of events management concept in bars and clubs, it is evident that these have had some successes. This therefore elicits close inspection as to how these concepts are applied and which concepts are successful. It should be noted that due to the strong marketing element in these initiatives, these bars and clubs are also subject to what is known a product life cycle a cycle in which a product or service may start to plateau and decline. Hence, this reflects as to why bars and clubs may have their time; some bars and clubs that were famous a few years ago may have already shut down or are losing customers because new concepts get introduced in the market. It can be also observed that certain event themes also went through their peak and lost their lusters; examples are the raves, the cream parties, and the bubble parties, among others. Hence, this shows that although generally, events management concepts work in the context of bars and clubs, they dont work all the time and are not necessarily sustainable. This thereby shows the strong association between a project and an event something that is unique that has beginning and an end. This research therefore aims to explore the events management concept at greater depths by means of looking at the actual applications and the industry practices. As certain events tend to become old, the turnover of new events concepts need to be examined, especially in a market with changing preferences and values. In addition to the aspect of events concepts, the management aspect is also examined by this paper. This is especially important as the market is volatile, and the entertainment and leisure sectors tend to get easily affected by economic and market challenges. This paper examines how events actually take place and how certain strategies may need to be formulated in order to respond to challenges in resources. This therefore bring up the issues on cost management and how bars and clubs intend to profit from their events. This may then bring up certain events management concepts and applications from other event genres as applied in affairs that take place in bars and clubs. The events management industry in the UK is a million-pound industry considering the number of events held in the country, from conferences to major concerts. The industry also involves many sectors including those from the hospitality, entertainment and leisure services. This research therefore localises an exploration of events management in a specific context, and identifies the important factors that can affect the relevant businesses and establishments in this sector. In order to have a substantial insight on events management concepts in the context of bars and clubs establishments, this research therefore aims to achieve and implement the following: To develop a framework of evaluation on the applicability of events management concepts as integral elements to the marketing success of bars and clubs. To establish how events management applications are integral to the success of the bars and clubs sectors. To create a workable research framework as based on the assessment of actual movements and developments in the dynamics of bar and club business in the city, especially as to how the application of events management concepts make a difference to the business of the bars and clubs. This includes both primary and secondary research. To identify the factors leading to entertainment establishment success in the context of the marketing mix, with an emphasis on the promotional dimension. Based on the sourced literature, it appears that there are a few studies with regards to events management, especially as to how these affects bars and clubs. Because of the close nature of events with projects, and due to the function of events as marketing tools especially in this specific context of the study, much of the reviewed literature touches on the marketing aspect, the project and event management resources, and some literature touching on bars, clubs, nightlife and other entertainment establishments.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
A Introduction To Satellite Television
A Introduction To Satellite Television Satellite television first the consumer market in the early 1990s. Dishes made for the average household were expensive and took up a lot of space in the garden. I n the first few years of satellite TV only the wealthiest, or more die-hard fans of television, would go to the trouble of buying and setting up a satellite dish. Satellite television was also a lot harder to get than cable or broadcast TV. In the present day you see satellite dishes on the rooftops of most homeowners in the UK and indeed the rest of the western world. The major satellite TV companies are getting more and more people to buy their product with promises of films, sports and especially news from around the world. The advancement into high-definition televisions and being able to get a high definition satellite signal has made it even more prominent. Satellite Television gives us many solutions to the problems that come with broadcast TV and, although not perfect itself, is now the main way to view television. In its basic form satellite television is a lot like broadcast television. They are both a wireless system for delivering television programming to a viewers house. And they both use satellite stations to transmit programming via a radio signal. Using powerful antennas broadcast stations transmit radio waves to the area surrounding them. The viewers, however, pick up the signal with a much smaller antenna. Broadcast television works fine it just has one massive drawback, which is range. When a broadcast antenna shoots out a radio signal it is shot out in a straight line. To receive these signals you have