Thursday, August 27, 2020
Consumer Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Customer Law - Case Study Example Judges are limited to the law made by the parliament they are to decipher the law as per the setting of the case and choose keeping the soul of the rule Law unblemished. Since sculpture law is exact and essential it can't see the underlying foundations of the case, in this manner the adjudicator made law makes these holes in choosing the cases in light of a legitimate concern for equity. Shopper law in UK is of 30 years of age. It created as the years passed on. It is presently having significant number of Acts and Regulations to give the equity to the purchasers. Because of the electronic transformation and expanded rivalry and improved advertising framework the buyers face a great deal of difficulties and are exposed to cheating and undue incitements. To shield them from these difficulties the buyer laws are extended to meet prerequisites. These customer laws are made so straightforward thus coherent that there is no vagueness in understanding these laws even by a typical man. What's more, the alleviation it gives is as that what a man of standard reasonability think as to the dealer and what he feels just and sensible. On the off chance that any dealer gives an off-base merchandise than what you requested a typical man says the cost of such products need not be paid. This is actually what customer law additionally says. Still the information on buyer law is significant since it gives more than what client might suspect had the right to get from a broker. In the above model an individual with no legitimate information thinks he need not pay for the item however buyer law says more that he merits an additional sum from the merchant as remuneration. Buyer law shields the clients from the carelessness, flippancy and wrong doings by the brokers and there by causes purchasers to endure. When would we be able to state that the merchant is to blame We can say that they to blame when they don't adhere to the law identifying with the exchange and they don't give satisfactory consideration to the purchaser's needs and when they follow the out of line exchange practices to increase undue benefits at the expense of buyers and so forth. There are sculptures and laws made to manage the exchange such laws are Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as am improved), Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. Different laws which are otherwise called purchaser laws and which the buyer will have a base and essential information about them to protect themselves. These laws will be examined later in this issue. These sculptures set down rules that the merchants ought to follow and all the brokers are to comply with this law. Offer of products Act recommends certain conditions that great sold will consent, for example, quality, amount, time and so on as per the general inclination of the purchasers. Offer of products act is likewise an agreement which common understanding between the client and the broker. The broker will undoubtedly gracefully the concurred quality, amount inside the concurred timeframe. All the while the client is will undoubtedly pay the sum as concurred once the dealer plays out his piece of understanding. In the event that any deformity in the item is made known to the client and the client consents to purchase with the imperfection afterwards he can't take safe house of deformity in the merchandise and appeal to God for pay or excluded from installment of the cost. The weight of confirmation of the merchant's disappointment or wrong is consistently lies on the client aside from in explicit condition, for example, where the broker gives assurance of an incredible merchandise and the item doesn't lost for the guartee time in this condition it is the dealer to demonstrate that the item has satisfied its ensured period and so forth. In each
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Music Manipulation free essay sample
There are numerous ways a CD player can control, however I have decided to discuss three explicit techniques. The main technique is the business achievement of the craftsman. On the off chance that a craftsman has discovered prevalence or a great deal of acknowledgment an individual may think its cool to feel the manner in which the craftsman does about specific things. An individual may change their design or anything to demonstrate they need to be as cool as the craftsman is or has as much notoriety as the craftsman seems to be. These are the principle ways an individual may become controlled from tuning in to a specific gathering or person.The second way I accept, is the means by which engaging the music is to that specific individual. For instance, on the off chance that somebody isn't a Jazz fan, at that point Jazz music won't have as quite a bit of an effect on the person in question as Jazz would on a Jazz fan. You will tune in to what the individual is stating and their convictions on the off chance that you like the music in any case. We will compose a custom paper test on Music Manipulation or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page An individual must like the music for it to sink into their psyche enough to make the control happen. The following control is expressive substance. This melodious substance technique is the most persuasive in my opinion.As referenced previously, in the event that you like the music, at that point you will be bound to hear it out more near hear what the craftsman is attempting to depict. You can be controlled by the verses by beginning to trust them yourself or feel a specific path about a social Issue. The verses can change your dispositions and your entire point of view toward specific pieces of life. For instance, if your down about something and you listen too blues melody, you will likely concur with what the craftsman is stating in light of the fact that you will accept that the craftsman feels that approach to. These three different ways of control can change the audience by one way or another, so in this manner the control Is fruitful.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Leroy A. Battle essays
Leroy A. Fight expositions Leroy A. Fight was a youngster in the mid-1940s who had quite recently finished flight preparing, and earned his wings as one of the recognized Tuskegee Airmen. Leroy Battle encountered a great deal of things throughout everyday life, while World War II seethed on in Europe, and Asia. Fight, and 18 of his associates turned out to be a piece of their very own clash against isolation on an army installation, a fight that before long got known as the Freeman Incident. The Army and Air Force permitted blacks to become pilots. Subsequent to being undermined with a claim. The War Department set up an air unit that was known as 99th Pursuit Squadron, for African-Americans close to Tuskegee Institute, in Alabama. The Tuskegee Army Airfield was totally isolated at the start, with fliers under the order of, and prepared by white officials. The Jim Crow laws were intense for the blacks to manage, in light of them not being white, and managing the issues of them being Negro Officers that were se parated. Open doors for blacks in this state toward the beginning of World War II were minimal better than those offered by the Army. In numerous towns blacks experienced supposed Nightfall laws, which prohibited them to remain in the city after dim. In many parts of their every day lives, from eating in eateries to watching movies, African-American confronted separation and isolation. Leroy Battle has had diverse educational encounters, incorporating his experience with battling partiality, separation towards blacks, and isolation. Preference assumed a major job of him being a Black African American that was in the papers, and taking the warmth from Negro Officers being captured, on account of race being an issue. The major hypothetical points of view that are occurring are functionalist, struggle, and interactionist viewpoint. The functionalist point of view is occurring about Leroy Battle being rebuffed under the social requests of his Jim Crows laws, and keeping the Sundown laws. Jim Crow ... <!
