Thursday, October 10, 2019
Research Evaluation Tables Essay
Through this study, Henri intended to determine whether dynamism in performance measurement systems was appropriate for any change an organization underwent, or if there were circumstances where revision to the performance measurement systems were not needed. Henri also intended to determine if the link between dynamic performance measurement systems and the performance of an organization were contingent on a level of internal or external change. The third goal of this study was to add additional data on this subject to the scant body of research available on the dynamism of performance measurement systems. | Research Methods| Henri used quantitative/confirmatory analysis in this study. Henri used a mail survey to gather data. The survey used seven point Likery-type scales to assess changes to the performance measurement systems, to determine innovativeness and learning orientation of the organization and organizational performance. All of the tools used in the questionnaire were validated in advance. | Audience| Henri focused this study on two main audiences. The first was to provide information to manager, executives, and professionals charged with running organizations. Henri also intended to add additional research for managerial accounting literature. | Research Evaluation| The researchers in this study used Likert Scale questions to assess performance measurement at the organization. Likert Scales are frequently used when a researcher wants to measure attitudes about a certain topic (Plano Clark & Criswell, 2010). The researchers also demonstrated the validity of the study by having experts in the field test the instrument in three different groups and provide feedback (Plano Clark & Criswell, 2010). One problem with this study was the response rate was only 24 percent which increases the risks of bias in the study (Bowling, 2005). This study is written to cover the topic of how performance measurement should change, and when, which is a practical topics for managers to review. The overall conclusion of this study found organizations willing to periodically review performance measures have better overall organizational performance. This information would be beneficial to my agency because we use performance measures to make decisions in the organization. Evaluating performance measures to ensure they are still applicable to our work will allow us to adjust performance measures to increase overall organizational performance. McCoy and Kinyua completed a cross-sectional study reviewing General Find disbursements over a 12-month period. McCoy and Kinyua chose to look at funding instead of expenditures because they determined it was more accurate and completed. The researchers looked at the population of the countries, the income levels, government funding and also funding sources to identify countries in need of disbursements from the Global Fund more than others. The data was all collected from spreadsheets that were found on the Global Fund website. The date was prepared and present in text, tables and charts. | Audience| This study was intended for executives and decision makers linked to the Global Fund, government officials, donors and health care professionals in the countries receiving money from the Global Fund. | Research Evaluation| This study took the information from public documents located on the Global Fund website. The complete information could be analyzed and because it was factual information and not interview data there were fewer opportunities for bias in the data (Plano Clark & Criswell, 2010). The esearchers in this study followed the process of quantitative data analysis (Plano Clark & Criswell, 2010). A significant problem with this study and the recommendations are the external factors in each country which guide leaders in how they decide to spend funds obtained. Each country is different and many of the countries served have had documented corruption problems which could influence the reliabilit y of the information. This information and process used is useful for the policy makers the study was intended for, but for practical management it is not specific in making recommendations for changes. This process could be used in more practical ways if the planning led to gathering data specific to the situation. The process of determining how to disburse funds depending on need could be useful in my organization. We have a fund to provide financial assistance to patients that are not able to pay for services. Looking at this study, it is important that we develop some methods to determine need based on other funding sources to more objectively determine funding.
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