to be in the direct line of sight of the antenna. If you are not the signal may become distorted. Small obstacles such as trees or small buildings should not be a problem but bigger obstacles, such as planet earth, would pose a problem. If you transmitted a broadcast signal over a perfectly flat surface you would be able to pick up a signal thousands of miles away from the source. However in the real world the curvature of the planet distorts and blocks the signal sent out from the satellite, to get a perfect signal you would have to be close to the antenna with no obstacles in between. The Satellite TV Solution Satellite TV solves this problem by transmitting signal from satellites orbiting the Earth. Because these satellites are so high in the sky it means there are a lot more customers in range and line of sight. Satellite TV systems transmit and receive radio signals using specialized antennas called satellite dishes. Diagram of how Satellite TV works . When the satellites that broadcast these radio signals are sent up in to space they are all sent up in geosynchronous orbit. This means that they all stay in one place in the sky relative to the Earth. Some facts: Every satellite is launched into space at 7000mph Each one reaches about 22,200 miles above the Earth. When the satellite is this high and moving at such a speed it will revolve around the Earth once every 24 hours, keeping it in the same position above the Earth giving constant signal to the viewer with uninterrupted signals. The Components of Satellite TV In a DTH (direct to home) or DBS (direct broadcasting) satellite system there are five major components. These are the programming source, the broadcast center, the satellite, the satellite dish and the receiver. Programming source this is where the channels that provide the programmes are based. This is where the satellite TV providers go to pay other companies (for example MTV or Nickelodeon) for the right to broadcast there programmes through their satellites. Broadcast Center The broadcast center is central part of the system. In the broadcast center the people who are providing the TV to the viwers at home receive signals from different programming sources and then beam a broadcast signal to satellites to geosynchronous orbit. Satellites The satellites in space receive the signal sent from the broadcast center and beam them back down to Earth. Dish The viewer then picks up this rebroadcasted signal and the satellite dish passes it onto the receiver in the house. Receiver All the receiver then has to is process the signal and pass it on to a standard TV. This is a very good system to providing a good quality signal to a large area. It has very picture display and sound quality with hundreds of channels and the service is ready to use in rural and urban areas and provides a lot of access to digital and high definition programming. However satellite is not without its drawbacks. It can be quite expensive to buy all the equipment at the outset (satellite dish and receiver etc) and if you want to access satellite television in multiple rooms in your home be prepared for the extra cost. As well as this satellite television can be subject to extreme weather conditions. Satellite TV signals Satellites signals have a very long way to travel before they appear on your TV screen. Because of this and because they contain very high-quality digital data it would be near impossible to transmit them without compression. Compression is defined, in this case, as removing all unnecessary or repeated information. After the signal is transmitted it is reconstructed. Satellite TV has to use a very unique type of video file compression standardized by the Moving Pictures Experts Group or MPEG for short. This allows the provider to successfully transmit significantly more channels than without using this method of compression. MPEG standards exist to promote interoperability among your computer, televisionand hand held video and audio devices. These MPEG standards are: MPEG-1: this is the original standard. It is used for encoding and decoding streaming video and audio files. MPEG-2: this standard compresses files which are used and transmitted for a high quality of video and is the standard for digital television. MPEG-4: the function of this standard is to compress high definition video onto a smaller scale so you can stream it to computers, mobile phones and PDAs. MPEG-21: This standard basically interprets digital content so that the media plays flawlessly no matter what machine it is, what language it is in or the user conditions. It is also referred as the Multimedia Framework. Most satellite TV providers used to use the MPEG-2 standard to compress their signals but changed to the MPEG-4 standard of compression. This is because MPEG-4 is more efficient at encoding can provide a much greater bandwidth than MPEG-2. However MPEG-2 still remains the official standard for digital television. This is because it is more able to analyse static images, like those you would see in such programmes like talk shows or newscasts whereas MPEG-4 is better at analysing moving, dynamic images. MPEG-4 can do this through such things as spatial [1] and temporal [2] compression. This is how satellite TV manages to provide such a high quality picture of fast-moving objects on the screen, that are always moving, like in a football game. Satellite Dish When the signal reaches the viewers house it is captured by the satellite dish. The satellite dish is made up of an aparabolic (bowl-shaped) surface and a central feed horn. The signal passes through the horn and then the dish focuses the signal into a narrow beam. This receiving dish works in the exact opposite way to the transmitter as it cant transmit information, it can only receive