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Water Scarcity Is An Environmental Problem That Reaches
Water scarcity is an environmental problem that reaches around the globe. This lack of water is called the World Water Crisis. In the U.S, people are privileged enough to be able to use clean water for many things. However, the U.S is effected by water scarcity as well as countries who are underdeveloped and aren t as privileged as we are. Only 2.5 percent of Earth s water is fresh water, of which industrial uses account for 22 percent of available fresh water, domestic use requires only 8 percent, and the rest-over two-thirds of our demand-is used for agriculture. Water is said to be a right for all living things, however, many underdeveloped countries in the world, such as Ghana or Rajasthan, are victims of corporations who come†¦show more content†¦Giant corporations take over these sustainable water supplies and nothing seems to be done make them stop so that the water can become clean again as well as be given back to the people. Christian Theology is heavily focused o n and around water because it s said to be the right of all living things. In scripture, the word water appears nearly six hundred times in the Hebrew Bible and is used to describe forms of God or his activities. Therefore, water is an embodiment of God himself and when water is taken away from people it s almost like taking away a source of God from them. Also, this lack of water causes poverty in many countries because they can t grow food to sell to sustain their own lives. In The Preferential Option for the Poor, the country focused of whom is suffering in poverty is Latin America. This cause of poverty is said to be linked to the influence the U.S has from our western culture. The bishops argue that the root cause of Latin American misery and oppression is the influence of Western culture, which is driven by idols of power, wealth, monetary pleasure and an overvaluation of individual subjectivity. Western culture tends to be centered around materialist tendencies and focuses on what an individual can do for themselves rather than what an individual can do for others, including the world we live in. The bishops also claim that the culturalShow MoreRelatedThe Syrian Conflict Of The United Nations Inter Agency On Water Essay1250 Words  | 5 Pageseconomic infrastructure, specifically through the region’s production of freshwater resources. According to the United Nations Inter-Agency on Water (UNIA), Jordan is ranked one of the ten water-depressed countries in the world. The growth in Syrian population has increased this strain, with UN estimates revealing that it may take weeks before a single drop reaches a local tap. The crisis has led both the Jordanian community and Syrian refugees to seek solutions, which has led to extracting groundwaterRead MoreAgricultural Industry-Lipton Tea1342 Words  | 6 Pagesits core contains three main elements: Environmental Protection, Social Equity and Economic Growth a concept often referred to as the tri ple bottom line: Business that looks to its impacts in terms of finance the environment and people. In agricultural sustainability we are in fact considering the effects of the agricultural sector on these three factors, sustainable agriculture has to be able to preserve the environment, control and protect the energy, water and soil while enhancing the well-beingRead MoreWhy Chile Is Affected By Water Scarcity1503 Words  | 7 PagesWater scarcity is a huge problem and it affects nations throughout the Americas, including the country of Chile. 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No country or economy will be able to sustain economic growth without using the natural resources available in the environment. The constant need for resources is the fuel for economic growth and any country going through a heightened level of economic activity tends to use more resources from the environment. Relationship between economic growth and environment The relationshipRead MoreThe Pepsi Of Coca Cola1476 Words  | 6 PagesHistory Coca-Cola was founded in 1886 by Dr. John S. Pemberton. After creating flavored syrup, he took it to his neighborhood pharmacy where it got mixed with carbonated water. Frank M. Robinson, Dr. Pemberton’s partner and bookkeeper, is credited with naming the beverage Coca-Cola. After a couple years, Dr. Pemberton began selling portions of his business. The majority was sold to Asa G. Candler who decided to expand the product to soda fountains outside of Atlanta, Georgia. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Three Effective Strategies for Managing Behaviors of...
Emotional disturbance has become more relevant in schools today. It is seen in many different forms and covers a wide range of different disorders. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act defines emotional disturbance as â€Å"†¦a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a child’s educational performance: (A) An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors. (B) An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers. (C) Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances. (D) A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression. (E) A†¦show more content†¦Students who are emotionally disturbed have trouble reacting the correct way in trick social situations. Teachers must remind the students that there are appropriate behaviors for the classroom and tha t certain rules and procedures must be followed for a successful learning environment. In an article Consequence Maps: A novel behavior management tool for educators, the authors Tobin and Simpson state â€Å"Increasingly, educators are recognizing the importance of management strategies that assist children and youth in understanding the consequences of actions as well as assist educators in teaching children and youth to independently make socially appropriate decisions†(Tobin Simpson, 2012). Consequence maps have the teacher and student choose a specific behavior that they want to work on. The teacher observes the students and relates back what they saw. The teacher and student talk about the behavior and the desired effect. They look that the consequences of the poor behavior and compare it to that of the desired behavior. They student can then use visuals to act out the behavior, role playing the different outcomes for both the good and bad behavior. They create a two path flow chart. The top path demonstrates the desired behavior and the bottom path demonstrates the improper behavior. The consequence map is then posed for the student to view throughout the day as wellShow MoreRelatedCommunity Characteristics : Understanding The Context2642 Words  | 11 Pageshas shown students who continue their education at a higher level. As stated in Appendix B, roughly eighty-two percent has a high school diploma or higher, twenty-one percent received a bachelor’s degree, six percent went on to graduate level or professional degrees, and nine percent will declare unemployment. With some schools showing complexity in student learning, a clear and shared sense of purpose is the critical component of the vision of a school. Strong motivation for the student as wellRead MoreMANAGEMENTOF PERCEIVED STRESSORS AMONG RADTECH INTERNS OF ST. JUDE COLLEGE YEAR 2009-2010 IN TWO HOSPITALS NAMELY PHILIPPINE ORTHOPEDIC CENTER AND ST. LUKE’S MEDICAL CENTER7382 Words  | 30 Pagesteaching us all the steps and guidelines in doing this research study. To our Dean, Rufo B. Aggarao, whose love and support kept us inspired to complete this research. To our loving parents, thank you very much, for your undying support financially, emotionally and spiritually, also for your never-ending guidance and love. To our beloved proffesors Sir Jenerlito Casaje, Sir Richmond Quilatan, and Sir Earl Martinez for inspiring us to finish the requirement and letting us have this requirement which hasRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesmymanagementlab is an online assessment and preparation solution for courses in Principles of Management, Human Resources, Strategy, and Organizational Behavior that helps you actively study and prepare material for class. Chapter-by-chapter activities, including built-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. 