it. The dish acts just like a concave mirror in that the shape of the dish reflects the signal inward onto a particular point just like a concave mirror focuses light onto a particular point. The dishes feed horn feeds the signal on to the receiving equipment, and if there hasnt been any obstacles between the satellite and the dish there should be a perfect signal coming into the viewers receiver (unless the weather is bad). Before the dish sends the signal to the viewers receiver it amplifies and filters the signal using LNB, or low noise blockdown converter. After this the LNB passes the amplified, filtered signal to inside the house. Sometimes, in some systems, the dish needs to pick up a signal from two different satellites. Sometimes this may be possible but when it isnt it may compromise the quality of the signal because the dish cannot be aimed at both of the satellites at the same time so either one or both of the signals would be distorted. Satellite Receiver At the end of the satellite TV system is the receiver. It has four important jobs: It takes the encrypted signal and de-scrambles it It takes the digital MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 signal and changes them into an analog signal so the standard television can recognize It also has to sort out the individual As well as this it keeps the providers headquarters up to date with the payments the viewer owes the provider of the satellite television. Conclusion After closely studying satellite television and how it works it is clear to me that is much better and more practical then the older normal broadcast television. This is because of the greater range and line of sight that satellites have got rather than the regular antennas which are impeded by the curvature of the earth and even small obstacles. Although satellite television does have some drawbacks I would say it is definitely the way forward in television broadcasting and has already nearly taken over the market.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
In search of peachy love :: essays research papers
The love between father and daughter. Sometimes it's shared, however most often the father loves the daughter unconditionally whatever might happen. This peach story is very sad and colorless, to a point where if we did not have the peaches one would not be able to finish reading it. One day we have this father and daughter relationship. The girl whom from what we get in the story rarely comes to see her father: "although she couldn't remember when they had been together before" pg 60. The father who tries his hardest to make sure the girl has at least good memories of him. The girl seems to all thought the story treat her father like a business partner. In retrospective she still thinks about the littlest things that make him who he is from what he is wearing to the hairs on his mustache. I really could not tell if she really enjoyed her time at his house beyond telling him toward the end, or if she only thought he was funny: "Anyhow they were together and he was kind of funny." This is the last that we see of any love coming from the daughter's side. In this relationship the father tries to make his daughter like she is at home, by this showing that he loves her immensely. In the story there are several occasions that show that he misses his little girl and in his own way tries to convince her to stay a little longer. Through the simplest detail he lives out the best moment with his daughter. When they are out on a walk she spots a bunch of peaches through a store window, so he buys them for her appeasement. In his mind he cannot wait to share them with her. This way he could recall how she enjoyed the taste of the peaches he bought for her. Dad sits down, gives his daughter the best looking fruit and for himself he takes the only flawed piece of the peach bunch he bought. These fruit they share are the only way we know from the story they find a middle ground. The pair enjoys their treat in silence, father eating the good half of his fruit and daughter finishing hers. From his spoiled half of the peach and unwanted guest pa ys them a visit. This tiny Gaston, worm, bug etc. gives them the best topic of conversation so far.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Taking action that risks destroying a friendship
Some people think letting a friend make a mistake is better than taking action that risks destroying a friendship. However, I prefer to let my friend know his or her mistake when I know it . This is because I can direct my friend to proper way and lead both of us to keep a stable relationship. First of all, I want my friend to know proper behavior because I truly care about my friend. If I see my friend make a mistake, I will make my friend know about his or her attitude. For my personal example, I had an experience about my friend who really likes to borrow others’ stuffs for her own benefit. I knew our friendship will be broken if I tell her not to do it. However, I told her about my opinion and showed my frankness for my friend’s future. While I kept talking about her bad habit, she eventually understood to the extent that she was selfish. After this, she highly cares other people first over herself. Therefore, I strongly believe that it is better to get involved in case people seetheir friends are about to make a mistake. Second, it helps me feel better to tell my thoughts of my friend’s behavior because telling the truth is more beneficial for our steady relationship. Even though telling downside of my friend is unpleasant for the time being, our friendship will be stronger and more stable in the future. Using my personal experience as an example, I have the best friend in Korea whom I keep in touch with even though I am in United States now. We met each other in freshman year. He is outgoing and sociable, so he really enjoys meeting a new girl for fun. Since I really worried about my friend’s unserious relationships with several girls, I advised him about his dating. At first, he was so angry with me at first, but we become best friend now after he realized my truth. Therefore, I believe that telling a friend to correct bad behaviors helps me to make the friendship stronger. To sum up, taking action that risks destroying a friendship is better for all in the long run. For these reasons, I strongly agree that it is better to get involved to prevent my friends from making mistakes rather than letting them make a mistake.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