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Timothy was distraught and believed he might have to quit college. Their different reactions to the same stressful event emphasizes the importance of: A) their respective cognitive appraisalsRead MoreChange Management49917 Words  | 200 PagesCHANGE UNIT – I LEARNING OBJECTIVES The student is expected to learn the following concepts after going through this unit. 1. Change 3. Planned Change 5. Unplanned Change 2. 4. 6. Stimulating Forces Change Agents Lewin’s Three Step Model The change means the alteration of status quo or making things different. It may refer to any alteration which occurs in the overall work environment of an organization. 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In a communication transaction, feedback represents a. a group s physical and psychological environment. b. anything that interferes with or inhibits effective communication. c. the media through which group members share messages. d. the response or reaction to a message. e. ideas, information, opinions, and/or feelings that generate meaning. Answer: d. the response or reaction to a message. . WhichRead MoreIntercultural Communication21031 Words  | 85 Pagesreasons: †¢ The United States provide many opportunities for people from different cultural backgrounds to communicate with each; †¢ There are thousands of new immigrants entering the country every year; †¢ The U.S. has large numbers of foreign students and tourists; and †¢ The American involvement in the global economy: the majority of America’s Fortune 500 Corporations are multinational and transnational companies with numerous employees and offices in many different countries in the world. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Cold War During World War II - 2003 Words
The Cold War was known as the period from the end of World War II until the collapse of the Soviet Union1 in 1991. It featured many government standings and rivalries such as political, economic, military, and diplomatic! Stunned in a clash between two very diverse ways of life, The Cold War was a competition for Power and Global Influence between the world s two superpowers at the current time. After World War II which America and The Soviet Union fought together as allies against Adolf Hitler and the Nazi s, the two Countries found it extremely difficult to communicate in the Current World we live in. Noted by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1946, an Iron Curtain seemed to separate the East, dominated by the Soviet Union,†¦show more content†¦Capitalism means that, well any and every businesses and market forces with supply and demand determine what goods are available in their markets and what the prices they want those goods to be are. Everything, land, shops , housing, industries, and land are for the most part, owned by private individuals or companies instead of the collective whole. And in The United States political system, a democracy, every single citizen chose their leaders by voting them into office by elections that are free and fair. Governmental oversight however of every day life is very minimal, allowing its individuals to make each and every one of their decisions on their own free will. As to what career they want to pursue, where they want to live, what they want to eat, etc. Although each system had benefits and disadvantages, during The Cold War both the Soviet Union and The United States were viewing the other s system as incorrect and a threat to their own system. Both countries worried that the other may indeed one day attempt to spread its ideology throughout the world. The United States was unwilling to live in a world, as where communism dominated and out ruled, and The Soviet Union felt very similar about living in a situation to where they would be under capitalism. Communist tent to believe that capitalism is indeed a selfish ideology as it ignores the needs of the communities. According to staunch communist and Cuban president Fidel Castro, Why do we believe that theShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War During World War II930 Words  | 4 PagesThe Cold War was political hostility between the United States of America and the Soviet Union through threats, propaganda and series of warfare incidents that made these superpowers of the time suspicious of one another. With the sources of the reader I will explain who’s to be at fault for the Cold war, the United States or the Soviet Union. The term â€Å"Cold War†according to Heonik Kwon in his document origins of the Cold War â€Å"†¦ refers to the prevailing condition of the world in the second halfRead MoreThe Cold War During World War II Essay1185 Words  | 5 PagesThe Cold War was not a military conflict, but was an ongoing political conflict involving both military and economic competition between two superpowers advancing rapidly wanting to b e number one. The evolvement of the Cold War began during and after World War I, although the official beginning of the Cold War was in 1945, at the Yalta Conference after World War II. There were many causes of the Cold War, but can be summed up as a battle between capitalism and communism. Also, along with PresidentRead MoreThe Cold War During World War II Essay1298 Words  | 6 PagesThe Cold War was the name given to the non-aggressive conflict between The United States and Russia that began after World War II. However, there is disagreement over the exact dates of the Cold War. Nevertheless, it took place somewhere between the end of World War II and the early 1989 (Wendt n.d). The Cold War brought about a number of crises in the decades that it lasted. These crises include: Vietnam, the Berlin Wall, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Cold War itself was the result of the UnitedRead MoreThe Cold War During World War II854 Words  | 4 PagesThe Cold War was a major event in the U.S. and Soviet Union’s history. The main reason that these two countries entered into the Cold War after World War II was power. The USSR and United States had two very different perspectives on power coming out of World War II. This disagreement ultimately caused the Cold War. Russia’s perspective after World War II was influenced by Joseph Stalin. Stalin, the leader of the USSR at the time, was a merciless dictator. His main concern was maintaining power andRead MoreThe Cold War During World War II1397 Words  | 6 PagesWar is the result of hate and brutality that can affect people in a negative way. The Cold War relates to the war in the Butter Battle book as it demonstrates hate, which should not be taught to kids in children s books. Conflict and competition can lead to war. The Cold War was a 45 year long rivalry between the Western powers, led by the United States and the Soviet Union. The United States formed a military base to protect them from other threats such as the Soviets. The expansion of the SovietRead MoreThe Cold War During World War II1324 Words  | 6 PagesWhen World War II ended, the last thing the countries imagined was another worldwide conflict. But that’s exactly was soon ensued when the Cold War erupted between the Eastern powers and the Western powers. The Eastern powers consisted of the Soviet Union and the Western powers consisted of America, Britain and France. During World War II, these allies had a common ground to work together in effort to fight against Hitler and the Nazi Party. The Cold War wasn’t an actual war where battles were fought;Read MoreThe Cold War During World War II Essay1632 Words  | 7 PagesThe Cold War was a clash of culture, ideologies, and a standoff between the world s two greatest nuclear powers. The argument of the American side was based around Capitalism and a hunger for ever growing business while the Soviet Union’s was structured around Communism and it’s powerful theocracy that stated it must be spread to every country on the planet. As a result, there has been much debate about whether the U.S. initiated the Cold War through their usage of the atomic bomb in World War IIRead MoreThe Cold War During World War II1760 Words  | 8 PagesEssay One During World War II the United States and the Soviet Union were allies, but by 1950, their relationship had disintegrated and the two nations were engaged in a â€Å"Cold War.†The â€Å"Cold War†occurred due to efforts by both nations after the war to maintain influence in regions like Eastern Europe for the Soviets and Turkey and Greece for the United States, but the â€Å"Cold War†wasn’t limited to these disputes. The â€Å"Cold War†was influenced by many factors on the United States side including theRead MoreThe Cold War During World War II970 Words  | 4 PagesThe Cold War was a period of 44 years of both military and political tension after World War II. There were many ideals and events that lead to the Cold War. Nationalism, poor economic conditions, and a strong desire for democracy and human rights are the primary reasons that many believe the Cold War started. However, these are just a few of the reasons for the Cold War. Events s uch as the Yalta Conference, Truman Doctrine, Potsdam Conference, and the Marshall Plan also greatly influenced the startRead MoreThe Cold War During World War II2261 Words  | 10 PagesThe Cold War was a period of rivalry short of armed confrontation. Tensions oscillated between former allies of the World War II, Russia and America, leading to the infamous cold war. It is rather difficult to determine the starting point of the Cold War because the East-West relationship had been deteriorating since a long time due to their conflicting ideologies and aspirations. However, the circumstances required for them to form an alliance in World War II, but this friendship was short lived
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Moving Parts Digger Essay Example For Students
Moving Parts Digger Essay MAKe YOUR own: moving parts digger Diggers are very popular in our house but weve found that good digger crafts are quite hard to come by. Using Roger Prides great book Rainbow Trucks as inspiration decided to take matters into my own hands. The end result is this simple digger picture. Its heaps Of fun to color in and, best Of all, you get to put the pieces together and move them around. You will need this project sheet roadbed hole punch split pins (brads) markers or paints scissors photo and glue (optional) directions Before you get started youll need to transfer the digger images to cardboard. You can print or photocopy the images straight onto card. Otherwise, just glue the paper onto card or trace the image on to card by holding it up against a window (thats what did). 1 232 1 Color-in or paint the digger and digger parts. Cut the pieces out and punch oleos where marked. We also cut up some photos and pasted them on the digger so that the kids could be in the drivers seat! Attach the parts using split pins (brads) and there you have a fabulous moving parts digger! Hope you enjoy this craft. If you have a chance, take a photo of your completed digger and email it to me ([emailprotected] Com) so can add it to the Kids Craft Weekly photo gallery. T) 2007 streetwalker. Com 2007 streetwalker. Com
Monday, April 13, 2020
Sociological issues in schools
Introduction Today’s society is too dynamic due to increased technological advancement. This has called for all societies of the world to give their young people the most relevant education and training to make the fit in the modern world. Despite all this efforts various sociological issues affecting education have continued to make it very hard for the children of the world to have a bright future.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Sociological issues in schools specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Here we are going to look at various issues, the problems which they pose in the teaching fraternity and also the impacts which they can bring in the course of trying to improve such pathetic conditions. Some of these issues will involve the interest of teachers in teaching, different ways of teaching, student life in school and at home, social challenge in school, dealing with exceptionally gifted and tale nted learners, the multicultural issues and his try of education and finally the financing and governing American schools. Interest of teachers in teaching The interest of teachers in teaching is quite unquestionable. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that a lot of people are quitting their jobs to switch to teaching profession and also by the fact that a lot of teachers have strong passion for what they does best and that is teaching. Despite all this obvious fact a lot of teachers are highly demoralized by low salaries associated with teaching profession and a lot of them opt to go for greener pastures in the event such opportunities arise on their way. Thus it can be said that a lot of people usually join the teaching profession in the events of economic hard times and the economic meltdown. A lot of societies have tried in making efforts to harmonize the salaries of teachers with those of other people in public service and also in private sector but this has not materialized fully to the levels which are satisfactory to teachers thus it has been very hard to retain and attract teachers in training profession. These facts have created a lot of problems in the teaching fraternity and thus leading to poor education. Different ways of learning There are various ways of learning which vary deeply from one learner to another. This has called for the teachers to undertake extra tasks by analyzing and evaluating the individual learners in order to cater for their individual needs. Firstly, one of the ways of learning is categorized as the convergers. Here the learners’ following in this category are highly associated with abstract conceiving and a lot of experimentation of ideals, use of inferences from general principles to base their logic to solve problems and also good application of ideas.