China and India: the Challenge and Opportunity
Sources: Capell, Kerry. â€Å"IKEA: How The Swedish Retailer Became A Global Cult Brand†. BusinessWeek. 14 Nov. 2005: 96-106. Ikea. com CASE 2 CHINA AND INDIA: THE CHALLENGE AND OPPORTUNITY OVERVIEW China and India are the two nations that will transform the global economy as we now know it. China has state-of-the-art manufacturing and India is boosting its competitive edge through innovation hubs. While the United States is deciding if â€Å"Chindia†is a threat or an opportunity the massive low wage, highly educated, and forward thinking work force is transforming these two poor nations into global powerhouses.Yet, all is not perfect. While governments and business pour mass amounts of investments into the countries there are huge obstacles to continued growth. There are social, political, and environmental challenges. Important is keeping growth at a steady pace that will eliminate the unemployment lines. Pollution and environmental challenges, political backlash, de bt and currency crises, inadequate medical care, threats of epidemics, and war are continuing challenges. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1.Discuss the innovation implications for the leading developed nations concerning China’s and India’s rapidly escalating capabilities. 2. Examine the collaboration potential and hurdles of greater collaboration between China and India regarding innovation and other commercial ventures. 3. What are the potential market opportunities for developed nations in China and India? 4. Evaluate the evolving balance of economic power shift from the west to the east. 5. Discuss the future competitive threats of China and India for industries in developed countries.
Research Evaluation Tables Essay
Through this study, Henri intended to determine whether dynamism in performance measurement systems was appropriate for any change an organization underwent, or if there were circumstances where revision to the performance measurement systems were not needed. Henri also intended to determine if the link between dynamic performance measurement systems and the performance of an organization were contingent on a level of internal or external change. The third goal of this study was to add additional data on this subject to the scant body of research available on the dynamism of performance measurement systems. | Research Methods| Henri used quantitative/confirmatory analysis in this study. Henri used a mail survey to gather data. The survey used seven point Likery-type scales to assess changes to the performance measurement systems, to determine innovativeness and learning orientation of the organization and organizational performance. All of the tools used in the questionnaire were validated in advance. | Audience| Henri focused this study on two main audiences. The first was to provide information to manager, executives, and professionals charged with running organizations. Henri also intended to add additional research for managerial accounting literature. | Research Evaluation| The researchers in this study used Likert Scale questions to assess performance measurement at the organization. Likert Scales are frequently used when a researcher wants to measure attitudes about a certain topic (Plano Clark & Criswell, 2010). The researchers also demonstrated the validity of the study by having experts in the field test the instrument in three different groups and provide feedback (Plano Clark & Criswell, 2010). One problem with this study was the response rate was only 24 percent which increases the risks of bias in the study (Bowling, 2005). This study is written to cover the topic of how performance measurement should change, and when, which is a practical topics for managers to review. The overall conclusion of this study found organizations willing to periodically review performance measures have better overall organizational performance. This information would be beneficial to my agency because we use performance measures to make decisions in the organization. Evaluating performance measures to ensure they are still applicable to our work will allow us to adjust performance measures to increase overall organizational performance. McCoy and Kinyua completed a cross-sectional study reviewing General Find disbursements over a 12-month period. McCoy and Kinyua chose to look at funding instead of expenditures because they determined it was more accurate and completed. The researchers looked at the population of the countries, the income levels, government funding and also funding sources to identify countries in need of disbursements from the Global Fund more than others. The data was all collected from spreadsheets that were found on the Global Fund website. The date was prepared and present in text, tables and charts. | Audience| This study was intended for executives and decision makers linked to the Global Fund, government officials, donors and health care professionals in the countries receiving money from the Global Fund. | Research