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Secondly, we also ha ve another category called divergers (Aurtus, 2010, p. 1). The learners who follow in this category are characterized with perceiving things by use of their senses, good imaginative aspects and thus they easily come up with constructive ideas and finally they are associated with viewing things in different perspectives. Thirdly, the other category of ways of learning is assimilators. Those learners who follow in this category are associated with abstract conceiving of things, keenly reflecting on all their observations and they are also able to formulate theoretical models by means of inductive logic. Finally, the other way of learning can be categorized as accommodators. Here the learners are associated with using concrete experience and also being involved actively in experimentation. These learners also involve themselves so much in doing things as opposed to reading and studying them (Spiller, 2007, p. 1). It is very clear that it is not an easy task for teachers to perform and at the same time perfect in class work due to the fact there is acute shortage of teachers in our society and thus this will lead to poor quality in education. Life of student at school and at home The students’ lives at school and at home are a bit different. This is because learners when they are in school they are guided by already set programs, rules and regulations unlike when they are at home where they the control on their time management. At home the student can be involved with doing what they love with minimal interference of their parents and guardians. This freedom which the learners are granted at home can lead to a lot of problems especially when it is misused by learners thus impacting negatively academically. Social challenges at school There are several social challenges which have continued to dominate in schools fraternity. The most challenging social issue is the one resulting from racism. Here the black students feel so insecure when they are among their white peers and this has explained why most parents have continued to bleach their children to have light skins so that they can feel comfortable at school. The other issue is that of religion whereby the learners are limited in ways of expressing their religious affiliations (â€Å"Science News†, 2010, p. 1). Exceptionally gifted and talented learners The exceptionally gifted and talented learners pose a great challenge to teachers. This is because if one fails to identify them and give them challenging tasks they will feel bored and they may end up dropping from school. There are also learners who are exceptionally gifted in other fields other than academics and thus teacher needs to identify them early otherwise their talents will go to waste. This requires greater funding to establish the facilities for extracurricular activities which may not be adequate (Heller, 2004, p. 13). Multicultural issues and his try of education The multiculticutural issues and the try of educa tion are very important in formulating the educational policies. Here teachers are dealing with students from different cultures and need to be very sensitive in matters pertaining cultures. Also the mother countries of these students have different his try in matters of education thus the need to harmonize the histories of different countries of the world.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Sociological issues in schools specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Financing and governing American schools The financing and governing of American schools is a very interesting subject because the federal government has very little say on the education. Some funding usually comes from the federal government but it is too insignificant. In most cases education in public sector is governed and given financial support by the individual states with the help from local government and also school districts. The department of e ducation usually has some authority but most power regarding schooling rests with the individual states (Fullinwider, 2007, p. 57). This has resulted in lack of equity among the states. Conclusion It is very clear that for educational system to be effective all sociological issues are supposed to be properly addressed. This is because these issues have caused greater disparities in education in different states. If all these issues are not given proper attention then the quality of education offered to the young ones will not be adequate for the to fit in this modern world. Reference List Aurtus, R. (2010). How to study- The Different Ways of Learning. Web. Fullinwider, R. (1996). Public Education in a Multicultural Society. New York. Barnes Noble. Heller, K. (2004). Identification of Gifted and Talented Students. Web. Science News. (2010). Youth’s Social Problems Contribute to Anxiety and Depression. Web.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Spiller, M. (2007). The five ways of learning. Web. This research paper on Sociological issues in schools was written and submitted by user Callum Dejesus to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Article Summary Essays
Article Summary Essays Article Summary Essay Article Summary Essay The article â€Å"Marketing: A ‘Little House’ Makeover†by Karen Springen discusses 75th anniversary of ‘Little House’ books. She assumes that books shouldn’t be judged by their cover only. Karen admits that this month the photos of models were used on the cover pages instead of Garth Williams’ illustrations. The executive editor of publishing house says that those illustrations are out-of-date and they â€Å"wanted to convey the fact that these are action-packed†. Therefore, the article discusses changes to be introduced in cover art. It is noted that nowadays the publishers are willing to alter cover art, because children are more interested in video and computer games. It is suggested that kids grasp faster cover pages with, for example, Dakota Fanning rather than with a girl with a pig. The author provides different opinions toward the idea to alter cover art. Children aren’t really attracted by pictures and illustrations which were loved by their fathers and mother. For contemporary children such illustrations appear â€Å"musty and dusty†. The author asserts that children prefer to read book when the main heroes are pictured on the cover page. Real people are better suited for today’s children than drawings. Many drawings are re-illustrated and artists are trying to make them as contemporary as it is possible to meet the demands and desires of contemporary audience. Nevertheless, the factor of nostalgia is present and drawing remain to show parents their past and to make them share books with their families. Article Summary Essays Article Summary Essay Article Summary Essay Article Summary Name of Article: What Are The Benefits of Aromatherapy Source of Article: Date of Article: March 08, 2008 Summary: In this article it speaks about aromatherapy. According to this article, the key in order to understand what aromatherapy is lies in the use of aromatic oils and liquids. Also, others define aromatherapy as a form of alternative medicine that made use of volatile liquids called the essential oils and may also include the use of other aromatic materials with the objective of influencing the mood of one person or the patient. When saying that it makes you wonder how can oil and liquids are any form of therapy. Well according to the article, a French chemist by the name of Rene-Maurice Gattefosse was the one who came up with the term aromatherapy. After being burned on his arm in a laboratory and some way his arm was thrust near the lavender oil. Gattefosse observed a relief and the burn healed swiftly with less marks and with the smallest amount of pain just by him trusting his arms on some lavender oil. This development directed Gattefosse to work on essential oils as an alternative to known medicines. This article also speaks about patients who have claustrophobic. Now, you may wonder what the use of aromatic oils and liquids could have to do with people who fear being closed in. Well based on the researches as the Sloan-Kettering, aromatherapy reduces the attacks on claustrophobic patients that undergo MRI scans. And then it could be that they feel so relax that all the fear just goes away. To conclude, when reading this article the thought whatâ„ ¢s the point of using aromatherapy. I thought itâ„ ¢s not anything but aromatic oils and liquids being used on a patient for relaxation from a fear and whatever else its used for. But one thing I have truly learn from this article is that the effect and the benefits of aromatherapy on one person is not due to the chemicals that are found to be interacting with the persons senses, rather the oil contains the refinement of the life force of the plant that can help balance the energies of the body and at the same time promote healing.
Monday, February 24, 2020
International Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5
International Business Strategy - Essay Example International firms do their business utilizing these three strategies and depends on their choice, their success come out. Samsung and Nokia, two internationally renowned mobile phone manufacturing giants, has been credited as long time competitors. The change in technology in mobile phones to smartphones and touchscreens from normal keypad based phones and the firmware updates came with it have emerged as the key issues to be addressed while doing the business. In UK, Samsung entered to capture the market that was dominated by Apple and Nokia. While most of the industrial strategist viewed Samsung’s decision to invade the UK market as a next to impossible venture, the Korean strategists thought it in different way. In the end, it is found that, Samsung has become the market leader and Nokia’s marketing strategy has failed miserably. This paper is concerned with discussing the international business strategies taken by Samsung and Nokia in UK in the context of the industry based, resource based and institution based view of international business strategy. This is also known as Industrial Organization thinking of strategic approaches where it is assumed that internationalization of a firm depends on the degree of competitive rivalry existing in its operating environment. Nokia, once termed as the undisputed king of the mobile handset market, has followed the resource based strategy during their ‘going global’ process. The Finland based mobile handset manufacturing giant has realized that in order to prevent the dipping sales figure, technological up gradation up to the standard of modern day business is needed. Nokia believed that firm’s own resource and capabilities are enough to build core competencies and due to strong brand image of Nokia, their position in the market place will be secured automatically. But it is found that the Symbian OS Nokia’s phones are out dated in
Friday, February 7, 2020
Ryanair Industry Analysis and Strategy for the Future Essay
Ryanair Industry Analysis and Strategy for the Future - Essay Example The heà °rt of Ryà °nà °ir’s strà °tegy is bà °sed on providing à ° no frills service with low fà °res designed to stimulà °te demà °nd, pà °rticulà °rly from budget conscious leisure à °nd business trà °vellers who might otherwise hà °ve used à °lternà °tive forms of trà °nsportà °tion or who might not trà °velled à °t à °ll. Following on from this I looked à °t the externà °l environment thà °t à °ffects Ryà °nà °ir, to get à ° brief ideà ° of the possible opportunities à °nd threà °ts. Increà °sed Trà °de-union Pressure: with the à °cuisition of Buzz à °irline in 2003, Ryà °nà °ir hà °s undergone some mà °jor chà °nges in the mà °nà °gement structure à °s well à °s in its stà °ff polici. From 400 till 600 employess were dismismissed due to the Ryà °nà °ir’s policy to dispose of the redundà °nd stà °ff. Ryà °nà °ir mà °nà °gement à °rgued thà °t the productivity of Buzz à °t 3,000 pà °ssengers per employee wà °s unà °cceptà °ble compà °red with 10,000 pà °ssengers per employee à °t Ryà °nà °ir. Ryà °nà °ir wà °s à °ccused by trà °de unions of telling stà °ff to â€Å"à °ccept the cuts or else †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . EU Expà °nsion: Before the à °cquisition, Ryà °nà °ir wà °s the biggest user of Stà °nsted, occupying 45% of là °nding slots while eà °syjet/Go hà °d 26% à °nd Buzz hà °d 12%.xiv The merger thus sà °feguà °rded Ryà °nà °ir’s position à °t Stà °nsted. Moreover, it gà °ve Ryà °nà °ir à ° UK à ir Operà °ting Certificà °te, which à °llowed the compà °ny to fly from Brità °in to destinà °tions outside the EU. Big leà °p towà °rds †open skies†: The US hà °d signed open bilà °terà °l à °greements with Europeà °n countries individuà °lly, deà °ls which were seen à °s à ° big leà °p towà °rd â€Å"open-skies†. à ll cà °rriers in the two countries concerned were given unlimited rights to operà °te trà °nsà °tlà °ntic routes between à °ny two destinà °tions, with no frequency, cà °pà °city or tà °riff control. In à °ddition, unlimited Fifth Freedom rights were grà °nted, which à °llowed à °irlines to cà °rry trà °ffic between two foreign
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The Handmaids tale Essay Example for Free
The Handmaids tale Essay Moreover, Offred is constantly looking for a way out, as she is hopeful that there is a resistance fighting back. She refers to this in one of her many daydreams, where she hopes for her husband, who disappeared during the overtake: â€Å"He made contact with the others; there must be a resistance, a government in exile. Someone must be out there, taking care of things. I believe in the resistance, I believe there can be no light without shadow; or rather no shadow unless there is also light. †(Atwood 130) Though she does not know anything for certain, the thought of him, her husband, fighting back and the hope that she may one day join him and the others – combined with her rebellious actions gives Offred strength to move forward with her life. Very much also a non- conformist is Offred’s long lost friend Moira. Moira was also forced into the role of a Handmaid; though, after a short period of time she became lethargic and, through a faking an illness, snuck out of the household that she had been staying at and found herself at Jezebels (an illegal strip club). Moira found her drive in becoming her own person, very unique from the conformed people, especially women that the government created. She was a powerful female character who stood up for herself and did what she had to, to get her way: Moira had power now, shed been set loose, shed set herself loose. She was now a loose woman. (Atwood 167) Moira goes against all norms, breaks free from the conformity and overall, participates in illegal activity – all in order to look for resistance and show that she is not owned by anyone, officially, or not. These two women, Offred and Moira, do not follow the conformity placed upon them; instead, they fight back, and from there gain willpower to stay happy and to push forward into situations that have the potential to make a difference in society, not only for themselves but also for the people around them. Atwood’s portrayal of both conformists and non-conformists serves as a commentary of women’s role in society. By contrasting the two types of characters, Atwood demonstrates the differences women are able to make in society if they oppose the conformist pressures of the male dominated world. In the novel, as discussed