Evaluation| This study took the information from public documents located on the Global Fund website. The complete information could be analyzed and because it was factual information and not interview data there were fewer opportunities for bias in the data (Plano Clark & Criswell, 2010). The esearchers in this study followed the process of quantitative data analysis (Plano Clark & Criswell, 2010). A significant problem with this study and the recommendations are the external factors in each country which guide leaders in how they decide to spend funds obtained. Each country is different and many of the countries served have had documented corruption problems which could influence the reliabilit y of the information. This information and process used is useful for the policy makers the study was intended for, but for practical management it is not specific in making recommendations for changes. This process could be used in more practical ways if the planning led to gathering data specific to the situation. The process of determining how to disburse funds depending on need could be useful in my organization. We have a fund to provide financial assistance to patients that are not able to pay for services. Looking at this study, it is important that we develop some methods to determine need based on other funding sources to more objectively determine funding.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Clinical Practices Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Clinical Practices Paper - Essay Example It should not be misconstrued that one type of learning must be followed to help every student learn. Central to learning styles for any student is to find those models of teaching that work most effectively for the individuals learning style so that they become more instantly ready to understand the coursework and do well on a test. The research shows that there are many methods currently being used. There are several basic ways that a student must learn different types of material. As an example, some pieces of knowledge must be memorized. This would include lists of facts or aspects of the human body and body systems that are important to know when you are working with patients. Azzarello (2007) points out that there are three stages of knowledge that students must develop. In the first stage, the declarative stage of learning, students find these lists and common knowledge important. They must not only learn the material, but be able to apply the knowledge to their clinical studies. In stage two, called the procedural stage, students must take the knowledge they have and apply it to situations that may not have come up in other settings. With this knowledge, they must use critical thinking and problem solving to add to the knowledge they have about the situation. In the last stage, which the author calls structural knowledge, a student must understand how procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge relate to one another. This basically means that students will need to understand an organized way of bringing the knowledge together (Azzarello, p. 3). The author suggests that in order to understand what students are learning structurally that Pathfinder scaling techniques can be used. A study was conducted to see whether this was feasible and found that it was one way that students could be evaluated. This is a stronger way to evaluate than concept mapping and most students in the study thought some of the work was
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Business research literary review on action research Essay
Business research literary review on action research - Essay Example The sequence of steps includes â€Å"once scenario is studied: a corrective plan is determined, planned and implemented; results of the action are observed and recorded; and the action is assess as effective or not†(Cooper & Schlinder, 2011). This literature review will take a journey through the foundations of action research, cases using action research and opportunities opened because of action research. Foundations of Action Research: Stephens, J., Barton, J., & Haslett, T. (2009). Action Research: Its History and Relationship to Scientific Methodology. Systemic Practice & Action Research, 22(6), 463-474. doi:10.1007/s11213-009-9147-7 As it has been discussed briefly in the introduction, action research is a method of research that seeks to address practical problems. In such a way, it oftentimes deviates from the standard approach in which the scientific method seeks to identify an issue, theorize with regards to a solution, and/or measure whether or not such a theory is relevant and pertinent. Ultimately, this key level of deviation is one of the core compliments of why action research came to be born out of the already working processes of the scientific method. Stevens et al. ... The authors indicate that these drawbacks are concentric around whether or not the idea is more driven from the researcher’s agenda or more driven from the participants; whether or not individuals are motivated by an instrumental goal of whether or not a narrow level of focus skews the research results with regards to applying it to a larger test group or situation. Naturally, this is not to say that action research is inherently flawed; rather, it merely denotes the fact that it holds a level of benefit as well as a level of difficulties as compared to traditional scientific methodological research. Boog, B. M. (2003). The emancipatory character of action research, its history and the present state of the art. Journal Of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 13(6), 426-438. Many researchers have underscored the fact that from the very beginning action research has been intended to be an emancipatory