earlier, both the aunts and the wives are conformists; Atwood does not even give them personal names – they are usually referred to as a whole, with no distinctive characteristics. These women are dismissed as little more than bystanders, as they do not make their own decisions or stand up for their beliefs; instead, they merely go along with what others tell them. Contrary to these women are Offred and Moira, the non-conformist characters. These women are not afraid to take charge and fight against what is being forced upon them as ‘right. ’ In their roles, Offred and Moira are making, or attempting to make, a difference in their society by standing up for their morals and opinions. This therefore makes them strong female characters. Ultimately, it is not clear whether or not Offred is successful in finding the resistance; but, unlike the women who conformed, Offred at least attempted to make changes in her life so that she could be happy. Atwood thus uses the contrast between the conformist and non-conformist characters to demonstrate the effects of following the rules and the effects of going against them. The Handmaid’s Tale serves as a commentary about the role of women in society and the chances that they have to make a difference. Atwood’s overall theme is that women need to stand up for themselves in order to be happy and be in control of their lives. Works Consulted: Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaids Tale. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1986. Print. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Margaret Atwood section.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Reviewing Sullivan?s Study of America?s Wine :: essays research papers fc
For many years, wine dictionaries and encyclopedias have unknowingly been misleading consumers on the history of â€Å"America’s wine,†Zinfandel. In Zinfandel, A History of a Grape and Its Wine, Charles Sullivan, an accomplished viticulture researcher, challenges the popular belief that the grape was originally brought to America by a Hungarian immigrant. Sullivan explores the history of wine to bring forth intriguing facts that prove the popular belief to be wrong. With the help of University of California’s (UC’s) Carole Meredith, a new idea is thoroughly explained describing the true ancestry of Zinfandel.      For those not familiar with the wine it is important to note that Zinfandel, according to Sullivan, was the first and most successful American wine. Typically, wines from France and Italy prove to be more superior in taste than the American counterparts. However, with Zinfandel this is not the case. Unlike aged and dry wines, the young, fruity flavor of the Zinfandel makes for a more enjoyable flavor that appeals to a greater number of people’s tastes.      Sullivan does an excellent job keeping the book enjoyable by providing readers with intriguing side notes. For example, here he tries to illustrate the extreme passion that the Californians had for Zinfandel. â€Å"So great was the Napa passion for this grape that one of the tiny railroad stations below St. Helena was renamed â€Å"Zinfandel.†By the 1880s Zinfandel Lane crossed the valley, and the steamer Zinfandel plied the bay waters between San Francisco and the wharves of Napa City.†(Sullivan, 2003) This passage is a perfect example of why this book was enjoyable for me.      However, there are times during the book where Sullivan becomes longwinded when it comes to explaining certain points. Long paragraphs embedded with, at times, insignificant graphics and charts make the book a hard and slow read. Yet, my curiosity and desire to learn helped me overcome the craving to close the book.      The desire I did have to close the book may have been attributed to the amount of â€Å"wine lingo†found within the text. The excessive amount of references to other wine varieties made it extremely tiresome, as I had to repeatedly look up in dictionaries and encyclopedias the characteristics of a certain wine he was describing. I believe that a person more educated in the subject of wine would enjoy this book more than an uneducated person like me. If a reader is not familiar with wine, the book can be quite discouraging at times.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Men At Forty
â€Å"Men at Forty†is a very well written poem so clearly the diction was chosen well. There are so many things that can be considered diction when writing like if you want to be more sensuous which means you write to appeal to the senses or you have the choice to make it emotional of even esoteric so only the few amount of people who have the proper knowledge to understand it do. A couple of words that describe how this poem was written are precise, emotional, abstruse and esoteric could even tie in with that.Precise writing is marked by exactness or accuracy and â€Å"Men at Forty†in my eyes is very accurate. I do believe that what Donald writes about is exactly what happens once a man gets to forty. In the first stanza it says â€Å"Men at Forty Learn to close softly The doors to rooms they will not be Coming back to. †This is a metaphor about how since he is older he must come to terms with the fact that he might never reach some of his goals in life. Emot ion is a big part of writing because what's the point in writing if there is no emotion.No one will even want to read your writing because they get bored easily with it. In stanza 3 it states â€Å"And deep in mirrors They rediscover The face of the boy as he practices tying His father's tie there in secret†this is very emotional because the man Is looking in the mirror and he still feels young but that is on the inside the outside shows he is growing old, and no one likes growing old because it's a sad reality that we are getting closer and closer to death. This poem can be very abstruse because It could go over some peoples' head.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Ibo Culture Of Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart
Cultures each have their own set of beliefs and morals and quite often these beliefs and morals vary greatly between each culture. Commonly, a culture has its own rules for women. The Ibo culture of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart is one that gives its women power. They get their power through their roles as mothers and their contributions to their religion. Great power is also given to the women through the parts they play in agriculture for the clan. The women in Ibo society are misunderstood when their own African culture is compared to modern Western culture. The power given to the Ibo women, in the form of motherhood, is often overlooked due to the comparison, whereas by the Ibo, â€Å"women are viewed as the foundation of the clan and its people†(Hiatt). The women play educator in the Ibo villages. They pass on the morals, beliefs, and stories of the clan. This means that the women â€Å"are pivotal to the literal survival of the community and social normsâ₠¬ (Strong-Leek). It would be true to say that women in Western society also have this power; however, the power is not to the same degree. The Ibo women â€Å"are viewed mainly as child bearers†(Strong-Leek), therefore the Ibo children spend nearly all of their early childhood moments with their mothers. The lack of significant outside interaction means that these mothers control nearly all aspects of their children’s development. The mothers share stories that teach â€Å"important lessons about the human condition†(Hiatt) whichShow MoreRelatedA Civilization Falls Apart Essay1167 Words  | 5 Pagesun-dignified lion-chasing culture to that of a semi-dignified European society. The novel Things Fall Apart by Nigerian-born author Chinua Achebe, tells the story of a Umuofian villager named Okonkwo, and how Okonkwo has to come to grips with the changes that are happening in everyday Ibo life. The novel Things Fall Apart is not your typical tall African tal e. The novel is a story, a story not just about one person, but about an entire civil-society circa 1890s that becomes overwhelmed withRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart Essay1682 Words  | 7 Pagespracticed by African cultures, whether the culture is native or mainstream, are mostly organized. They all have a certain degree of the priest class, libation, holidays, creation stories, divine systems of punishments and rewards. In the novel, Things Fall Apart, written by Chinua Achebe, is a story of tragic fall of a protagonist and the Igbo culture. Achebe demonstrates different examples and situations of where an African culture, in the instances of tribal religions, did certain things because of theirRead MoreAchebe1599 Words  | 7 Pages Achebe’s Defense of The Ibo People in Things Fall Apart Option 1 The late Chinua Achebe is considered to be one of the most important voices in African literature. Born in colonial Nigeria in the 1930’s, Achebe joined the first wave of African writers who were determined to represent their country in a way that would truthfully depict the past and present. Before the arrival of the first wave writers, the history of pre-colonial Africa was portrayed as a place of barbarous activity. EuropeanRead MoreThings Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe858 Words  | 4 PagesThe definition of sexism is discrimination on the basis of sex. In many cultures sexism was and still is a controversial topic. In fact, women in America couldn’t even vote until the 1920’s. The abundant masculinity in this novel is not sexism but just how the culture functions. Chinua Achebe’s novel Things Fall Apart is not sexist towards women; in fact, it shows that women are essential to the Ibo society and posses a great amount of strength. For example, the novel is not sexist because it emphasizesRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart1303 Words  | 6 Pagesof Chinua Achebe in his book Things fall apart (1958) is to depict openly and clearly the culture of the Ibo people of the West Africa (Bloom 49). Contrasting the European views of the Africans such as Conrad s book titled Heart of Darkness; Achebe depiction narrates involved rituals, customs, and laws and comes up with personal attributes. Chinua Achebe in Things Fall Apart shows the aspects of full functionality and life. Nevertheless, Achebe still upholds his aim and eludes giving the Ibo anyRead MoreChinua Achebe s Life Of Literature999 Words  | 4 PagesEssay: Chinua Achebe Chinua Achebe is a renowned Nigeria novelist lauded for his work in literature. Chinua Achebe has been credited with numerous works of literature ranging from novels to journals. His work cuts across borders, making huge success and accepted globally in the world of literature. Even critics had to accept Chinua Achebe is the greatest our time, such was Charles H Rowell a literary critic issued in Callaloo a reputable magazine. There was no surprise when Chinua Achebe wonRead MoreChinua Achebe s Life Of Literature830 Words  | 4 Pages Chinua Achebe is a renowned Nigeria novelist lauded for his work in literature. Chinua Achebe has been credited with numerous works of literature ranging from novels to journals. His work cuts across borders, making huge success and accepted globally in the world of literature. Even critics had to accept Chinua Achebe is the greatest our time, such was Charles H Rowell a literary critic issued in Callaloo a reputable magazine. There was no su rprise when Chinua Achebe won the 1972 Commonwealth prizeRead MoreThings Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe2361 Words  | 10 PagesThings Fall Apart Book Critique Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is a historical fiction novel describing the life of Okonkwo in a Nigerian village succumbing to European ways, in order to portray Achebe’s view on imperialism. It was chosen for us to read by our teacher because it describes imperialism and its effects in an Ibo village of Nigeria. It also shows the treatment of natives by the Europeans and how the natives reacted. Things Fall Apart is useful to our course of studies because itRead MoreChinua Achebe As A Nigerian English Novelist Essay1874 Words  | 8 PagesCHINUA ACHEBE AS A NIGERIAN ENGLISH NOVELIST Abstract: Chinua Achebe is the most widely read African novelist in the world today. He has encompassed in his novels one century of history of Nigeria. Achebe highlights various aspects of the Ibo culture in his novels-â€Å"Things Fall Apart†, â€Å"No Longer at Ease†, â€Å"Arrow of God†, â€Å"A Man of the People†and â€Å"Anthills of Savannah†. He is regarded as the invention of the African literature. He takes pride in being ‘a teacher’ of his society and calls upon hisRead MoreWhat Drives a Man1606 Words  | 7 Pagesa successful man? This, in itself, is a culture bound question because it can vary from culture to culture. However, in the perception of Okonkwo, the main character in Chinua Achebe s novel, Things Fall Apart, the measure of a man s success is based on two elements, material acquisition and growth, and physical prowess. This is ironic for Okonkwo since his people s typical idea of success seems to be constructed of a complex, strong spiritual culture, seemingly able to deal in traditional ways
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