style. Compared to traditional scientific methodological research, action re search is something of a free-form and evolutionary style that allows participants to engage in a double-sided process of research. Moreover, due to the fact that the relationship between the researcher and the subjects is so critical with regards to developing a key level of inference and/or determinacy, Boog (2003) notes that the evolving character of action research demands a high level of emphasis be placed upon the approach with which the researcher engages the participants. Although Boog argues that this is not a new construct of action research, he also denotes the fact that without a type of constraining influence, the evolutionary history that has thus far been exhibited with regards to action research will ultimately transform it into an unrecognizable entity. As a direct
Monday, October 7, 2019
'In Defense of Food An Eater's Manifesto' By Michael Pollan Essay
'In Defense of Food An Eater's Manifesto' By Michael Pollan - Essay Example We are weak in a sense that we need to consult doctors and therapist to know what we must eat and follow the logo that processed food containers hold. We go by mob psychology without giving any judgment to what actually is the truth. Other animals and organisms do not have such requirements, they are capable of making a decision what they should eat and they eat what nature has offered them. Our story is different as we need a variety of different things to eat to stay fit and healthy. The author has thrown light upon the biased nature of human beings regarding what to eat, how much to eat and what sequence to follow. We have set certain parameters regarding with what a particular food item will go. This tendency came in picture because of a lot of variety has captured the market with guiding and misguiding food-labeling rules. Genetically modified food and all the variety of processed food has taken us away from our roots. What we are eating today is totally different from what our ancestors have eaten and most probably what our mothers have eaten. Food comes with various logos some are stating that they may protect against cancer but actually it has no such role. Some of the food items presented in the market are the result of vague kind of research that has been carried out in the market, for e.g. the genetically modified food are gaining much prominence these days. "Genetically Engineered" food is grown, manufactured, created, developed or changed by utilizing the techniques that brings changes in molecular or cell biology of an organism. This technique cannot be exploited in nature or under natural conditions. These techniques are mostly based on recombinant DNA technology, cell fusion, micro- and macroencapsulation, gene deletion or duplication, introduction of any gene from other organism through microinjection or by the process of transgenesis where the desired foreign gene is inserted in the early sates of development and also the techniques based on altering the position of the genes. The process does not include propagation, conjugation, fermentation, hybridization, in vitro fertilization and tissue culture method (Grubesic, 2005). These marketed food products are highly advertised in the TV, newspapers and magazines with big claims but according to the author the best food is what our grandmothers have eaten and recommends us. In the present era, in order to make maximum gains people are adopting unfair means to market the products by decorating them through packaging and variety of other methods to attract women and children. These processed food have no true food value and incorporate food additives for manufacturing, stuffing or in packaging, dispensation, preparing, treating, and packaging, food additives may also be used when long distance transporting is to be done or when the food item is to be kept for long duration. Now-a-days radiations are given to ensure the safety of food from chemicals. The food is labeled with the name of the company or firm or by any legal or commercial entity. If the research has provided us with the processed food items then research has also provided us the information about the repercussions of eating such products. The author has therefore recommended that if we eat modified food which claims to be rich in nutrition and possess
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Vent settings for the non-intensivist Thesis Proposal
Vent settings for the non-intensivist - Thesis Proposal Example Before using different modes and variables of a ventilator, the participant should assess the condition of the patient and their need too. To do so, student/resident needs to use the interpretation of Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) analysis to calculate the pH and oxygen and carbon dioxide pressure in arterial blood. This interpretation is a crucial skill and is necessarily essential for critically ill patients. Thus, the information shows the patient’s ventilation control. Furthermore, arterial blood gas measurements and airway defiance and static concession of the respiratory system computation give bases to the subsequent ventilator changes. The rationale behind teaching students/resident about the ventilation setting is Oxygenation and pH and pressure and volume. The former tells about the supervising the oxygen level and pH of the patients in order to maintain the metabolic function and healthy tissues. As the pH is echo of a patient’s bicarbonate and carbon dioxide, it aids in regulation oxygen and carbon dioxide level. On the other hand, the latter aspect assists the patients in breathing without granting their respiratory muscles to shrivel or cardiac preload to dwindle
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